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what are you gonna name your kids?


don't say that but still...your gonna have to settle down sooner or later then your gonna have to get on the parental train, don't worry you'll get used to it:lol:


Aya Brea
The older you get and have work, college and other things... also I have a history of getting sick very easy. I have serious emotional issues and have been put in the 10th floor (aka, mental instatution, but only for a certain reason.) before. Trust me. You don't want me around kids or having kids of my own to take care of. The divorce rate is higher than ever and it takes money, LOTS of money to take care of a kid.

I've had a lot of friends make the mistake of getting pregnant before they were even seniors in high school and had to drop out because their parents weren't always going to take care of everything. Of course they love their kids, but they will tell you they wish they had waited a little longer before becoming a parent.

I say, a better age to want to try and have a kid is in your late 20s. There you'll know what you're doing in life and heading for. Also if you have the finacial money to get them clothes, food, medican, and other things a child needs.

Plus the career I want to get into, we don't get payed that much and we also need other jobs other than drawing for story books and news papers to support our own selves.

I'm also not surprised with where the world is going. I couldn't bare to bring someone into the world and before you know it lose'em. This is my reason why.

I know I'm gonna find my soul mate, and I'm sure we'll talk of the idea of kids, but I know there is a high, high, HIGH chance I'm not going to have kids of my own.
I come from a very lager family. My mother is the oldest of 9 kids, so I have tons of cousins to play with. So I guess that takes care of it.


Is not rat, is hamster
Not one person is ever ready for kids - never. You cannot possibly be 100% prepared for the arrival of a completely unique individual who, although dependant on you for a period of time, has their own personality and mind. If you wait to have enough money to have a family, you'll never do it either. Kids will cost you for the rest of your life and there is no budgeting plan on the planet that will afford them unless you are a billionaire.

I had my kid too soon and for the longest time I felt like my life was ruined - I ceased to be Sharon and was just "Jessica's mum"; then I got her to be into the same stuff as me and we got on fine. If I went clubbing, she came to. If I went to the movies at 10pm, she tagged along. Festivals, concerts, parties - you name it, she joined me. I figured, within reason, my life wasn't going to revolve around my kid but instead she would have to fit in with the world around her - nothing worse than children who think everything is about them.

Most parenting books tell you to literally put your life on hold until the kid is almost ready to leave home but there was no way in hell I was going to do that. I got her to fit in with my life and it's worked out great - she's a good kid who is pretty independant and does as she's told, most of the time.

I don't know if I can have anymore children - I was very sick recently and because of that I have a reduced chance of conceiving (about 45%-50%)...if I do have another child, it will be my fourth (second delivered) and Steve's first so I guess I'll be more prepared than him, but I'll still not be "ready" coz I haven't a clue what kind of personality the kid will have or whether it will sleep at night or eat well; whether it will have an illness or disability at birth...truth is, you just don't know and nothing in the world can prepare you for parenthood, whether you've planned for a family or not. You get what you are given and you learnas you go along - whether it's your first or tenth child.

SpArDaCaN =/)

I have some of names when in the future:
If its a boy: Rodger, Vince, Harvey, Joey (Morten as his middle name), or Dante.
If its a girl: Harleen, Vicky, or Jessica.
Theres is alot of choices but I just like those names.
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