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What are you looking forward to ?


Anti - Little D
Its a new year so that means people are lookign forward to new things in the coming months, so just say what they are :)
It would help to start off by saying " I looking forward too .... "

I'm looking forward to
The new J.J abrams film called Super 8 in June
March 4th - Pokemon Black and White is released and I find out my AS results :unsure:

May 31 , I finish College :)
27th of January - Pay Day :lol:

May/June - seeing a live Derren Brown show ( Outside UK useres may not know who he is .. look on Wikipedia )

October 30th - my birthday (20th)


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
January 27th - Pay Day.

February 14th - Valentine's Day.

March 12th - My Birthday.

April 7th - Anniversary.

September 17th - Girlfriend's Birthday.

25th December - Christmas Day.

(Any other Pay Day date)


Im looking forward

May 13th my birthday

In 3 weeks new faster internet connection

11/11/11 The elder scrolls 5 SKYRIM

School to end


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't know... I just hope this year is better financially than the last one. I've got nothing like the 'end of' something to look forward to - I've finished my degree, finished by year business placement, moved already, now I guess I just want things to work out, but I've no idea how long that's gonna take.

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
Feb 5th - Going to London for Tattoo and rock clothing convention to scout for more suppliers.

Feb 6th - Anniversary

Feb 7th - Murderdolls gig in London

Feb 22nd - Rob Zombie gig

July - 8th - 10th Sonisphere Music Festival

July 15th - Blink 182 gig

Meant to be doing other things like going on holiday and such and other gigs but unsure when they are at moment.

Darth Angelo

Tuck-yet-chi-say-denie trieve trick-dis-nie
At the moment just one on the 28th Jan im going to see my friend in Bristol for his birthday which should be fun.
Other than that no specific events planned just some vague goals like pass the last exam in my lv2 electricians course, get back into work and get a car sorted.
Other things may pop up throughout the year idk yet.


Dark Drakan;296878 said:
Feb 5th - Going to London for Tattoo and rock clothing convention to scout for more suppliers

Rock yh FTW and happy aniversarry :) (for what idk)

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Damien;296848 said:
May/June - seeing a live Derren Brown show ( Outside UK useres may not know who he is .. look on Wikipedia )

:O I am so jealous!!!

Okies things I'm 'looking forward to' this year:

Mid-January: my baby's birthday, picking up driving lessons

End-February: my boy's birthday, my deadline for my rewrite

March: my babe's birthday, moving house, completing my third draft

April: Drafting up my query letter and scouting for an agent. And hopefully getting married. To my partner, not my agent. I mean we'll see but I'm aiming for April, else it will get too late and I don't wanna look like a whale on my wedding day!

May: DmC Demo release (STC)

June: Going for my driver's test AND getting it!

July: Hopefully getting my MIL over for a few months.

August: DUE DATE! Oh my gosh, why is the year so short?

September: Spring time! If we have a garden, we'll be doing some planting. If I'm up to it, I mean.

October: Just about everybody in my family have birthdays this month.

November: Nanowrimo! Oh yeah :cool:

December: Christmas! And good food :)
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