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VB's New Crusade! Just wanted to let you know.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
There is a magazine in the UK called Take a Break, and every so often, they like to have a b*tch about video games.
I am sooo sick of what they've been saying, i emailed them.
Their main problem is with Rockstar and Grand Theft Auto.
Their biggest problem is violence in video games.
Apparently us gamers are un-hinged prostitute killers.
And all gamers are male.

BTW they are apparently a political party in government called mum's army. They are against everything...immoral.
Here is what i sent them

I'm getting in contact because i am sick of reading your propaganda against video games.
What i am alway discussing with fellow gamers is, it's not the developers fault. It is the parents, yes, the same parent's that support Mum's Army that buy 18 rated games for children. The 18 is on the box for a reason. If a child took an 18 rated game up to a counter in a specialist game shop, it would not be sold to them. But it would be sold to the parents.
Every other issue of Take a Break has one way or another ripped into a hobby that is popular between thousands of people. Male and female. Kids, teens and even the elderly.
The trouble is with what you are saying, all gamers are un-hinged prostitute killers that do not know the difference between gaming and real life.
Do you not think that in these incidents where you printed that an 18 year old stabbed a taxi driver and was blamed on Grand Theft Auto have to be not right mentally.
These are rare incidents obviously if you can only find an example from last year.
If you don't want your young kids minds corrupted, stop buying 18 rated games for them!
I have been gaming since 1996, which would have made me 13 years old. And i knew the difference between gaming and reality then. Games were violent back then. It didn't affect me.
Oh and before i forget, not all gamers are boys. Its not a sexist hobby. It might surprise you that girls can play video games too. (As i'm one of those girls.)
If you want to make a difference, campaign against things that you will make a difference with.
As long as us gamers are buying violent video games, you WILL NOT stop them being made.
You won't agree, because as parent's you need to blame someone else for your mistakes!
Your Sincerely

I just want to tell you of my new crusade. Although i think its sad that i have to stick up for something that i have been doing for years!


Aya Brea
You have a point in your message. That is also common sense. I've had countless conversations like this with friends. Of course we all saw different roads that lead to kids being affected by this and of course we all strongly agreed that the parent needs to put their foot down with what their child watches and plays. You can't blame Bevis and Butthead for those kids setting their trailer park on fire forever.

I was never allowed to play a lot of M rated games til I was 17. I was never allowed to play ANY Resident Evil game til I was 17 too. The mystery is why my mother allowed me to play games like Parasite Eve, Silent Hill, or Mortal Kombat but nothing like Resident Evil. Maybe she thought the violence in that game was too much? I never really questioned it and I turned out just fine.

I guess she knew I could tell the difference between fact and fiction and what I could and could not handle. IDK.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Wow, are you kidding me? What's a video game without violence? There's kill or be killed in just about every friggin game ever made. I agree there are age brackets in place for a reason, some kids are more gullible to influence than others. But it does come down to the parents being more viligant about what their kids are into.
And where does it say games are only for boys? Those people need to get their facts straight. Good on you for emailing them!


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Thanks, i still haven't heard anything from them though.
I don't think i will.
To reply to me, they'll have to think of something smart. I hope i've p***ed em' off like they p***ed me off!
(Sorry for the language!)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
WELL... today in the same magazine GTA took another kicking. Three pages of the same cr@p and propaganda over and over again.
I am going to email the person that wrote the article in hope of a response.

Next January, these.... ppl behind mums army are going to have a mass destruction thing of GTA games. (They say they are going to dump a load of copies of the games in order to make a point.)


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Just emailed the writer of the article.
Here's what i put if anyone is interested.

"Hi. I have tried to e-mail Mum's Army but have had no response. I sent them a email about their (and your) propaganda against video games, especially Grand Theft Auto.

This is the email that i sent to Mums Army over a month ago.

