What are you sick of?

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Mods abusing power when danger and death is ignored.

If I make a topic on a site about how mods abuse power and I get banend for it then I think abusive mods want to get away with their own hypcortical bullshit when they ignore concerns at every turn.

And "I" have to be the one to be "warned"? I call bullshit.

Don't EVER play that game with me. I'm going to have to go to the cops because of abusive mods on other sites ignoring danger and DEATH.

This is exactly why China has heavy gaming restrictions. This is exactly why sites like pounced.org get taken down. I gave those abusive mods every warning. And it's only ever "last word in. **** off and this is done". No, it's not. COPS now.

I did warn them.
That bogan who bothers me is just as bad.

My mum hated living in Australia.

People relocated there in the 60s, due to a big freeze. But they were often bullying people they knew came from Britain.
Roadworks , they could have been done all summer while the kids were out of school and people took holidays but no.

Let's cause massive delays and drag the job out as long as possible to get paid overtime and doss as much as we can

There's a certain trend when it comes to Indie horror games as of late where they design the game to basically be two different experiences at once. For example, I played the demo of I think it was called "Harvest Shadows" or something the other day that was essentially a farming simulator during the daytime and during night you had to survive against ghosts.

Can't say I'm a fan of having my time wasted doing non-horror stuff as I find it just breaks the tension rather than adding to it and I hope this fad in game development passes quickly.
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Last night, I posted a thread on beyond3d.com, expressing how I'm not remotely interested in any more Resident Evil remakes.

It honestly depresses me how the same people who complain about cut content still ask for more of them. RE4 was an exception of a great one, primarily because Capcom didn't want to step on any toes. Although don't equate that as me being a RE4 lover. I still loathe the direction they took the series in.

If Capcom unveiled a Revelations 3, I'd support that. But I'm definitely not as hyped any more for games as I once was, because I believe they just kept RE going for the money. Doing all these lousy spin offs as well, and side media that's just as bad.

Not many gamers supported Days Gone, yet that game actually had a backbone. But I'm not fussy about the alleged remaster that I heard about.

P.S. I hate typos.
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I'm legit controlling steam mods. As in they know better then to try and silence me when I warned them.

Got a steam topic going in suggestion/feedback. Need logical people with brains to consider online abuse and how lack of communications harms people online when mods don't communicate/ask properly.

There's a reason this site has a "Ask the mods anything" topic. That's the right idea.
Zyber (A Furcadia beekin) ignored danger and death. Pretended avoiding communication isn't stonewall abuse (google stonewall abuse). And put me on a 24 hour block.
He ****ed up. Sent support tickets to Furcadia staff. I'm threatening with cops. Worked with steam after all.

Evasive habits proves guilt. Holding hard conversations is logic backed up by threapists. They will learn, or they will pay the price for choosing to be stupid.

I'm not the dragon to **** with. I bite back. Tenfold. You want to treat people like doormats? At least pay attention. Do that and we're good.

Turn a blind eye and I aim straight for the throat. No mercy for cowards. They won't learn if you coddle them. They'll make every excuse to try and avoid accountability. Don't let 'em. Because if you do then you ALLOW abuse. If you choose to do nothing then you ARE encouraging it. Perhaps even defending it.

Get your head out of "normal". Get into "Hunt". You're not getting anything done by being a doormat and rolling over. People will want to walk over you. Treat you like ****. Then treat you like you don't even exist. You only get away with that with both eyes open. Why ever let people get away with that ****?

Fight back. Or suffer. Face your fears, or live IN fear. And you DO care if you pretend you don't. You just choose to do nothing about it because you think it's about "trying to change the world". You get it backwards then. It's not about that. It's about doing something when you notice it. When you choose to do nothing. And you have only youreself to blame for that.

You and whatever friends you have ARE affected. You ALLOW abuse if you notice it and choose to do nothing. Which then circles back on you and whoever you know. So if you think about it, it's better to try and prevent problems sooner. Otherwise you're just part of the problem.

Then it's you. When you could have learned sooner. Tried sooner. Then you hate yourself. They ALL do. Hiding behind sarcasm. Fake smiles and happy masks. I see through it though. I get people to admit their flaws in those 1 on 1 talks. You're just trying to avoid the problems. Instead of trying to do something about it.

Struggle by all means. But you know when you allow abuse. If you knew what abuse really is, what love is, then you wouldn't just do nothing. That's why I defuse volatile people online. It's why I show concern for armed people in real life. So why aren't you people doing anything?

What. Have you. Accomplished? Ohhhh, right, you just got desperate to make it about yourself and whatever your own group is. That's why you won't hear the end of it. Because YOU will have ignored the problems and chose to do nothing about it.

