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True love vs Blind love


You will not forget this devil's power!
What is the difference between the two? I figure true love is something so hard to find. And yet blind love is very easy.

For example:
True love takes time and hard work. But in the end its was worth it.

Blind love is so easy and it just falls right into your lap. And its a dream come true. But in the end the other person wasn't into you at all. And what you thought was flawless turned out to be so ugly.

I guess that's my take on it
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Well-known Member

Blind love is when you live in denial and only think of how you must be together with that person, without realizing their flaws no matter how serious.

True love is when two people complete each other real well. I won't say perfectly, cause perfection is just an unattainable concept, but they make a damn good team.


the horror was for love
I think blind love is...like where one person is totally oblivious to all the faults of the other. They blindly follow them along, unable to understand that the relationship isn't healthy, even if their partner is just using them. Of course, blind love doesn't have to just be one sided. Both people could just be super ignorant of everything but their devotion for each other (which would, I think, just lead into this downward spiral where everyone's miserable). In short, blind love is the guy shouting at the interwebz that he will only buy from x-company because they're the best and everyone who says otherwise is an idiot.

True love, I think, is when both partners can find fault and virtue in each other and can accept them, without ignoring them, and, like Viper said, they complete each other. No competing to see who's better, no one person dominating the other for selfish reasons, just happiness and wholeness. Or that's how I'd like to imagine it, anyway.


You will not forget this devil's power!
True: Is like a battle in the war. Your fighting alongside your best buddy. Then one of you gets injured in the line of fire. And so you risk your life to get their ass's out of there. You both might make it out alive, only one of you dies or you both die. But in the end you risked everything and you both tried your best. Cause it was worth it.

Blind: It's easy to get entangled with. Like a spider's web. Once your caught in it..hah..your screwed. Cause you over looked what really isn't there. You believe what you want to believe. And you refuse to see the bad. And you get yourself eaten by the prince/princess. The end :p

Ugh..I don't know..I'm just a weirdo..wtf do I know..I just care too much..^^'
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I Saw the Devil
Huh... Well, here's my take on it.

Blind love is love that refuses to see, whether it is the flaws in that other person or things that might be harmful to you in them. Blind love to me implies that you only see the things you love about them and not the bad parts or you just don't care that they are there and try to ignore them or 'see passed them.'

True love is to love all of the other person. You don't alway like aspects of them but you don't deny them, you accept them and you love that person for them or despite of them.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
True Love is
~when you both realize it takes more than just love to make a relationship work
~when you're on the same page (or wave length)
~having a realistic outlook, not an idealized one
~when you accept one another unconditionally and give room for growth
~knowing the other has your back without needing to question it
~sharing your last rolo


Blind Love is
~ Twilight
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