Vergil's Downfall Story Review

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Hmm i don't really agree with the low score you gave but it's your opinion if you see it that way. However i see it different.. after dante mortally wounded vergil at mission 20, you can see that he is not just ****ed off he probably also feels betrayed, alone, and yes angry! But try to put yourself in his perspective. his father is imprisoned, his mother got her heart eaten and he lost everything like dante but he grows up different then dante did. Throughout the game Vergil thought that Dante and him had gotten a better bond especially after having killed Mundus. He obviously knew what he wanted when Mundus was dead but his punk brother doesn't agree with him and they end up fighting and going separate. The whole dlc is something that happening in his own mind because he can't understand why this is all happening to him. He gets angry and knows he has to get more power, thus the story of Vergil's downfall where he gets evil! You can see in mission 5 when Vergil killed hollow Vergil the heart opens. Just like the statue breaking the chains when dante gets his dt. And plz don't forget you're dealing with a guy that has demon blood in him which he has now completely embraced. furthermore, i think the review is lacking some information like the gameplay?
Personally I would've given it a 4/5.

I was happy that Vergil at least got a story instead of being "opposite Dante in every way."

He actually had character and developed from this hacker, good guy, protector of Earth, to the evil, power hungry tyrant who wants nothing more but power and domination. It really feels like he's changed greatly, and has broken all ties with Kat, Dante, Eva, and even himself, just to attain power.

Gotta say I thought I would hate this new Vergil, but after Downfall, I gotta say;

He's a better Vergil to me, then old Vergil was.^_^ Strange since I hate new Vergil so much.:/
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Personally I would've given it a 4/5.

I was happy that Vergil at least got a story instead of being "opposite Dante in every way."

He actually had character and developed from this hacker, good guy, protector of Earth, to the evil, power hungry tyrant who wants nothing more but power and domination. It really feels like he's changed greatly, and has broken all ties with Kat, Dante, Eva, and even himself, just to attain power..

Never seen that done before.

But in all seriousness it was okay I liked it, still wondering when I'll be wowed by the writing/storytelling. It was why they were chosen to write the story for DmC, right?
Hmm i don't really agree with the low score you gave but it's your opinion if you see it that way. However i see it different.. after dante mortally wounded vergil at mission 20, you can see that he is not just ****ed off he probably also feels betrayed, alone, and yes angry! But try to put yourself in his perspective. his father is imprisoned, his mother got her heart eaten and he lost everything like dante but he grows up different then dante did. Throughout the game Vergil thought that Dante and him had gotten a better bond especially after having killed Mundus. He obviously knew what he wanted when Mundus was dead but his punk brother doesn't agree with him and they end up fighting and going separate.

Again...The DLC is to predictable, I knew Vergil would become Nelo (Somewhat), and of course he knew Dante wouldn't agree because the ending was forced, they didn't have any little conflicts on the flow of the story edging to the their battle, besides when it is on the issue of Kat.
some information like the gameplay?

The gameplay is a mash mix up of Nero(Aka Cross Slash from Red Queen Combo C, And his Exceed Lift to a point, and a somewhat mixed version of Helm Breaker from DMC 3 Force Edge) and Vergil...not that really innovative in my opinion.
The story was poorly done. Felt very stretched out with the chasing cutscenes.
If i was to rate the story? I would give it a 5/10. It was just poorly done.

What makes it appealing is the contrast in coherent plot compared to past DMC games where the story was a mess sometimes. Similar to the wave of a hyping of a game, you go "OMG this is so great!!!", then when game comes it´s not as great as you thought.

I am pretty confident they rushed the project for Vergil´s downfall. The cartoon drawings were very bad at times. And reason why those cartoons existed is probably because motion capture costs alot.

I think Ninja theory did a huge mistake. The dobbelganger concept was really nice.
But here is what the mistake lies if you ask me:
They made Vergil into a "I need more power" which was really lame.
Not because real Vergil is lame, but because i felt it was trying to hard.
before Vergil and Kat met Dante, Vergil and Kat a history.
The plot would have been so much better if Vergil recalled that he and Kat had a romantic past. Then the "Dante is twice the man you would ever be" that Kat said would had so much more meaning.
And it would also give a reason for Vergil becoming insane.

