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Vergil's Moveset & Overall Campaign


Supporter 2014
Since all we know about him is that he'll have the Yamato, I'll just post that skillset here.

--A. Yamato--

Vergil's Katana--most definitely the coolest weapon in Vergil's arsenal. If
you're looking for anything new in the game, this is the weapon you should
start using. This sword has the best range out of all of his weapons, and is
second only to the Beowulf, damage-wise.

1. Yamato Combo

- T, T, T

Careful with the last hit. Your recovery is terrible. You can cancel at
any time during the first 2 hits. You can cancel to anything from a jump,
to a dodge, to any other action you can think of. The last hit inflicts
a powerful knockback to your opponent, so he will be on the other side
of the room after the last hit connects.

Keep in mind that the first 2 hits have less range compared to the last
hit, simply because Vergil doesn't draw his sword on the first 2 hits.
He uses the scabbard or "saya" to inflict initial damage. Vergil draws
his sword on the last hit, thereby enhancing the range of this combo.

Raymond Pelletier

He points out that if you let Vergil finish sheathing his sword after
this combo, you gain about 1/2 an orb of Devil Trigger back!

2. Aerial Rave

- X, T, T

The last hit also inflicts a powerful knockback to your opponent. Your
recovery is pretty good after either slash, so you should be able to
dodge or move around after you land.

Vergil draws his sword for both of these strikes, so, as you can imagine,
the range of this attack is insane.

But oddly enough, the best and most important property of this move, is
the Float property, which is VERY important in getting some of the blue
orbs for Vergil, not to mention, dodging certain attacks in general.

You can cancel off of the first hit of the Aerial Rave, as evidenced by
the insane Vergil combo vids out there. Check the insanity out at your
local youtube.com's, google videos, and devils-lair.org's.

3. Rapid Slash

- [hold R1] + forward + T

Oh, we all know, dodge AND hate this move. Vergil lunges forward and
slices a good, rectangular, chunk of the area behind him. If anything
hits the blade-slash fx, they are knockbacked considerably.

This action is a little too expensive, considering its general
uselessness. Very cool move, nonetheless. Just hard to find a use for.

Oh yeah. Your recovery is bad afterwards, so be careful when you use

4. Upper Slash

- [hold R1] + back + T, T

The first hit is the juggle starter. The second hit inflicts knockback
to the opponent, so if your planning on doing anything fancy, stop at
the first hit. Your recovery is terrible after the second hit though
so be careful with how you use this.

Unlike High Time (the juggle starter for your Force Edge), you don't
have the option of jumping up with your opponent during the juggle, so
again, be careful.

You should have enough time to hit X after the first hit so you DO jump
up with your opponent. Just remember that your recovery after the first
hit is slightly bad, compared to High Time.

Vergil draws his sword for this combo, so your range is pretty good.

5. Judgement Cut

- [hold T], [release T] : T : T

Definitely, my favorite Yamato move. The coolest attack out of Vergil's
repertoire. Sadly, it's also the slowest, and you're actually open
during execution, so do be careful when you use this.

This move starts off with Vergil dashing back, then taking his draw
stance. He then slashes and quickly withdraws the Yamato back to the
scabbard, whilst creating a warping cone. Within the cone,
"sphere-slashes" appear, that inflicts tremendous knockback to anything
it hits. It will even knockback devil-triggered opponents, so it's
actually pretty powerful. You get two additional "sphere-slashes" if you
time your T button presses. The first "sphere-slash" is at the farthest
side of the warping cone. Each subsequent "sphere-slash" appears closer
and closer to Vergil.

This form of timing your button presses is referred to as "Just Frame"
popularized by Tekken 4, 5, and Soul Calibur II and III. The game
actually gives you a pretty big window to input your button press. The
key is observing Vergil's actions and feeling the dual shock "rumbles."
I suggest watching Vergil's hands. As soon as you see him put the
Yamato back in the scabbard, wait for a fraction of a second (or wait
till the first rumble finishes), then press T. Observe his hand again
for a second time, and this time press T AS SOON AS you see the sword
sheathed. And Viola! All 3 hits of the Judgement Cut. Just remember the
initial pause for the second hit, and the virtually non existent pause
for the third hit.

I actually had to use this to beat one of the secret rooms. So I'd
suggest practicing this move.


OP Note: Normally, I just mash on triangle and it still provides all three slashes.


6. Vergil's Dark Ki

Shayne Preszcator
Asakura Yoh

When I discovered this, I thought this neat little trick only worked
during the fight in the credits. Both contributors found that you could
indeed use it at ANY mission in the game with Vergil!

All you need to do is equip the Yamato, perform the taunt, and NOT get
hit while you're in your ready stance.

If you wait long enough, you'll notice that Vergil will start to
radiate a dark ki or aura, much like that of your Devil Triggered

Best part about this, is that you gain one orb of Devil Trigger every
second that you're not hit out of your ready stance! Just remember to
NOT cancel out of the ready stance by moving, attacking, jumping, etc.

It's very important to remember that there HAS to be at least one
opponent around you when you want to do this. You have to be
substantially near an opponent too for this trick to work. It's
definitely risky, but it is a cheap way for you to gain some Devil
Trigger Orbs back.


T = triangle button / Devil Arm Attack
S = square button / Gun Attack
C = circle button / Style Action
X = x button / Jump
forward = forward on your analog stick / toward an opponent
back = back on your analog stick / away from an opponent
: = time your button press / "Just Frame"
[hold ..] = hold down the corresponding button
[release ..] = release the corresponding button



As for his campaign...

