i think that if the new replacement thor was a dude, or another animal faced alien dude people would be reacting less violently. because if anything, i thought people would be freaking out about falcon being the new captain america. but just think about it. what if steve rogers was replaced by sharon carter. "captain america can't be a woman. women are pussies, they're only good for making sandwiches not throwing shields. blahblahblah" i just think (and yes, i dare say this out loud) people don't want to see women take on the mantle of a man's role. it irritates them. frankly, i don't give a ****. as long as the story is good i couldn't care if you're a homosexual transgender angel with demon horns. if the writing is good. i'm happy. that being said, i picked up the first issue...where is she? oh? pushed her back to the end of the book to make me wait another issue to ACTUALLY see her do something worth my time? ok then. not a good start marvel. but i offer second chances
But i want to see it done the right way with a more naturally genuine reason of really wanting to be diverse by adding a female character & not just doing it to shut up feminists or used to gain more appeal from the female population in the comic reading audience.
This feels phoned in as she is only holding a title just as the rest of them.
There's nothing invested in the characters wearing the costumes, it's & it comes off as Marvel doing it because they have to not because they want to.
I WANT TO SEE a strong original female heroine standing equal to THOR, not substituting for him.
I think both of you are right, tbh. I've read a grand total of one Thor comic (I don't buy from Marvel and the base was giving them out for free, sooo...) so I wasn't sure I should say anything in this thread, but I think you both make good points. I think a lot of people are afraid of change and, when change comes, end up panicking when their beloved character suddenly is different, which makes them immediately bash the character out of their own fear. However, there are still loads of people, like you VW, who are excited to see it and who enjoy the new changes, but whose voices get drowned out under all the complaints from those who are afraid/irritated by it. The problem is that when things change and the change is done well, suddenly all those people who were scared want to deny they were ever upset about it to seem more tolerant and then place the blame on all the drama on other people. And, of course, the opposite happens when change is done poorly.
Hearing about how Marvel's decided to make Thor a title now just to let a girl take over the role seems a little half-*ssed to me, purely from a writer's perspective. If they're that determined to have a female Thor, then turn him into a girl; he's already been a frog, so I don't see how turning him into a girl would be such an outlandish stretch. You know, take some initiative and show that you're invested in your story enough to go that extra mile and write it well. I also think that last line of yours is spot on, VW. They want a new character? Then don't make her seem like she's just been tacked in; make her as strong, as equal as the original...otherwise, there's no reason for the change, other than to draw attention to Marvel.
*probably hasn't made much sense, but tried*
One of the most pointless sidekick(-ish?) characters to me is Harley Quinn...
*runs to the promethium reinforced bunker again*
Honey, them be fightin' words. *cracks knuckles*