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Thread closures


Is not rat, is hamster
I know, I know - this has been said a million times before but as no one seems to take the slightest bit of notice I will invariably have to repeat myself:


There are a number of reasons why it is a BAD thing to have threads locked down for no real reason but most of those reasons are technical and dull, for the most part, but the one you need to know is that the more threads that are shut down because a question has been answered or you simply don't wish to discuss something any further, the more of a turn-off this place will become to new people and visitors.

If a thread is locked, no one can post - this is not a good thing for any forum and causes more harm than good. So please, unless a member of staff chooses to shut down a thread (and reasons will be given) please do not request closure.

If you feel a thread is inappropriate, report it via the usual methods - either the report post button or by sending a PM to someone on the staff. But it is not up to you to decide whether a thread ought to be shut or not, so please don't ask.

If a thread has died a natural death then leave it alone - no need to shut it down just because it is no longer active. Also, please do not create a thread unnecessarily only to edit your post to something like "nvm" as this wastes valuable forum space and serves no purpose whatsoever. If you have a question about the games, use the search function as it has most likely been asked and answered already. If it's a forum related question, again try searching first. If you are not sure if you ought to devote an entire thread to what you want to say, you can always PM someone instead - this is far better than filling the boards up with one-post threads which say nothing and then request them to be closed.

I really hope you guys read this and take it on board because it is very tiresome to have to keep telling people why I will not shut a thread down. Even if you are the thread creator, you will need a very good reason why you want your thread locked and you will need to PM a staff member with your reasons prior to requesting it.

Ta :)


Well-known Member
"Miss Admin! Can you close this thread please!" =p

I agree, its getting a bit much.
If every in-active thread was closed then the forum would be far sparse...er. Deleting them poses the same problem - except in some forums (not sure about here) it adjusts the post count of users whom have posted there (lowers it if its deleted).

BUT, is bumping up a year old thread any better? Many members whom may have commented or started the thread may no longer be active, alternatively it may set the 'flames' on it if a resolved topic is given a new light...

On many forums I see threads that are months inactive, years in some cases that have been bumped up by one new member (not a jab against new members) saying "yeah I agree" or "lol yeah that was funny", which not only confuses many active members as to the whereabouts of a 12 page thread came from...but also removes the more recently active topics from the 1st page...O_O!

Although, may I take this opportunity to suggest opening a 'test' forum in the Q/A section or general discussion as a Sticky. This would stop the few members that do from starting threads to test a signature, a profile picture and so on...o_O?

EDIT: ..the above could also double as a sig/ava request thread too =p

+rep Angel :)


Is not rat, is hamster
Thread bumping is a problem, I'll admit. What we could do with is something that Albion Knight did for us over at projectego.net - a beginner's guide to using the forums and the do's and don't's of posting...not everyone is forum-adept and it can be confusing to know where to post when the last mention in a particular thread is about three months old or so. Plus there are plenty of people who sign up simply to ask one question and then leave again - it can be less daunting to post in an existing, albeit old, thread rather than create a new one and risk being flamed by everyone for bumping. I'll have a little think and perhaps something of that nature can be arranged...

A general sig/avatar thread would be handy...plus your idea of a test thread is well worth looking into...


Well-known Member
Angel;97539 said:
Thread bumping is a problem, I'll admit. What we could do with is something that Albion Knight did for us over at projectego.net - a beginner's guide to using the forums and the do's and don't's of posting...not everyone is forum-adept and it can be confusing to know where to post when the last mention in a particular thread is about three months old or so. Plus there are plenty of people who sign up simply to ask one question and then leave again - it can be less daunting to post in an existing, albeit old, thread rather than create a new one and risk being flamed by everyone for bumping. I'll have a little think and perhaps something of that nature can be arranged...

A general sig/avatar thread would be handy...plus your idea of a test thread is well worth looking into...

Glad I could help...I emailed you a userguide...only just wrote it...maybe it can help :D


Is not rat, is hamster
As I have said in my PM - it's brilliant. Post it and I'll sticky it :D


Well-known Member
Thanks again Angel...I'll reply here instead of clogging your PM box ^___^

Its posted ^__^


New Member
Thanks for telling people off. They really annoy me when they say "please close this thread". Maybe this will stop them from begging.
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