That's the person who ruined rap.![]()
This right here.
That's the person who ruined rap.![]()
This right here.
Yeah, I hear you. However, to be ''in the middle ground'' is not something to be proud of by default. If you think being in the middle is good, then fine. I have nothing against it, and neither should anyone else. But to be honest, nobody should act all 'holier than thou' by saying they're better persons because they never hate anything. Everybody hates something - it's part of the human psyche. Heck, it's part of all organisms' psyche. Hating something is not a bad thing. It sort of reminds me of many gamers' stances on current (****ty) games like Fable III; ''if you don't like it, don't criticize it'' OR ''If it isn't good, then stfu, because at least we got something rather than nothing.'' That's the stuff that gets me riled up, because it's exactly the kind of mentality that will leave us with a boatload of mediocre games, with the excellent ones as rare as red diamond.Well, finally! Here's a thread where I can answer the question of what the hell am I sick of! So sorry if this is a LONG RANT!
You know what I'm sick of? You really wanna know?
This fanbase!Both sides of the spectrum! Doesn't matter who! Doesn't matter if they're for or against it! I'm glad I'm in the "middle ground" or what I call "the DMC and DmC sanctuary"!
I am so sick and tired of such people:
- considering DmC Dante as somebody else. Why do that when he's just a different iteration of Dante just like the ones before him after DMC1 Dante! Why not consider the "Dante"s that came after the first guy somebody else then, eh? They're all different iterations too after the first, you know?
I facepalm every time I see/hear/read it again and again!
- only looking at the negatives, never the positives! Such one-sidedness!! Both "original" and reboot have strengths and weaknesses, okay? Let's look at both sides of the coin, eh?
- giving me bad labels for supporting DmC! It really gets in my nerves!!
- thinking DmC will replace DMC! God! Stop absorbing the evil of fear and put it right back in Pandora's Box for Zeus' sake!
- labeling those who hate DmC weaboos and other anime jazz (since DMC3 and DMC4 had anime-generic plots
I do agree with you there that there is no such thing as a 'side'. I remember one moderator here (Tony_Redgrave) even said that "There is no such thing as a 'true' fan." His words right there motivated my individuality.Yeah, I hear you. However, to be ''in the middle ground'' is not something to be proud of by default. If you think being in the middle is good, then fine. I have nothing against it, and neither should anyone else. But to be honest, nobody should act all 'holier than thou' by saying they're better persons because they never hate anything. Everybody hates something - it's part of the human psyche. Heck, it's part of all organisms' psyche. Hating something is not a bad thing. It sort of reminds me of many gamers' stances on current (****ty) games like Fable III; ''if you don't like it, don't criticize it'' OR ''If it isn't good, then stfu, because at least we got something rather than nothing.'' That's the stuff that gets me riled up, because it's exactly the kind of mentality that will leave us with a boatload of mediocre games, with the excellent ones as rare as red diamond.
BTW, I don't call this the "middle ground"; I call it "the sacred sanctuary for fans of BOTH DMC and DmC". And I'm not the type
Well, I'm tired of drowning in hatred. I know what it's like. If I hate, then I get hated. Hatred begets more hatred as a saying goes, you know?
Not all current games are $#!++y and mediocre as you claim. I'm not the type to generalize. I try them, then I make my damn judgement.
As for your points:
- This new Dante doesn't quite have the same style, personality and image as the ones from DMC3 and DMC4. He doesn't say the type of things he would say in previous games. He has different friends, different values (possibly). That makes him a different version of Dante. To be honest, I don't see the point in calling him Dante. Since this Dante started a new game series and new continuity, he could be called Jeff just as well (not that I'd want him to be called Jeff, especially when it's Jeff with a J).
Only to people like you DmC Dante (Donte) doesn't have the "same" style, because he's always been a different iteration ever since DMC2 and always will be way different from the first one! If you people think DmC Dante shouldn't be called Dante, then that's the equivalent for calling DMC2 (Dente), DMC3 (Dinte), DMC3 Manga (Dinte), DMC Anime (Dunte), and DMC4 Dante (Dunte) somebody else! That's what the DMC1 Dante purists are doing (even up 'til now there are still those doing that after DMC3's release; Reuben Langdon even said in an interview where he said DMC3 is a reboot to the DMC series that he have received a lot of hate mail about being Dante). I wouldn't give a rat's @$$ if he gets changed frequently as long as he can still have a hell lot of fun whooping some demon @$$es using a sword and twin pistols while insulting these demons all at the same damn time! This is what I'm getting sick and tired of! I am disenfranchised and disillusioned towards this!
