They can probably try Man-Wolf after Morbius comes out, because the vampire-werewolf juxtaposition is too good to pass up.
What are any of those guys going to accomplish except get people annoyed that they look like Red Skull/Black Mask ripoffs now that better known mask-wearing/skull-headed characters hit the big screen? Well, except for that last guy, who's just going to be confused for a Ghost Rider ripoff and even has his entry say that he shouldn't be confused for Ghost Rider, even when he's was called Ghost Rider 1945 on one issue. Blazing Skull would have to belong to a period movie set in the 1940s. If they went with him smuggling himself into Nazi Germany , the Captain America (and Red Skull) comparisons would be right there waiting to happen. Or they could involve him in the Second Sino-Japanese War and have the Nazis in the background.I don't see the MCU using him anytime soon although Red Skull ain't the only Skull around.
There's this guy-
Green Skull (Earth-616)
“The inconvenient truth is--you're all going to die!” The Green Skull was an environmental terrorist that believed the only way to save the Earth was to end mankind.[1] 2 appearance(s) of Green Skull (Earth-616) 1 mention(s) of Green Skull (Earth-616) 2 image(s) of Green Skull (Earth-616)
And this guy-
Golden Skull (Earth-15061)
“America? America doesn't exist. It never existed. But you knew that. That's why you're here. Why you came to me. You know there's no country under your feet. Just dirt. No guiding principles. No rules. You think they believe in rules? Up on their podiums? The liars? No, no, no, my friends.
And even this guy-
Blazing Skull - Wikipedia
It just sounds like clogging up the property and turning it into another Spider-Man 3. We don't need this many Skulls just to shoehorn a plot about the parents Eddie never mentioned and the murder that didn't come up until after two movies into the character's run. I mean, it's just like Tony being upset Bucky killed his mom when his character arc revolves around his father, and a Ctrl+F of "Maria" in the scripts to the entire trilogy [1] [2] [3] of Iron Man movies results in literally one result, from Howard in a pre-recorded tape.@Morgan
I thought the connection with the others skulls would help bolster Albert if they decide to use him.
So, this "plays with the White Savior trope", not by simply not adhering to the trope, and not by not portraying the White character as the savior of the "savage tribe" because they're not savages and they don't need saving, and not by omitting the bit about the White character being "the Chosen One",With Blazing Skull, I was more interested in using the species he came from than the WW2 one specifically.
Having Albert become a Blazing Skull is a way to play with "White Savior" Tropes that got flack in recent years.
Lesson learned.@V's patron Yeah, the Tarantulas would be a lot easier to streamline. Given their designs, the symbiote could get its own pattern from them and not Spider-Man explicitly.
... You have to think ahead, though. If you know enough about the White Savior trope to want to """play""" with it, it behooves you to consider that the answer isn't Literally Colonialism™ or making the tribe otherwise directly benefit a villain of their own will. These are practitioners of a mysterious art that live under caves in China. It's not that hard to make it non-objectionable. The option is right there: have Mark Todd, not a villain, learn the art of having a friggin' flaming head without saddling him with a Chosen One story or how the forces of destiny led him to that spot so he could get the power to Right All The Wrongs In The World or whatever. Like, why not add Mark Todd? He's a reporter. His coverage of the Sino-Japanese War and WWII in general (including the part where he smuggles himself into dangerous places just to get the news) could have made his reporter persona Eddie's inspiration or something like that.
They're using Kraven.If you can't use Kraven
My post was written before this news and just a hypothetical.They're using Kraven.
It's Aaron Taylor-Johnson. He doesn't do a half-bad Eastern European accent, for a Brit, and there's a good chance he works out/bulks up for Kraven. Now I have to go see Savages and Nocturnal Animals to get an idea of what his villainous or morally conflicted roles look like.
What kind of b.s. copout is that? Lmao.Or maybe Johnson is playing Kraven's son who they could play around with more. They don't have to commit to villiany with his kid.