Plus they could have given more depth to dobbelganger by explaining that the dobbelganger is actually good but because Vergil died in Limbo he lost his "self" to Limbo, thus his dobbelganger were corrupted. Then it would make sense why Dobbelganger had a conscious and was making Vergil kill for random reasons.
dedicating so much time to chasing a phantom Dante and then -not- having a boss battle with him; delegating his death to a badly drawn cutscene... it's just so dumb I can't even fathom it. guess it was easier to reskin the vergil fight from the main game instead
The plot would have been so much better if Vergil recalled that he and love had a romantic past. Then the "Dante is twice the man you would ever be" that Kat said would had so much more meaning.
And it would also give a reason for Vergil becoming insane.

Yeah, If I were to make the story, Kat should have said while being grabbed by that demon that "Dante could have helped me." Everyone in limbo is praising Dante like a god, while the true world burns in chaos and war as Vergil predicted and is making help messages in the walls.
Vergil says he will need more power and would be determined to control the demons and take the world by force while the doppelganger pulls his strings with a awful grin on his face that Vergil cannot see, because he is behind him.

The last boss will be hollow Dante of course.
The story was poorly done. Felt very stretched out with the chasing cutscenes.
If i was to rate the story? I would give it a 5/10. It was just poorly done.

What makes it appealing is the contrast in coherent plot compared to past DMC games where the story was a mess sometimes. Similar to the wave of a hyping of a game, you go "OMG this is so great!!!", then when game comes it´s not as great as you thought.

I am pretty confident they rushed the project for Vergil´s downfall. The cartoon drawings were very bad at times. And reason why those cartoons existed is probably because motion capture costs alot.

I think Ninja theory did a huge mistake. The dobbelganger concept was really nice.
But here is what the mistake lies if you ask me:
They made Vergil into a "I need more power" which was really lame.
Not because real Vergil is lame, but because i felt it was trying to hard.
before Vergil and Kat met Dante, Vergil and Kat a history.
The plot would have been so much better if Vergil recalled that he and Kat had a romantic past. Then the "Dante is twice the man you would ever be" that Kat said would had so much more meaning.
And it would also give a reason for Vergil becoming insane.

That's what the chronicles of Vergil was to do. Which to me meant a lot because Vergil remembered his feels for Kat, and that hit him hard.

Plus they could have given more depth to dobbelganger by explaining that the dobbelganger is actually good but because Vergil died in Limbo he lost his "self" to Limbo, thus his dobbelganger were corrupted. Then it would make sense why Dobbelganger had a conscious and was making Vergil kill for random reasons.

That WAS the reason.:/
That WAS the reason.:/
Chronicles of Vergil was before DmC. And after the comic Vergil erased his own and Kat´s memory so that their feelings wouldnt intefere with something.
Vergil´s downfall is AFTER DmC.
And in that there is no mention of Vergil having a past with Kat. So anyone not reading comic would not this.
Chronicles of Vergil was before DmC. And after the comic Vergil erased his own and Kat´s memory so that their feelings wouldnt intefere with something.
Vergil´s downfall is AFTER DmC.
And in that there is no mention of Vergil having a past with Kat. So anyone not reading comic would not this.

Even so it could stil lbe considered a way of second thoughts.

In the main game vergil didn't care for Kat, but as that flashback showed, Vergil was thinking back at how badly he treated Kat, and seeing her in danger. Plus the final scene of that flash back at Kat's saddened face, made Vergil feel some sort of sympathy for her, thus him deciding to try and save her this time.

By the time he got to her, she, to him, still hated him, and insulted him after Vergil "apparently" saved her and gave her a home, when in actuality, Vergil used her for her power, plus saying Dante was the better guy after Vergil actually saved her was low for Vergil and plus she attacked first and was going to kill Vergil.
what does technology limitations have to do with a very much weakened vergil having trouble just magically healing his wounds
I'm talking about real-time damage showing on characters. Like in the recent Splatterhouse where if you take to much damage, Rick will start showing his skeleton, lose flesh, and lose an arm or two. Or, as I mentioned, in Amazing Spider-Man where Spidey's suit starts to show wear and tear if he takes damage while fighting and I think from story related cutscenes. Batman's suit only takes damage from story related cutscenes.

But the issue with that is how far can characters get damaged and not look weird or naked. With Splatterhouse, that was easy since Rick was wearing only shorts and shoes. And the lore applied to his regenerating flesh. With the Amazing Spider-Man, it seemed a little odd at times, but you could fix his suit just by going back to his home, like I said before. Batman's suit getting torn up worked since Batman isn't perfect and he does get into trouble sometimes and seeing him getting worked over the course of the game felt cool.