Let's say I have a different iteration of Dante; my own interpretation that is But the end result was close to the interpretation of DMC1 Dante. Would you like to call him Dante, then? I definitely would! But some of you won't accept him!
Just to let you know something here: I'm not accepting every Dante, nor do I reject every Dante... I just have something called TOLERANCE! Another thing I have for all of them is NEUTRALITY! It's best to be neutral so I can have balance. I just don't understand...
- Well, that's sort of subjective, too. I do agree with you that they both have their own strengths and weaknesses, but some people just don't place equal value on those strengths. Let's say the story is nice, but you don't really care about story. In that case, if the gameplay isn't that good, the game has almost lost its value to you (since story has no value in your mind). Of course, those people should realize that they can't hate on something for not appealing more to them. But sadly, there are people out there who don't often think objectively.
Well, I'm not completely one-sided. My video game standards has something which goes "the type of videogame I want to play should have a balance between story and gameplay, alongside replay value!" So sadly, the DMC series did not live up to my standards. This is why I believe this series is a MISTAKE!
I believe in general equality. Therefore, I place equal value.
- I guess they can't help it. Some a**es have a tendency to try to deprecate your opinion if it's opposite to theirs. I feel that supporting DmC at this point is an odd thing to do, since it will make DMC5 very unlikely. I know you disagree in your fourth post, but the fact is: developers listen to their fans, but only the majority. So if the majority supports DmC2 and other sequels while NOT supporting DMC5, there's no chance for DMC5 to be developed any time soon. And that's like the majority of people making decisions about your future. I support DmC, but I want to see DMC5 first, to end the DMC franchise so that people who like DmC can play that game without problems.
Wanna know some examples of such @$$es? There was one person over YouTube who called my opinion 'wrong' and other $@!+ like that! They're using mostly the Strawman logical fallacy. An opinion is never right or wrong! It's just what he or she thinks!
And what happens when you listen to the majority of fans too much? The end result will be like Call of Duty! LOOT AT IT! I don't want my fan majority to have the next game the same damn thing/s over and over and over and over AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN!!! They should give new things a shot before judging them first. I know they would!
What if some small part of the fanbase said something like wanting something different? Then, that's something to consider. Hear everyone; it doesn't matter if it's majority or minority...!
Wanna know another example of not listening to fans? One user (Ieyasu) even said that even DMC4 divided this fanbase too thanks to developers all having their pieholes shut up while adding something new which no one recognized at first. One example is Nero, its main protagonist. Some like him; some hate him. And that was divided between accepting him and rejecting him calling him a "wannabe Dante" and other anti-Nero slurs.
There are no 'sides'. No DmC side, no DMC side. Only those who like DmC, those who feel 'meh' about it, and those who don't like it. We can't label people like that; they all have their own reasons for liking or disliking DmC or being ambivalent or whatever else. As soon as we realize there are no 'sides', we can get less aggressive.
We should all just toughen up and realize that we can't stop criticism or hate. Nor should we, otherwise it would become some sort of dictatorship like in the movie Equilibrium. If somebody's harrassing you, ignore them. If that's not possible, report them. Just like in real life. Nobody's trying to haul you to their 'side'. People simply look for places to blow off steam and show their standpoints so that they feel heard.
But once I hear the same old reasons again and again and again no matter if it's from different people, then that's where I am sick and tired of...
For the ignore part? Such people matter little to me... But it's annoying I get alerts from people I ignore... So yes, it's easy to report them. As for people wanting to look for places to blow off steam and show their standpoints so that they feel heard? I feel like some of them are just shoving their beliefs down on others' throats. Yeah, I hear them.
Go listen to "I Walk Alone" by Saliva and look at its lyrics so you'll see what kind of person I am, which includes being a complete anti-stereotypical individual, not someone collected. I don't like being a stereotype! I posted the vids of it here which you did not quote. I'm not a majority person!
*Like someone says something I wanted to say, right?* I understand where you're coming from, but it's just a fact that a lot of people think alike or can relate to each other. However, it is annoying when people quote each other and pretend like they said it themselves, I agree.
I like that you try to be your own person, but sometimes when you think your viewpoints are unique, you'll find out there's an incredible amount of people who feel the same way. So individuality is something to strive for, but it's not always literally possible.
