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thinking of creating a Role playing story

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as what the title says if you are intrested to join Make your Character in this thread

here are some rules:

1) Kissing and holding hands is fine. But no intercourse please!
2) No controlling other members characters
3) No playing God, we all have our weakness
4) No killing another character unless you have permission
5) No dodging everything, we're not Neo

here is basically a templet:


here is the plot of the story

The characters get caught up into a twisted reality where they believed that hell and demons don't exist and find themselves stuck and must choose a side.


Well-known Member
Great idea:)

Name: Qudlaty of The Holy Order

Sex: Male

Age: 18

Height: 5"8

Looks: white cloak with a large, black belt around it; black boots; white half-gloves with silver studs on the knuckles; fairly long, black hair.

Attitude: chilled out, serious when the situation needs it, has a sense of humor, thinks before doing something.

History: I don't know anything. I'm traveling the world, killing demons for money and looking for my memories. I found a legendary group named "The Holy Order" that slays demons for money. I joined them and soon became the vice-leader.

Weapons: dual-wielding a silver katana and a black Desert Eagle firing silver bullets. I know basic telekinesis (pushing, pulling), customised Devil Trigger- half of me becomes black (including face)- my dark alter ego, while the other half remains normal. While in Devil Trigger, my dark alter ego takes control of me.
that is up to you you can be who ever you want

here is my character

Name: asterck krory

Sex: male

Age: 22 years old

Height: 5ft'2


Attitude: cold, little talker, thinks about his friends before himself

History: his family were killed when he was 5 years old, so he lived with his uncle who lives in japan. when he became 9 years old he went to MT.Koya temple to study the art of war. he lived in the temple until he became 18 years old that is when he left to U.S.A and joined the army.

Weapons: customized Colt .45, customized M4, survival knife,and battle knife.


Bad a$$ Gunslinger
then i call Trish....

Name: Trish
Sex: Female
Age: 26
Height: 5"4

Attitude: you guys know what she's like
History: we all know
Weapons: Luce and Ombra and Alastor
(I rely more on Alastor when i play dmc 1. the only time i use Sparda is the first mundus battle)

Demons Destiny

Silenced Vampire
Right, I'm jumping in!

Name: Shannon (or Demons Destiny as a code name)

Sex: Female

Age: 14
Height: 5''3

Looks: Black, long, straight hair, Brown eyes. Basically a black tight top with black skinny jeans. Black high heel boots, (for the clicky sound) black fingerless gloves, and a silver ring on the right hand :D

Attitude: Laid back, and doesn't take orders from nobody. Funny, ruthless and happy all the time. The slightest thing triggers verbal abuse (but not too strong :D)

History: Parents died in a plane crash when she was aged 10 (in real life they haven't :lol:) but the plane crash was caused by someone. All her life she has been set out to kill that person. She also studied modern foreign languages, (french) art and martial arts.

Weapons: Whatever comes in use, but usually two guns and two short bladed swords


Well-known Member
I'm just happy because i thought that the thread is dead.
Don't we need somebody like a Game Master?
Can anybody tell me what Trish is like? I only played DMC3
How many people do we need to start playing?
as for p.s.1 i am searching for an admin to be the GM

as for p.s.2 beside the GM i am waiting for one member to join i already sent him an invetation and i am waiting for his responed


Well-known Member
Um, i thought it would be like a real RPG, with long posts, not short ones like in the link.
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