Sad Vergil, Infant Nero, Torn-up Cloak, and on his way to the orphanage, most likely.

With demon posters (maybe). That's all we know so far.

Also: Needs more power... obviously.


Fanfiction Theory Gauntlets & Greaves:

Since the Epic Poem characters Beowulf and Gilgamesh were already taken, it only makes sense to keep up with tradition:



Or, if the creators want to go "meta," Aeneas.


Here's some more epic poems to see where Capcom might look to "inspiration" next:


Personally, I vote for Don Juan due to Vergil's rampant success with the opposite gender...


"This is a long, digressive satiric poem, based on the legend of Don Juan, which Byron reverses, portraying Juan not as a womanizer but someone easily seduced by women."


So, it's pretty accurate when you think about it -- Vergil isn't even doing anything, it's just that the women themselves always come on to him instead.
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Well-known Member
It would be nice if the story had something more interesting to do than drop a baby off, if I'm being completely honest.
I think there could be a possibility that they will give the Order more weight than just being some crazy cult (albeit a very powerful crazy cult). Say like it possibly being a puppet cult of a powerful Demon (or Mundus), who was using it as a means to gain power in the human world. Either that or that cutscene with Vergil will just be him dropping the baby off....


Well-known Member
While I don't find the baby Nero thing all that credible, if it were true it would make sense that Vergil either had an affiliation with the Order or was even a member of the Order at one point. If Vergil were, in fact, dropping Nero off for safety before raising Temen-ni-Gru, it could be that he trusted the Order to some extent as they saw his father in a similar, revering light.

It could also explain if Vergil willingly left Yamato in Hell for someone like Agnus to find, perhaps even to give to his son intentionally. That said... nah, probably not the case. This thread should encompass more than just the same fan theory and speculation we've seen concerning Nero everywhere, so I apologize if I opened another can of worms that would be hard to shut. I'll come up with something significant to talk about aside from Nero, I promise. XD


Well-known Member
Well, not as a particularly worshipful member, but it could be that they were the most welcoming people when he first became an orphan, while Dante took another path. The idea of Sanctus giving Vergil some advice and turning him off from the Order does sound pretty funny, though. I doubt Vergil would have stuck around for long.

I think it would make some sense, though. Vergil was always a more studious type who took his father's legacy more seriously than Dante throughout his childhood, so it would make sense that he would find more information from an organization whose belief system is based on Sparda.


Well-known Member
I can't see Vergil as member of the Order at all...
Yah I don't see that happening, but I do see the Order being given more weight than being some crazy off shoot cult. And possibly Vergil might have been investigating what was up with the cult, and who might actually be running the show beyond Sanctus.

But than you'd have to discount the baby theory I guess. I mean as I see it from that teaser, it's either Vergil holding the cloak like it's cold (with arms crossed, or two arms to left side side), or it's a baby. I still think Vergil would have had a kid and not known about it would seem more plausible and true to his character. But people have argued his line in DMC3 to Dante about protecting someone would have more meaning then (besides their mom of course). At this point I don't know..


Well-known Member
If I had to guess, Nero will not have been born at the point in time this story is taking place.

In all likelihood, Vergil is simply in Fortuna to find information about his father, Sparda. While there, he gets caught up in the Order's burgeoning Demonic experiments, and butts heads with their summoned Demons or early attempts as merging Human and Demon physiology. Expect some repeated and remixed areas, enemies and bosses, maybe some expanded levels in the city or in catacombs beneath it, and in particular I could certainly see Berial as making a cameo for a fight. Alternatively, Vergil might even do battle with the Demons whose' Devil Arms powered the Hell Gates in DMC4 - Gilgamesh, Pandora, and Lucifer. It's possible Vergil could even utilize them as weapons of his own, with different movesets from Dante, before somehow losing them at the end of the story.

And as for the plot, concerning Nero, I would assume anything to do with him would be more about his conception or how his mother met Vergil than anything else. There are a hundred different ways they could go with that relationship, so I can't even begin to speculate on the specifics, but at the same time I seriously doubt Vergil will be dropping Nero off at an orphanage or anything like that.


Fake Geek Girl.
It does look like Vergil's holding an infant under that cloak with how close to his chest he has his arms.

My theory was not that he was Nero's dad because Vergil as a parent just doesn't make sense, but Vergil just kidnapping some kid and planting a piece of his soul or something inside the child in an attempt at resurrection later because he was dying.

Basically, he turns the kid in to a Horcrux. For those who don't know, Horcruxes were these special items that a person would put fragments of their soul in to be immortal from Harry Potter. It's what Voldermort did and the best comparison I got for what I'm trying to say.

Nero has something to do with Sparda, and if not a reincarnation, how about this. His Devil Trigger is different too as it's not a full transformation but a spectral like creature popping out wielding specifically the Yamato. Mundus was able to lock Vergil souls in a suit of armor to create Nelo Angelo, what if Vergil was able to do something similar with a human being some how because he escaped Mundus's clutches to an extent?

I think I'll make this its own thread.


Well-known Member
While I don't necessarily agree with the 'whys' behind some of these ideas, I certainly like how you guys are fleshing out the details. Vergil fighting Lucifer, Pandora, and Gilgamesh in particular sounds like a great idea to bring in something they might have done some thinking/work on already. It would certainly follow the theme DMC 3 set by having Vergil wield gauntlets his own way, as well as the remixed use of Force Edge.
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