* Some people like to do that, yes. But when I read something and think that person is flat out wrong, I will tell them they are, and I'll give my opinion on the matter. Sometimes their opinions are based on misinterpretations or ignorance, so if I can help them adjust their opinion, that can only be a good thing. But what pi**es me off is when somebody decides to have a debate with me, but then backs out of it as soon as I prove some of what they say is not necessarily a fact. I think a similar issue arose with me and Bazilican once. At some point, he just 'decided' that what I said was nonsense and that I was ranting and stuff, even though he hadn't responded to most of my comments or maybe hadn't even read them. Besides, if they're not willing to listen, then why do they respond in the first place? Why post hateful comments like ''what you're saying is bullshit and I'm not going to respond again?'' Not useful info to me. First you listen to the whole story, THEN you pass judgement. Not before. So that's similar to your issue with some people, I think. Some of us appear to be too lazy to respond in an adult way, and don't look at all the info from both standpoints.
*I read the lyrics of that song, and while I understand that that behavior could stem from past abuse, I think it's best not to let those things get to your head. It's pretty much impossible to walk alone, but life is a lonely road nonetheless, so we need all the support we can get. I suspect that, at some point, you may have hoped to hear other people say they were in the middle of the road on DmC and DMC, like you are yourself. In that case, it proves your need to have support, so in that sense, you've already decided not to walk alone (even though the song says otherwise).
*Like someone says something I wanted to say, right?
*I see... It's just adjusting, probably persuasion or something. It's trying to convince people too. And I bet Bazilican (I haven't heard from him for a long time; I wonder how he is since I left?) wasn't much of a listener, now is he? Then one of my friends (it's the same one who thinks I'm using the booze bottles as an excuse, but we decided to stop talking anything DMC since I showed him a better Hack&Slash game, which is Ninja Gaiden, in which he agreed.) posted some pic in which he summarizes that if you listen to others too much then you're brainwashed, yet if you get all caught up in your own self-beliefs then you're self-centered, greedy, and you think you're needy
*The road by yourself may be tough, but it could open the possibility of something new, unique, innovative, and never been done before. But you got a point there. Sometimes you get help, even from someone or something unexpected. As what Cloud Strife said at the end of Advent Children/Complete "I'm not alone, not anymore..." because he wasn't the only one suffering Geostigma...
I'm glad you see me as an individualistic person.![]()
*Yeah. It is, even if you're saying what somebody else said, but in your own interpretation...* Well, mainly people copying and pasting, or sounding like everyone else in a group of people. It's always good to write down your own words instead of going: ''yeah! What he said!''
* Exactly. But then, some people just don't want to be persuaded, even if they got something wrong. Some religious organizations have that, too. Just the other day I saw on the Rachel Maddow show that there's some Christian organization that's against gay rights, who think that gays want to destroy families or something. Or that gay people will *dominate the world!* or something XD They support the Russian government's stance on homosexuality and the 'propaganda' of gays (whatever that means). You can't convert someone to your sexual orientation; it's just not possible - you're either gay, bi or straight, you can't switch by persuasion. Gays are no different from straight people or bisexuals; they don't have any agenda, aside from obtaining equal rights, which is only fair. I should know; I've got a gay relative. But they don't want to hear they're wrong about that.
I think it's really good that you're not jumping on the bandwagon, so to speak; that you're your own person. However, it's best not to be afraid of having the same opinion as some people. Judging people beforehand who parrot each other is not a good idea; if you think they don't know what they're talking about, bring it to their attention. Most of them just don't have great writing skills, so they quote stuff they think is appropriate to how they feel about stuff. 'Being Switzerland', if you will, doesn't always equal taking the high ground. Anyway, thanks for replying and keep up the objective views! I can see you understand very well. Just don't be afraid to be vocal about stuff you don't like![]()
I can, but I'll just say in a manner where I can not try to agitate others... For me (and others like LysseC), saying something like "(insert something I hate here) sucks" or something similar may end up agitating other people! LysseC told me this as my profile comment from her, which was posted way back. Once she becomes more active here, I'm gonna go thank her!![]()
A nice and fair debate, you mean.Yeah, it would probably be best to replace 'it sucks' with a less definite statement, like 'I don't enjoy it at all' or 'I find it lacking in many respects'. Of course, once you explain what you mean by that, chances are you'll be attacked nonetheless. I usually explained why I dislike DmC in a normal way, but there's always people who get angry.
Anyway, thanks for the debate![]()