I'm moving overseas and we can't take them with us...so sad....
Craving chocolate, uh oh, here comes grumpy me...
Welcome.*having flashbacks to her own scary/wtf-was-I-thinking ideas*
Note to self: Never make these cookies again unless I have parchment paper. I swear, they're welded to the pans and they're not even fully cooked. T-T
Thinking on trading in Anarchy Reigns for some cash and buy DmC: Devil May Cry tomorrow.
A friend of mine streamed a bit of Anarchy Reigns for me but I'm not sure what to make of it. He wants me to buy it but I'm not sure. What's your take on the game?
Simply said, a mediocre game with short campaign, mediocre storyline and repetitive gameplay and the worst game by Platinum Games.