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Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Who else saw this movie?

Cause I didn't really like it.

First of all, all of the superheros where just repeats of the same powers,

Owl guy had super strength enhanced reflexes and the power to rip off batman, Silk Specter had super strength enhanced reflexes and the ability to be totally unoriginal since she took over her secret identity frum her mother, Rorschach had super strength enhanced reflexes again but at least had an original costume, then there was the Comedian with super strength enhanced reflexes and the power to be a total asshole.

Basically there was one real super hero who has the power to see thru time teleport matter control energy and the power to be a huge whiney bitch. Was also blue and naked. I mean here is someone who could turn all the worlds nukes into pancakes before anyone knew it and he won't cause his girlfriend left him.:dry:

The main bad guy was the smartest man in the world who also had the most enhanced streanth and the best reflexes of the super strength enhanced reflexes club and decided to prevent nuclear war by creating the omnipresent threat of random mass killings.

OH and if You couldn't tell it was the smartest man guy who did the killing in the beginning, he wasn't a girl, didn't glow blue, didn't rip off batman and wasn't Rawshack DO THE MATH.

And this was supposed to be the films deep dark secret.:rolleyes:

The stupid bit is that this world he creates, where peace is ensured based on fear was useless in the first place cause as we all know the world never ended up with nuclear war.

Basicaly the film seems to be saying that humans SHOULD be controlled by fear cause we will destroy eachother but the artistic premies of all that falls flat on its face because humans CAN prevent nuclear war by themselves and we HAVE for years and years.

The cold war ended without a single nuke dropped anywhere, The whole world is moving towards cutting down its nuclear armament, Soviet Russia is no more, but this film seems to insist that humans are much less capable than we are.

I hated it.

Basically Rorschach was the best part of the film, but you know what happened to him? Killed even though he was a dangerous madman whom no one would believe.

The whole movie was tried to be much more artistic than it was.

At least one real super hero would have been nice. One who wasn't the big blue bitch.

So who else watched the watchmen?

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
It's spelt Rorschach.

And yeah, while the film wasn't brilliant, I found it to be one of the better films I've seen in quite a while, that says a lot for the film industry lately, anyway, the graphic novel is better.

EDIT: I feel a spur of creativity coming on.

The heroes from Watchmen weren't so much about the powers they possessed, or lack of, but rather the ideals they upheld, Rorschach was the greater vigilante in a sense, a little bit messed up, well, really messed up, but had the right ideas, just going about it in the wrong way.

The Comedian saw the world for what it really was, a joke, pathetic and menial, when you see the world for what it really is, for its dark side, you've got a right to become a jaded asshole.

Nite Owl was more to do with the problems he faced, he found himself weak and even called himself impotent to begin with, he was scared, and the idea of a mask killer just made him even more scared, then when Dr Manhattan's girlfriend turned up at his, she pulled him through his rough spot and made him feel powerful again, that's more to do with the idea of people being able to get through anything, even if they're scared or weak, if they have the right people by their sides.

The thing is though, humans really can only be controlled through dictatorship like fear, it's human nature to want someone to control them, it's why communism can't work, A: Because no one is happy sharing everything. B: Because they want someone in power and C: Because someone always tries to take the power.

Oh and you gotta remember, the original graphic novel was written in the 80s.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
^Thank you ^_^

Now the review looks more professional.

And yes, it was better than most films lately, untill the ending.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Fixed my post, mainly because I felt less lazy and felt like doing an in-depth analysis, the characters really do have quite a complex psychology to them.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
I agree that the characters psychology's where in depth, but if you think seeing the truth gives you the right to shoot, beat and rape women we're gonna have to step outside. (metaphorically)

You can see the truth and accept it and do nothing or become an asshole like the Comeidian, a bitch like the blue man or you can see the dark horrible truth and become the exeption to it.

If the life gets you down if it seems harsh and cruel, take exeption to the fact. Be a good person. Instead of kicking a man when he is down like the world will, help him up. If more people took the initiative to be better, the world would be better.

