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Vergil - Nero

Big Boss

many people think that Nero's arm is being possessed by Vergil, but this just came to me, Nero is capable of charging up his Blue Rose by channeling energy from his Devil Bringer, but Vergil despises guns as he doesn't find them weapons of a true warrior, so why would vergil channel magic energy for something he hates?:unsure: what do you guys think?


New Member
There's no connection between Vergil and Nero, but just pure fans speculation. The ghost on Nero's Devil Trigger is Nero's own Devil Form. It seems obvious his powers are at an early stage.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
No connection for sure, all that lies there are similarities between the two, nothing more.

The ghost behind Nero in his Devil Trigger is likely little more than an extension of Yamato's power, Vergil's DT was influenced, like Dante, by the weapon he used, using Yamato gave him that form we see behind Nero.

At an early stage of demonic power, it's likely that the weapon has more influence over the person than their own personality, so really, the ghost, like I said is little more than an extension of the power of Yamato.

Nero himself has nothing to do with Vergil, the only vague tie to him is the fact that Nero uses Yamato and uses a good number of Vergil's battle quotes.


New Member
Nero's ghost is his Devil Trigger. The demon is Nero.

His powers are in early stages. In a recent interview though, It was stated that in the end of DMC4, the powers of Nero were equal to those of Dante in the end of DMC3.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
I'm aware of that much, but the ghost behind Nero is, if not the same, strikingly similar to Vergil's full Devil Trigger when using Yamato, by that, I find it likely that the ghost is an extension of Yamato's power.

Say if he were to get a hold of Cerberus or Nevan, or even Beowulf, chances are that his Trigger, if his body doesnt change and a ghost appears like with Yamato, it'll look very similar to Dante's forms when he used those weapons.

Still, I stand by the fact that Nero's only tie to Vergil is Yamato.


New Member
The connection to Vergil is just the blood of Sparda which also connects Dante with Nero as well. The three of them share the same demonic blood and human blood as well. They are hybrids.

As for the trigger, If you clearly see the ghost, he bears a hood and one of the eyes is covered from them. The arms of the ghost are the same as the Devil Bringer Nero has.

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
You still can't deny that the ghost has a stunning similarity to Vergil's trigger while he used Yamato.

As to Nero having Sparda's blood, I suppose you have a good point there, does that make him a third son? A relation? Or just the next in line to weild Yamato.

You know...With that, a new speculation arose to me, in the first DMC, Dante makes a closing speech to Mundus, "Give my regards to my son." Perhaps Nero...No...He couldn't be, could he?

I wonder, that's going to annoy me now.


New Member
It's not possible for Dante being the father of Nero for many reasons.

The only females Dante has been with are Lady and Trish, and none of them has been intimately related to the devil hunter.

The age. Dante is 29 years old in Devil May Cry 4. Nero is ten years younger, 19.

There's no resemblance of Vergil's DT to that of Nero. They are way too different.

Vergil's DT was vampiresque, dragon skin, huge horns and such.

Nero's DT is completely muscular, with arms as the Devil Bringer, two big ornamental skins coming from the chest and up, his head covered by a hood, one eye is covered, and the face looks totally human.


Evolve today!
Dante Aseroth;95806 said:
There's no connection between Vergil and Nero, but just pure fans speculation. The ghost on Nero's Devil Trigger is Nero's own Devil Form. It seems obvious his powers are at an early stage.

thats exactly the same thing i was thinking:)

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
;_; True, hey, it was just speculation.

Meh, I still stand by the fact that Nero's ghost DT and Vergil's trigger look similar, at least in my eyes.


The connections are his qoutes but he shares DMC3 Dante and Vergil quotes. Sweet baby, Your going down, this may be fun, come on,Crazy,Go down,blast,begone. I may be missing some but these are quotes from both Dante and Vergil from DMC3 that Nero uses..


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
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Xen-Omni 2020
In my joint fic, Origins Of Nero... Nero gets his power from the Nelo Angelo shell... The power of Nelo angelo encased in some demonic shell. The order plants this shell into Nero's arm -Thus, creating The Devil bringer- Ultimately meaning that Nero has no connection wih Vergil, yet shares some of his corrupted memories because of Nelo Angelo... But that's just a fic .lol.

Although, me and Crimson did start the fic in order to give our own views on how we think Nero came to be. I strongly don't think he is linked with "Vergil"... That'd be too cheesy .lol.


I have to agree with the no relation thing simply because it looks to me like if Nero would have used the rebellion or idk Beowulf the ghost would have been red or white respectively. It seems although nero is a "son"(used lightly) of Sparda, he is watered down a bit which may either mean Dante and Vergil are not Sparda's first kids or that Vergil was busy(NOT LIKELY).

Wouldn't it be cool to see a rebellion influenced version of Nero's DT?
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