C Chaos Raiden Avid Gamer & Reviewer Feb 23, 2008 5,557 1,611 11,565 34 chaosdotgaming.blogspot.com Jul 22, 2012 #4,961 Still playing Atelier Meruru.
JessenReinhart This is good, isn't it? Apr 6, 2012 229 91 1,155 28 Jul 22, 2012 #4,962 Assassins Creed Brotherhood. and occasionally DMC4 for the bloody palace.
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,478 19,365 The Void Jul 22, 2012 #4,963 Playing PS3 demos. Dragons Dogma, Blade of time and some others Also playing harvest moon back to nature and bust-a-move 4 Reactions: Angelo Credo
Playing PS3 demos. Dragons Dogma, Blade of time and some others Also playing harvest moon back to nature and bust-a-move 4
C Chaos Raiden Avid Gamer & Reviewer Feb 23, 2008 5,557 1,611 11,565 34 chaosdotgaming.blogspot.com Jul 23, 2012 #4,964 Getting into JRPG frenzy lately: Atelier Meruru, Final Fantasy XIII and Valkyria Chronicles.
Steve Fearfully and wonderfully made Admin Moderator May 1, 2006 2,056 1,551 10,925 38 UK Name Steve Jul 23, 2012 #4,966 Flipping between Red Faction: Guerilla and Sonic 4: Episode II right now. =]
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,478 19,365 The Void Jul 25, 2012 #4,968 3DS demos: Rhythm thief Theatrhythm Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance
Dark Drakan Well-known Member Admin Moderator Mar 4, 2007 9,682 6,821 22,475 39 Staffordshire England Twitter DarkDrakan Jul 26, 2012 #4,970 Max Payne 3
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,478 19,365 The Void Jul 26, 2012 #4,971 Rayman Origins, Heavy Weapon and Zuma
Angelo Credo Kept you waiting, huh? Apr 24, 2008 3,898 566 7,225 www.last.fm Jul 27, 2012 #4,972 Vergil'sBitch said: Playing PS3 demos. Dragons Dogma, Blade of time and some others Also playing harvest moon back to nature and bust-a-move 4 Click to expand... Dragon's Dogma is boss. --- Day Z mostly, gotten back into playing it now a few of my friends picked up Arma 2 in the steam summer sale. Reactions: Vergil's Waifu
Vergil'sBitch said: Playing PS3 demos. Dragons Dogma, Blade of time and some others Also playing harvest moon back to nature and bust-a-move 4 Click to expand... Dragon's Dogma is boss. --- Day Z mostly, gotten back into playing it now a few of my friends picked up Arma 2 in the steam summer sale.
C Chaos Raiden Avid Gamer & Reviewer Feb 23, 2008 5,557 1,611 11,565 34 chaosdotgaming.blogspot.com Jul 27, 2012 #4,973 Still playing Atelier Meruru. Addicted with synthesising stuffs in the game.
Haven Devil May Cry's a Rockin Baby! Jan 10, 2007 1,406 167 7,540 32 England Jul 28, 2012 #4,974 Kingdom Hearts 3D Dream Drop Distance Yakuza Dead Souls Project Zero 2 Wii Edition
C Chaos Raiden Avid Gamer & Reviewer Feb 23, 2008 5,557 1,611 11,565 34 chaosdotgaming.blogspot.com Jul 29, 2012 #4,975 Atelier Meruru. Aiming to get the Platinum for the game if possible.
AzureNight13 Azure Night Goddess.... Or Wesker's daughter Premium Apr 11, 2008 2,401 383 8,180 35 Insanity azurenight13.deviantart.com Twitter AzureNight13 Aug 2, 2012 #4,976 Back to playing Chrono Cross. Does anyone else hate those Dwarves n the Hydra Marshes?
Dark Drakan Well-known Member Admin Moderator Mar 4, 2007 9,682 6,821 22,475 39 Staffordshire England Twitter DarkDrakan Aug 2, 2012 #4,977 Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic II after the Restoration Mod was completed and released
Autumn Welcome to my world.... Jun 27, 2011 731 860 2,155 38 Ye Olde South Wales autumndagaz.deviantart.com Aug 2, 2012 #4,979 I’m so jelly of you all Playing KH:3D T_T I want it but I don’t want a 3DS :/ Blah! Playing Dead Island GOTY and Gears of War 3 ^_^
I’m so jelly of you all Playing KH:3D T_T I want it but I don’t want a 3DS :/ Blah! Playing Dead Island GOTY and Gears of War 3 ^_^
Angelo Credo Kept you waiting, huh? Apr 24, 2008 3,898 566 7,225 www.last.fm Aug 2, 2012 #4,980 Somehow back to playing Skyrim again, modding the crap out of it to make it look prettier. I think it's mainly to give my new PC a work out, and yet a graphically enhanced Skyrim runs smoother than FO3/NV ever did.
Somehow back to playing Skyrim again, modding the crap out of it to make it look prettier. I think it's mainly to give my new PC a work out, and yet a graphically enhanced Skyrim runs smoother than FO3/NV ever did.