And have you ever noticed in any game that whenever someone gets stabbed or hit with some sharp object that they never show it on their body or clothes? I mean Dante in DMC4 took a sword to his chest, pulled it out, and magically, his clothes stay the same. Now, I think the PS3, Xbox 360, and PCs at that time could render Dante's chest regenerating, but in a scenario where his body is ravaged by a ton of spikes wouldn't be nice to the systems. About ten different spike holes would have to show on Dante and his flesh regenerating at those spots. And say if a person isn't that good at DMC, by the end of the game, Dante would be naked since all his clothes were destroyed.

There's a limit to how far we can show damage on characters. And if we do, there's probably going to have to be a lot of models of the same character except with different damaged areas. Uncharted 2 had Nathan injured and if you used that model outside of the area, he'd still have snow built up around his legs even in hot, humid areas. I don't think we've gotten to the point where there are programs that change models without having to have different models for different scenarios.
I just finished a Vergil's downfall walkthrough and i'm still not satisfied of Vergil's portrayal. The gameplay looks really fun(Seems better than dante) but that's it. The reason why vergil began his downfall is just basically because of his inferiority complex against his brother. Basically the same of how Loki resented thor. But Thor and Loki are not real brothers by blood but Dante and Vergil are real brothers by blood. Twin brothers. Both have the same face. So hopefully the impact should have been great or stronger.

But in my opinion, no.

This could have been great, but the execution is really rushed and was done mediocre in my opinion. To me Personally, i don't like the fact that this Vergil got a inferiority complex, how he is the younger brother(This is nitpicking. Don't mind me), and basically how became the new mundus or a demon king in the end. I think it would have been better if the downfall is about how he decided not to get help from anyone any longer and would sacrifice anything for the sake of the humans(Even if it means to kill the ones he love) and he would make the Temini-gru to rise. That could have been a great ending and would been a great intro for DmC 2 if it this reboot would have a sequel.

I understand what Ninja theory is trying to do here. But Vision doesn't triumph execution. So yeah, i'm still getting the DLC for the sake of the great katana slashing gameplay. I really hope that Vergil would be available for Bloody Palace.

Note: Again, this is my personal opinion and i'm NOT trying to compare this Vergil to the old Vergil since it's pointless anyway. I'm judging this on it's own merits.
I like DmC Vergil better than DMC3 Vergil. They're both awesome, but DMC3 Vergil was pretty predictable. "Power power power."

You think Vergils a nice guy at the beginning of DmC. But then, halfway through the game you see that Vergil doesn't actually give a ****. And by mission 20 you see his true motive. Rule with an iron fist for the greater good. After Dante shows him what's what he questions himself and his power. He doesn't believe in his demonic side. That forces him into a coma. He becomes weak, only listening to his demonic side giving him orders. But then he takes control of his demonic side, and gets what he wants. Power.
Why does Angry Vergil have a big hole in his chest? he got stabbed by a thin blade that wouldn't leave a giant hole in someone's chest. No, really have you seen the size of the hole? That's nuts.
Again...The DLC is to predictable, I knew Vergil would become Nelo (Somewhat), and of course he knew Dante wouldn't agree because the ending was forced, they didn't have any little conflicts on the flow of the story edging to the their battle, besides when it is on the issue of Kat.

The gameplay is a mash mix up of Nero(Aka Cross Slash from Red Queen Combo C, And his Exceed Lift to a point, and a somewhat mixed version of Helm Breaker from DMC 3 Force Edge) and Vergil...not that really innovative in my opinion.

They conflict in the climax of the story (the trade) hits the breaking point and is very distinct. The way they both handle that situation is distinctively different and a major reason for conflict between the two. The politics and ideals between the two are vastly different throughout the entire story although their overall goal may be similar.
Am I the only one who doesn't get the "Vergil is the new Mundus" out of that ending? I mean, sure, demons now seem to obey him, but there is still the chance that his will torwards mankind is that of an monarch who will "rule by respect", and his angry face is more against Dante himself that "Oh, now I'm gonna **** everything up" or something.

But that's me thinking we won't have a stupid character development with vergil. May be right, may be wrong.
I expected Dante and Vergil to be two co-operating brothers on good terms in this game.
They could've saved the Vergil betrayal for DmC2, Vergil was shafted so hard in this game that I feel sorry for him.
They could've explored him and Dante's pasts a bit more.