Life is **** because people are.

And I know this was written in the 80's, makes me feel good that it ended up being DEAD WRONG about the shape of the world.

Weird that there are superheros in this world and all they ended up doing is screwing the pooch and making the world worse than actual history.

Seems the movie wants us to accept Communism or a dictatorship. The whole "Living in fear makes the world better" thing is a load of bull****.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
Oh no, I never said anything about it giving you the right to shoot, beat and rape women, I just reckon that seeing the world for the deluded, power hungry mess that it is gives you the right to be a jaded douche now and again, The Comedian was actually my least favourite character, just because of the whole rape thing, he started off relatively cool, but when that one got thrown in there it was like..."Whoa, no, back up a second."

The truth of the world can really mess you up, people won't do good just because they can't be bothered to do it all the time, in essence, people naturally look out for themselves and only themselves, it's all down to basic instinct really, and because of that, when a man is down, the world will kick him, just because they can, it's not a nice place and it can really screw a person up, that's the message Alan Moore was trying to get across with The Comedian.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Angelo Credo;165665 said:
Oh no, I never said anything about it giving you the right to shoot, beat and rape women, I just reckon that seeing the world for the deluded, power hungry mess that it is gives you the right to be a jaded douche now and again, The Comedian was actually my least favourite character, just because of the whole rape thing, he started off relatively cool, but when that one got thrown in there it was like..."Whoa, no, back up a second."

The truth of the world can really mess you up, people won't do good just because they can't be bothered to do it all the time, in essence, people naturally look out for themselves and only themselves, it's all down to basic instinct really, and because of that, when a man is down, the world will kick him, just because they can, it's not a nice place and it can really screw a person up, that's the message Alan Moore was trying to get across with The Comedian.

I agree about the comedian, was ok until the rape thing.

Rorschach was my favorite. Never give up, never compromise even in the face of Armageddon. He never stopped trying to improve the world in his own way.

Loved what he did to that killer "Men go to prison, DOGS GET PUT DOWN!!!!!!!"

And if you think he was to dark to be a real hero, I think accepting the dark parts of human nature and using that darkness to steel your resolve is brilliant.

Criminals like the one Rorschach killed cannot get better, cannot reform.

Would have been executed anyway, Rorschach saved time and tax dollars by taking care of that madman on the spot.

Was also the only one who refused to accept the new world Mr.smarty pants came up with. Fought to the end.

Everyone else sucked.

Bad Wolf

32 flavors and then some
I have not seen the movie (though I really want to), but I have read the book.

What's going on here is a deconstruction of the superhero genre. Alan Moore achieves this by making said superheroes do some pretty morally questionable things, and by portraying them as actual human beings with flaws, as well as showing how messed up vigilantes often are (especially those who run around in the middle of the night in fetish gear). Not to mention showing how politics and wars would be affected if superheroes actually existed (for example, Dr. Manhattan basically being a human nuke, and how other nations react to his existence).

Dark Drakan

Well-known Member
I thought the movie was a fantastic movie, i didnt think they could do the graphic novel justice but they did. All the characters were played pretty well, only a couple with mediocre performances but that wasnt entirely the actors themselves fault. It was the fact that Rorschach overshadowed every other character in the whole of the movie. He was the most interesting, best acted, best voiced and most badass character in the whole thing. Also the ending in the movie was changed from the original ending in the novel (for those that didnt like the movie ending).

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Dark Drakan;165680 said:
I thought the movie was a fantastic movie, i didnt think they could do the graphic novel justice but they did. All the characters were played pretty well, only a couple with mediocre performances but that wasnt entirely the actors themselves fault. It was the fact that Rorschach overshadowed every other character in the whole of the movie. He was the most interesting, best acted, best voiced and most badass character in the whole thing. Also the ending in the movie was changed from the original ending in the novel (for those that didnt like the movie ending).

I'll agree that Rorschach was the best part of the movie.

He was the only true hero there.
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