In the comics, Kraven debuted all the way back in 1964’s The Amazing Spider-Man No. 15, with the character created by Spider-Man co-creators Stan Lee and Steve Ditko. The big-game hunter decided to target the most dangerous foe he could imagine: Spider-Man. During his long tenure in the comics, Kraven is known for appearing in the classic 1980s storyline “Kraven’s Last Hunt,” in which the villain succeeded in defeating Spider-Man, burying him alive and assuming his identity.
News of the Kraven the Hunter casting comes as Sony continues to build out its budding universe, with upcoming installments including Tom Hardy’s Venom: Let There Be Carnage, due out Sept. 24 and Jared Leto’s Morbius, slated for Jan. 21, 2022.
It centered around around a hunter who sought bigger challenges. So he started to hunt other men for sport.
So you could have Kraven start hunting supernatural beings.
I just saw him as an proud and arrogant thrillseeker.So how is Kraven actually in the comics? Every fanart i came accros gave this brooding-sad-loner-wise-deep thinker-melancholistic whatever vibe to it..
So how is Kraven actually in the comics? Every fanart i came accros gave this brooding-sad-loner-wise-deep thinker-melancholistic whatever vibe to it..
I am Kraven -- the beast. My mind is rage and glory. My heart is fire and pride. My body is grace and power.
I am Kravinov -- the man. An old man, now -- though few would believe it.
Just a child when my parents came to this country, shortly after the overthrow of the Czar-- some seventy odd years ago.
There was no more room in Russia for aristocrats. For culture. For honor. For human dignity. But all those things were bred in my bones, long before the Trotskys and Lenins dragged my homeland into the pit.
Dignity? Honor? Where are such qualities today? All the world, it seems, has followed Russia's sad example. Were my parents alive today, they would look upon this frightened, wounded animal called civilization without recognition -- and with great fear. And great disgust.
I am Kraven -- the Hunter. I have found dignity, not in the cities, but in the jungles. I have found honor, not in the civilized, but in the primal. I have found morality, I have found meaning -- in the hunt.
But I cannot escape Time forever. Herbs and roots and potions cannot rejuvenate a dying spirit -- or heal a heart crushed by the weight of a corrupted Age.
I will die soon. I must die soon.
But not yet.
I just saw him as an proud and arrogant thrillseeker.
Here is some more info-
Sony's Kraven Movie: Casting 10 Perfect Actors & The Characters They Could Play
Aaron Taylor-Johnson is set to star as the infamous Spider-Man villain in his first solo movie. Who else should be a part of the project?!?!
He's proud, and tends to have a somewhat poetic feel to his speech, but that's just me.
Let me pull up an actual comic. Best to hear it from the man himself.
I get your point, but you're picking photo manips that trend towards "Jason Momoa looks badass and he should be Kraven because he's big and badass" (and they source Justice League or Aquaman photos where Arthur is depicted as serious and brooding) or "Kraven himself is a badass, and badasses brood" with ATJ depicted as serious and brooding, plus it's easier to photomanipulate a "neutral expression" than anything dynamic.I think it's safe to say i was kinda not wrong for nitpicking some bunch of fanarts.
i mean look at how brooooooding they look.
I get your point, but you're picking photo manips that trend towards "Jason Momoa looks badass and he should be Kraven because he's big and badass" (and they source Justice League or Aquaman photos where Arthur is depicted as serious and brooding) or "Kraven himself is a badass, and badasses brood" with ATJ depicted as serious and brooding, plus it's easier to photomanipulate a "neutral expression" than anything dynamic.
Kraven the character has actually looked like this
and like this
in comics. Look at the brooooooding on the first one!
I mean, it's not impossible for him to brood or look deep/sad/melancholistic-- the passage I quoted was from Kraven's Last Hunt, and it's legit him deep-thinking and monologuing to himself about his legacy, his parents, his relationship with Spider-Man, and his own impending death, and the panel art is him looking into a coffin dejectedly and gazing on the Symbiote Spider-Man costume with literal tears in his eyes. See it for yourself.
