Passion by Lauren Kate.
1 - Some of these concepts sound a whole lot like my friend's manuscript. I'm in a toss-up about whether to suggest she reads this series to get an idea of how to pull it off, or to just shut up incase it does the opposite of what I want it to and discourages her to the extent of scrapping her novel. :/
2 - Ohhhhh Daniel *swoons*
3 - I thought this was a TRILOGY! COME ON! WHY ME? WHYYYYYY?!?!?!?!
4 - I'd just like to make it clear that I am anti celestialXmortal romance. Euw. No, seriously. Euw.
5 - Angel of the silent watchers, the Grigori. Sweet. Now I know the silent watchers are the Announcers, but why you no state so specifically author! Or have I got it wrong? And if I do, wth are the silent watchers?
6 - Can NOT believe somebody already called dibs on the term Watcher. Stuff you Lauren Kate, I'll think of something more creative then!!!
7 - Oh yeah. The next best thing to hit the literary scene is soooo going to be the whole angelXmortal romance thing. I'd watch the movie if they turned this series into a movie. With some fine tuning.
8 - The first book was painful to read. Not Twilight painful but still pretty uneventful and confusing as hell. It took me several days to read it. The third book? I read it in TWO days. Yep. I just finished it today. Because I couldn't sleep last night because I HAD TO FIND OUT WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS JUST HAPPENING SO FAST AND I DON'T WANT TO MISS A SECOND OF IT.
9 - Very good reading material. I'd recommend it to anyone who has the munchies for some demon/angel/mortal teenage drama.
10 - I also think Daniel's got one up on Julian with this. He gets more....whoa. Fanfic alert. *runs off to write fanfic* Muahahahaha.