I'd be compelled to agree with you, except that Nintendo has gone out of their way by saying that Link was never intended as an avatar in later games like Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. Each Link was supposed to bring something unique to the table, demonstrating traits that would give each version his own look/feel.When it came to Link, I was mainly thinking of things like Mass Effect or Halo Reach which allow you to choose the gender for your character.
I'm totally open for a Zelda game starring Zelda herself, and even a Gannondorf spinoff.
And that crashes headlong with the idea in RPG's like Mass Effect, which offer a chance to the player to shape not only Shepard, but his entire world: his armor, his story, his relationship with his shipmates....etc.
Until we get a Zelda that has the depth and customization of an actual RPG, we have to settle with playing as characters...and our options boil down to either Zelda or Link. Personally, I'm voting for Zelda.