People die all the time people say. AND? Is that an excuse to ignore online abuse when you know it happens?
People that speak up against mods (other then me) get them to see reason. The power is in the hands of "the people". If you try. If you fight back. But why do that when you can pretend it will all go away if you ignore it? Which has never once worked in reality.

Zyber ****ed up. I have the proof. Steam mods had to cave in. Let's see if Furcadia does. If not then I'm sure the cops will be very interested about how danger and death was ignored. ****ing idiots.

I'm stull amused by the fact I control steam mods though. Go me. And YOU can get results like that too. Progress is progress. Furcadia will learn or pay the price. I'm done being a doormat. I'm playing dirty cards. I fight back. I'll do whatever it takes. I'll destroy the entire site if I have too.

And all that time all it would have taken is LISTENING the first time. Problem solved.

Mods need proper training. People need to hold them accountable for their abusive actions. Confirmed by mods/admins that listen to me. At that point even mods agree with me.

If something matters enough, I keep talking about it. People just hate me for having the courage to speak up more. That's their problem though. Why should anyone be treated like they don't even exist? Why make excuses for that? It's legit worse then murder. And killers would even say that. So what's your pathethic excuse when you do it?
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My stupid giant hands and their thumbs accidentally unfollowing or ignoring members by accident on my phone when scrolling, because the touch screen is more sensitive than it needs to be.

Ye must all think i am a raving lunatic :ROFL:
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People avoiding the harder conversations when they only be closed minded making it about themselves. Be mindful of those "fun" people.

They work themselves up. No skin off my back. Just foolish how people get desprate for fun and can't even have an open mind. If people know learning from more is how to enjoy more then they know better. "You can't convince me" is a closed minded statement.

They're always the ones avoiding their problems. I even warned them that people that don't consider the possability are more insecure. Just because they say they haven't noticed it doesn't mean it doesn't happen. How can people notice if they flee the moment they don't like what they hear? So they just proved I'm correct about how they're one to avoid their problems. The "Fun" statements gave it away.

Desperation for fun will lead to despair. Chase it and you won't get it. Face the harder situations more and you'll get more then just fun. "Joy" is not the same as "Happiness".

Here's how I caught them out. "Who are you?" They said they don't know what defines them. I see through that "I'm me" excuse. Just the excuse of a fool that can't consider context. And it was proven. I saw it incoming when they went "Fun this. Fun that". Even after I stated chasing fun leads to despair.

If people don't use their brain when warned then they'll ditch you the moment they can't get their "quick fix". People like that live "fake smiles and happy masks". Pretending to know when they can't even use their brain.

I'm finding it both amusing and pathetic. Maybe they'll see reason later, maybe not. Either way I feel fine because I tried. I ask. They doubted. That's the sign of not knowing yourself. Because all people do is think of themselves alone. That's not considering the "Objective situation". You don't learn about yourself by doing that. You learn more about yourself from facing the difficult situations more.

You don't fight "me", you fight "yourself". I'm just pointing out the signs. Some people listen and learn. Some are just that desperate for a quick fix. Why make it about fun if those "fun" people abandon you at the first opportunity? There's no "meaning" there. If people can't talk about "meaning" then they're blind idiots. Consider what you don't like more. Or you're just an idiot.

What I'm basically saying here is that peoples "Desperation for fun" makes them weak. I know when people are desperate and in denial. If you don't consider the possability (this one didn't) the you were warned. I know how people work themselves up. On the flipside if you consider the possibility in all things the you're PREPARED. People that do that are actually more fun. Because they play with more.

"Fun" people aren't as "fun" as they pretend to be. They're living in fear and denial instead. That's not playing. That's living a lie. Either play in all things or learn to do so. Anything less and you're not as "fun" as you like to think.
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Thanks to a Freedom of Information Request, it was found out that the University of Nottingham gave out trigger warnings to its students studying The Canterbury Tales over "expressions of Christian faith". For anyone that doesn't know, the entire plot is about a bunch of pilgrims traveling to the grave of a Saint. Needless to say, I am sick to the back teeth of my religion being demeaned by an illiberal institution. :mad:
  • Wow
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The combination of living in the cold dark north and having seasonal affective disorder.

I hate it I hate it I HATE IT.

Well, just 2 weeks and I get to have some sunlight abroad.
The fluctuating weather, can't plan anything as it rains out of nowhere with no warning, or is freezing cold with frost.

Please just pick one and stick with it.
Thanks to a Freedom of Information Request, it was found out that the University of Nottingham gave out trigger warnings to its students studying The Canterbury Tales over "expressions of Christian faith". For anyone that doesn't know, the entire plot is about a bunch of pilgrims traveling to the grave of a Saint. Needless to say, I am sick to the back teeth of my religion being demeaned by an illiberal institution. :mad:
thats a step too far.