"I'm getting in contact because i am sick of reading your propaganda against video games.
What i am alway discussing with fellow gamers is, it's not the developers fault. It is the parents, yes, the same parent's that support Mum's Army that buy 18 rated games for children. The 18 is on the box for a reason. If a child took an 18 rated game up to a counter in a specialist game shop, it would not be sold to them. But it would be sold to the parents.
Every other issue of Take a Break has one way or another ripped into a hobby that is popular between thousands of people. Male and female. Kids, teens and even the elderly.
The trouble is with what you are saying, all gamers are un-hinged prostitute killers that do not know the difference between gaming and real life.
Do you not think that in these incidents where you printed that an 18 year old stabbed a taxi driver and was blamed on Grand Theft Auto have to be not right mentally.
These are rare incidents obviously if you can only find an example from last year.
If you don't want your young kids minds corrupted, stop buying 18 rated games for them!
I have been gaming since 1996 (I'm 22 now), which would have made me 13 years old. And i knew the difference between gaming and reality then. Games were violent back then. It didn't affect me.
Oh and before i forget, not all gamers are boys. Its not a sexist hobby. It might surprise you that girls can play video games too. (As i'm one of those girls.)
If you want to make a difference, campaign against things that you will make a difference with.
As long as us gamers are buying violent video games, you WILL NOT stop them being made.
You won't agree, because as parent's you need to blame someone else for your mistakes!"

It seemed harsh at the time, but i feel that i have to stick up for a hobby that alot of people do.

Regarding to you playing GTA for two hours, is that all you did. Kill people, and have sex with prostitutes?

There is more to GTA. You do have mission objectives. Not all of it is about killing women.

Also, was that an excuse about children borrowing games from their friends. If it was, you definitely should be running for government by putting blame somewhere else. If children borrow these games from their friends that means their parents are buying games for their children.

At the end of the day, the 18 is on the box for a reason. Its adults that need educating in buying games that are and aren't suitable for their children.

If your kids are under 18, why would you let them play an 18 rated game? Because video games are for kids, right? WRONG! You wouldn't let your child watch an 18 rated movie would you? It's exactly the same concept.

People of all ages play video games. INCLUDING GIRLS! It's not a sexist hobby you know. You probably think all girls are pregnant by the time they leave school. I'm glad i'm not like that and into video games. By the way. I don't play video games all of the time. I also enjoy reading, cross-stitch, football and DIY, so sorry to to disappoint, but I'm not completely mindless, like you probably think most gamers are.

Also, I'm glad Rockstar didn't reply to you. It would have been something else for you to use as propaganda. Through playing GTA, I haven't been 'brainwashed', and i don't feel the need to go out and kill people. I do know right from wrong and i don't have a criminal record. I also respect people. Also, it's not possible to brainwash people. As you pointed out, the people that play video games and go out and kill, have to have mental issues. This is obviously rare as you only 'published' one incident. Also, one image you had in the article the one that's 'Too Explicit' isn't in the game 'properly. You have to have a cheat disc to get it (the Hot Coffee cheat) I have never seen it, but I have seen pictures. Rockstar got into a lot of trouble regarding it and they withdrew thousands of copies from shelves to replace them with games that were edited and didn't have it. Rockstar lost thousands of pounds in doing so.

You can't blame video games for wife-beaters or rapists either. No man or woman has to play a video game to be violent. Try banning alcohol, thats society's problem.

As long as GTA sells well and people buy it, more will be made. As for the mass destruction of GTA discs. I think is just 'pathetic'. You can't get the game banned so you are trying to prove some sort of point another way, it is sad. Why don't you try and do something that will genuinely help families. Just as question. Do you have it in for the series as a whole, or is it the publisher?

Also, another game that is on your 'list' is one called "Canis Canem Edit' (Dog eat Dog or as you like to call it Bully.) Your misconception of the game is that the player goes around beating up kids. You don't. You have to stick up for yourself and other kids. Also, you have to go to classes and learn. It's not what you think it is. Its called Canis Canem Edit and not Bully because of Small minded people like yourselves.

Instead of persecuting something other people enjoy, look after your families.

Yours Sincerely

So.... i hope for a response this time.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl

Heard from the Violent game bashers... i mean Mum's Army (well a lackie):lol:
And here is the reply (although it isn't much or helpful :huh: )

Dear VB
Thank you for your email in response to our ‘Respect for Women’ article.
While you clearly don’t agree with our viewpoint, you make a number of very
interesting points.
We welcome the debate opened up by our initial article and we will be
returning to this theme in the coming weeks, publishing letters and emails
from both sides.
Thank you again for taking the time to write to me.
Best wishes,
Mum's Army Lackie

(Names have been changed to protect identities;))


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
The identity thing was a bit of a joke...
I am assuming that i can't be the only person complaining... at least that is the impression i get. At least the reply was something. Can't really moan at that i suppose.
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