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True Blood


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
I don't know if this thread has been done, if it has the thread is so old that I can't find it.
I am completely and utterly obessed with this show. Anyone that knows me will tell you that I love vampires. And that I hate Twlight. But this show is awesome!

Season 2 is done now. The season finale aired last sunday. and I can't wait for season 3. which i have heard starts production in december of this year. who knows when it will air on HBO, though.

So does anybody else love this show?


Aya Brea
IDK if it was you or someone with a simular screen name, but I did post a thread when the show came out just kind of announcing it and someone said they hated or just didn't like it. Anyway. I'm glad you like it. It is indeed an amazing series, and I do recommend the books as well. :> I'm about done with the 2nd book.

I'm sad I have to wait til summer again, but I'm sure time will fly.

IDK about anyone else, but I wish Eric would stay away from Sookie. He's too good for her! :0 I prefer SookiexBill anyway.


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
I think I didn't like it at first, but then I got into it. I totally love Jason! I think he's hot!!! I like Eric, too, but I like him a lot less than I like Bill. I think Bill is awesome!
Did you hear that Stephen Moyer and Anna Paquin are engaged?


Aya Brea
Yes! A friend told me about those two being engaged IRL. I thought it was kinda sweet. She's a cutie patootie.

Yes! Jason. Even though he can be a horndog, he's a sweetie and not bad looking at all to boot. <3 I will admit over Jason, Bill, and Eric I adore Sam.

I'm so glad they finally got rid of Maryann Sunday night. I thought she was interesting at first, then she just ended up doing the same thing every episode. Posessing Tara and Eggs and making while the town goes crazy.

Now I'm just wanting the 3rd season to come faster. I think it's gonna be interesting since my mom told me some of the things that happend in the first book about these witches who are coming to take over Fangtasia and werewolves are going to be involved. Now whether they keep to that story for the TV series, IDK. I just hope they do.


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
yeah. I honestly think Jason needs to date a vampire. LOL.
and I totally loved how they got rid of maryanne. she was really starting to annoy me.


^I don't ever see Jason dating a vampire, but he's starting to accept them though. Bill & Sookie and Hoyt & Jessica is more than enough human/vampire relationship action going on for me :).

Hell yeah I love this show!!! This my favorite show hands down. The character development is so damn good and there is so much suspense, blood, drama and action. I'll never have enough of this show, so thats why I bought the first season on Blue-ray when it first came out ^_______^

But yeah this show fooking rock and a maenad got ripped a new one LOL B1tch got what she deserved!

BTW, the vampire queen is a bad ass PERIOD

I also miss Godric :(:(:(


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
I love Sophie-Anne and yes she is Bad-ASS. You may be right about Jason. But I can dream and write fanfiction right?


Of course silly. If I told you, you couldn't, you would regardless. :p lol

and thank you for reminding me what her name was. Couldn't think of it to save my life, lol.


Underworld Angel
My mom actually pointed this show out to me and I love it. I wasn't able to watch most of Season 2 but I know what happened. I saw the books and I wanted to start reading them but I wasn't sure which one was the fist book and I got confused so I stopped. Personally, I like Eric. At first I didn't, but now he's growing on me.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
Trish67;186699 said:
I don't know if this thread has been done, if it has the thread is so old that I can't find it.
I am completely and utterly obessed with this show. Anyone that knows me will tell you that I love vampires. And that I hate Twlight. But this show is awesome!

Season 2 is done now. The season finale aired last sunday. and I can't wait for season 3. which i have heard starts production in december of this year. who knows when it will air on HBO, though.

So does anybody else love this show?

I'm still in the early ages of season 2. I'm actually not a great fan of vampires, but Suki is different. AND. I hate Twilight, too! Gosh. What a load of rubbish! heh heh :)


^If only you lived in Florida, then I would send you my season 1 boxset in the mail :). Please send it back when your done :lol:

clairavance;187718 said:
I'm still in the early ages of season 2. I'm actually not a great fan of vampires, but Suki is different. AND. I hate Twilight, too! Gosh. What a load of rubbish! heh heh :)

Yeah, Twilight sucks balls. How dare they stick in music from Muse :mad:


Aya Brea
Eh. I actually read and sorta enjoyed the first and second Twilight book series for what they were. I think it's really the fans and the whole idea of "perfection" these people assume with vampires, or in a relationship in general, is what has ruined it for me. :/
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