Also note: Think about the impression you'd get about DMC itself if you looked at just the fanart?
Fanartists generally don't concern themselves that much about simply repeating the original work's scenarios, and it's more like they use the characters as "models" for whatever concept they want to explore that's at best tangentially related. It couldn't get any more obvious than when bitching about the reboot hit its peak, and a post on Tumblr made the rounds about "this is the REAL DMC that fans want, not this reboot garbage".
Was it actual screenshots of the games? Was it videos showing flashy combos executed in smokin' sick style? No. It was fanart.
What was the fanart about? Umm.... Vergil submerged in a water tank, looking up with a "My God, why hast thou forsaken me" expression with air bubbles rising from his mouth.... some other piece involving Vergil and blue butterflies, if it wasn't the exact same piece... and I can't actually remember the rest, but like, none of it actually expressed what DMC is, it was just gothic and using the characters as models.
Other notable "What does this have to do with the game?" fanarts I can think of from the top of my head include: any art made prior to DMC5 (and not involving Nero) where Dante, Vergil, Sparda, etc, are depicted with black "avian" wings as if they were Sephiroth or Jin Kazama, instead of the bat-like or draconic-type wings they actually have; Wolfina's art with Dante and Vergil depicted as centaurs... with avian wings; anything with explicit shipping; anything about Vergil being a good dad or being a dad at all; anything with incest, and the incest part is so prevalent that Rae / Off Record had to apologize for not putting incest in her art because she generally isn't interested in Vergil or what he represents in the game or the fandom to begin with, and she gravitates towards Credo instead. That's sad.
Anyway ATJ is good casting.
So in your opinion, Kraven fanart is to Kraven the character what Rambo 3 is to Rambo the character, then? Yes I am linking to Fact Fiend, because the video on Rambo just came out today. He's a pretty emotive and nuanced guy from what the comic showed. Maybe we'll see that instead of the usual MCU taint reducing villains to one-note caricatures (see: Whiplash).I know nothing bout Kraven, but surely a guy with an outfit like that wouldn't look sad or melancholic all the time like most of the fanarts. Everytime i commented asking, yo how's kraven in the comics actually? nobody answered, they seem to just jump the bandwagon of "Oh, kraven movie is being made, hurraaaaay". They could've at least make him like how they would do a Rambo is what i thought at the time --never knowing how Kraven is.
I stay clear away from MCU Spidey fanart. I'm betting too much of it revolves around him dying to the Thanos Snap and something something Iron Man.And i love that you mentioned dmc fanarts, because that is also what i think when i come accros the serious gloomy of em, i just "HAHA! DO YOU EVEN.. YOU FFFFFFFFFFF..". Another case is MCU fanart, especially the spiderman ones, gosh i shook my head one too many times, so damn dark.
But my main problem is, as a drawing enthusiast and hobbyist, this kinds of things gets on my nerves easily, like, maybe do some research before you get on it.
And oh, That second pic you displayed, is how i would be fine with a fanart of a character wearing such outfit called Kraven the hunter.
I actually prefer the first rambo movie, his character, the atmosphere and everything cinematic related in it. Never even bothered with the other two (and three i suppose). But the popular belief is that rambo is just that, one-note caricature of tough macho stoic silent dude bro war veteran like in the cartoons, can't help that, so i won't be mad if somebody made a fanart with that characteristic.So in your opinion, Kraven fanart is to Kraven the character what Rambo 3 is to Rambo the character, then? Yes I am linking to Fact Fiend, because the video on Rambo just came out today. He's a pretty emotive and nuanced guy from what the comic showed. Maybe we'll see that instead of the usual MCU taint reducing villains to one-note caricatures (see: Whiplash).
I stay clear away from MCU Spidey fanart. I'm betting too much of it revolves around him dying to the Thanos Snap and something something Iron Man.