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This game ain't hard

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greatest fan

Greatest Fan
Dear Devil May Community,
Lady's and gents, I am very good at the Devil May Cry series. I am quite proud to say that. And as such, I have an interesting question I'd like to ask. As some of you have probably concluded, Devil May Cry 4 didn't really deliver in the way we might have hoped (or maybe it did for you). For me, it did not, but here's why. I haven't heard much from people about the actual combo system of the game (you know, the seemingly addicting D - SSS combo system you generate as you hack away at your enemies with "style"). I have a bit of a bone to pick with that, as I have a bad taste in my mouth from trying to invent new and innovative combos. And maybe it's just me, but have you ever noticed that simply running up to enemies and dominating them with a charged rising dragon or using dance macabre makes your style meter go way up? Yet, when I jump cancel a series of helm breakers and chain it into a combo ending with the enemy in the air being exploded by missiles and Lucifer swords, it gives me just about the same style points. And the difference between Dante and Nero is that with Nero the bosses are a joke. His devil bringer is ultimately overpowering to their life bar. And yet, it's just a press of a button after weakening the boss which will inevitably happen. This is my point, things like these that make me not want to play DMC4 after mastering jump cancelling in #3, and pulling off truly you tube quality combos, which is no longer possible (I think the combos you CAN make are ugly) and not needed. And my proof is that I went through the game three times, didn't break a sweat nor die more than a few deaths (Bloddy Palace if you were wondering), rank S'd every mission, and yet you could do the same thing by spamming max leveled style moves. This game was a joke regarding difficulty after a really difficult game like Devil May Cry 3, and as a disappointed, above average player, this game was not made for people like me. Does anyone know what I'm talking about or agree? I'd love to hear from players who are known on the leader boards, because I am a raising a question right now not just in Devil May Cry but in gaming in general. Are people who are truly amazing at some video games less or more important when making a game? Are video games progressively worsening because of this? Is it really more about the gamer than the money? Thanks for reading.

Your greatest fan
P.S- Do not over emphasize that I made known I'm good at the game. I'm not arrogant nor conceded, that's just my level of play.


Well-known Member

Have you played through and beaten DMD yet?
Also, yeah the combo system can be a bit odd but the rankings and style combos exist because of the complexity, some moves although they give fantastic style (like Neros Showdown with Yamoto), it does lots of damage but is hard to execute, time and land successfully...thats why you get more points for seemingly less effort.

Another nice example is stage nine, the first three knights can be KO'd in one hit by using a charge shot on their energy orb...this nets you an instant SSS with damn near no effort...just because its easy doesnt make it hard.


Don't trust people
I Totally Agree with you... the Raning System is easy to get WAY up with only 4 scarecrows i can get to Atomie on Devil Hunter mode..... and YES i agree with that The Modes are no hard at all... with Dante in DMC3 i played on DMD mode 2 mission but i almost never ever got through.... after spending 2 hours on DMC3 only beating mission 2 makes me feel: WOW its hard! (will i make it or not???!?). but in DMC4 its just Masacre through Everything no need to worry to die (maybe In DMD mode). like the SoS mode was so easy i could Sit and play with one hand (on some missions).


Doesn't matter what difficulty your on this game is way to easy and it will never compare to the boss battles in DMC3, especially the last fight with Vergil in DMD mode.


Well-known Member
Yes, it is to easy and yes I was a bit dissapointed. I am currently only on Mission 10 for both Human and Devil hunter, its been a cake walk. I havent died once, hell, I barely take any damage, even when it comes to the bosses.

I hope I will enjoy it a bit more once I unlock DMD mode.


Sir Fretalot
demolition_man;76454 said:
Yes, it is to easy and yes I was a bit dissapointed. I am currently only on Mission 10 for both Human and Devil hunter, its been a cake walk. I havent died once, hell, I barely take any damage, even when it comes to the bosses.

I hope I will enjoy it a bit more once I unlock DMD mode.

trust me, the other modes are easy but dmd is a @%/$*?!


Well-known Member
I found that DMD mode was the easiest simply because all the enemies have alot of health and and their attacks havent improved at all, sure they've got some new ones but they're still pretty easily avoidable which makes it far too easy to fight them.

My guess is that after DMC3 they wanted to lower the difficulty and put it more along the lines of DMC1 so that they could make more money. I just wish they've would've put some harder mode than DMD with slightly faster enemies and make it harder to increase your style.


i didnt become disappointed until I started dmd. The enemys are sooo weak. Same goes for bosses. I actually stroll around and wait for them to DT before i attack. Otherwise they'll be dead or d@mn near by the time they FINALLY decide to get around to it. Even after doing so, nero's DB and/or max act cripples them. Normal enemys die way too quickly. They just can't take that over-the-top pulverization that a lot of 'hardcore' players loved about dmc 3...(myself included) Although I have found that Nero is GREAT at crowd control. Most of his attacks seem to be designed to attack multiple enemies, focusing on the masses rather than the individual. But the only places where you can really get sick wit it is few stages between 81-99 of BP. Dante on the other hand, seems to be quite the opposite. Picking his foes off one by one. Thats great and all but thats where the ability to cancel out of extremely long animations would be a really benefit. Why you are force to watch dante shake blood off his sword and slowwwwly put it away after a Dance macabre is beyond me... Lasty, I dont know about anyone else but i also feel that, just like the DB, Rebellion's power is preposterous. Dance macabre and overdrive... ridiculous.

I do like the game though. (if you cant tell:D ) Its just the little things that annoy me at times. >_< But honestly, the real reason im a bit dissapointed in Capcom is...=] well, you see, Capcom chose to settle with great when they could have EASILY achieved god-like, end all, unrivaled glory amongst the action genre. D@mn shame.:\ Oh well...^_^


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
Personally I have no problem with this game. Because I think Capcom most wanted to test the power of the new generation consolls and make it as an entertainment. Not as like the legendary DMC games.


Well-known Member
i found DMD to be fair challenging but the other modes were a bit easy really, although i did die a couple of times in SOS mode, i couldnt even do DMC3 on the very hard difficulty never mind DMD, so yea i guess it is easier but then again maybe im just getting better?
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