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Vincent (Dirge of Cerberus; ultimate form) vs. Sparda (with his DT at maximum)

Vincent (Chaosform) vs. Sparda (ultimate DT)

  • Vincent

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • Sparda

    Votes: 11 73.3%
  • They are equal

    Votes: 3 20.0%

  • Total voters
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Well-known Member
Well, Vincent is a pretty sweet dude, but I don't find his ultimate form anything special except for him being another flashy, unnecessary transformation. Really, his ultimate form is just an amplification that comes with a powerful, large gun and wings. The longest time that we see this transformation is the last boss fight. As for Sparda, I haven't seen, so I can't say much. But, what I can say is that going against the Demon World's entire army and having a religion that reveres you as a god is pretty impressive. Just from that little tidbit of info, I can judge that Sparda is possibly the better fighter, but I still need to see more to actual say who's better.


New Member
I would have to say Sparda.

A Legendary Dark Knight, defeated Mundus, defeated his army...

That's enough to say Sparda is the winner.


Dodge this!!!
Im taking it that this is vincents Chaos form. Even if it is, Sparda would win hands down. Vincents most powerful ability is the Death Penalty. Which I doubt would stop Sparda easily.

The Enigmatic Man

Legendary Devil Hunter
Vincent is pretty badass but Sparda is the Legendary Dark Knight. Even without really getting to see Sparda in action, I'm Sparda would finish Vincent with ease.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Vincent's Chaos transformation is something meant to be wiping all life off the planet when its time comes.

It gives him enhanced powers, regeneration, that cool gun. Its pretty much just like DT.

I think its even.

And for all of you instantly voting Sparda, the fact that we have not seen what he can do yet does not make him win automatically. It means we don't know what he does. Meaning a vrs topic on him is impossible.

As for wiping out Mundas and his army, so what? I have seen him and his demons and was not impressed.

Dog Lord Taisho

Well-known Member
Black Angel;180943 said:
Vincent's Chaos transformation is something meant to be wiping all life off the planet when its time comes.

It gives him enhanced powers, regeneration, that cool gun. Its pretty much just like DT.

I think its even.

And for all of you instantly voting Sparda, the fact that we have not seen what he can do yet does not make him win automatically. It means we don't know what he does. Meaning a vrs topic on him is impossible.

As for wiping out Mundas and his army, so what? I have seen him and his demons and was not impressed.

Come on now. You've seen him? For one, Sparda has yet to be depicted in combat, and from what we can gather he was and is the most powerful character in DMC.

But you are correct in that due to his lack of great feats in strength or speed, or anything else, one has little to work with in comparison to anyone let alone Vincent Valentine. With a lack of any concrete feats to prove his strength, sparda would actually loose by default not win. But in my personnel opinion I believe he will show the neccessary power in a future game to prove he is what the fans have hyped him up to be.

Black Angel

Semper Fidelis
Dog Lord Taisho;181387 said:
Come on now. You've seen him? For one, Sparda has yet to be depicted in combat, and from what we can gather he was and is the most powerful character in DMC.

Umm, yhea you see Mundas in the first DMC game. That is what I meant, we have seen Mundas already. Try reading the whole line before you contradict me.:p

All we know about Sparda is that he defeated Mundas, whom you fight as the last boss in the first game. I was not impressed with Mundas's level of power in that fight, I'm pretty sure that Vincent in Chaos mode could easily beat Mundas. Since the only thing Sparda is really known for(beating Mundas and his army) is something Vincent could also do with the power of Chaos they are at least even in terms of power.

But you are correct in that due to his lack of great feats in strength or speed, or anything else, one has little to work with in comparison to anyone let alone Vincent Valentine. With a lack of any concrete feats to prove his strength, sparda would actually loose by default not win. But in my personnel opinion I believe he will show the neccessary power in a future game to prove he is what the fans have hyped him up to be.

I agree with you here in the fact that we do not know and that a match up is impossible untill then. A very intelligent post well thought out post.
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