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There is Always A Catch

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Whenever there is a new DMC game there is always one catch that keeps it from being perfect....sometimes even good.

Devil May Cry-Poor camera and something about the nuisances of the Yellow Orb system

Devil May Cry 2-almost everything.....but in DMC2's case there was one catch that kept it from being a bad game....more acrobatic freedom and pretty large terrain and more platforming freedom compared to the other DMC games.

Devil May Cry 3-Limited weapons to use and even 1 Style per mission it took them another game for them to realize that the d-pad was being wasted as another menu button.

Devil May Cry 4-Nero & Dante (not them but how Capcom chose to handle the story mode, they couldn't have give them both separating story modes like DMC2) and somewhat Dante's poor choice of weapons (I'll get into that later).

Do you guys know any more other catches or flaws in DMC games and discuss how this can even relate to DmC and even future DMC titles?


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
DMC1 had bad camera and having to go to the pause menu to switch weapons.

DMC2 was not to good all around, but it did have pros. It also had limited combos to do.

DMC3 was okay all in general, but it had its moments of graphic mess ups, and only one style the whole mission unless you change it at a statue place.

DMC4...Oh my...So much to complain about...

DmC has the whole lock on thing going on, and plus I worry if the aerial would get in the way of ground combat.


I Saw the Devil
Are you guys kidding? There are very few perfect games and even those are not without flaws.


Enma Katana no Kami
Are you guys kidding? There are very few perfect games and even those are not without flaws.
That statement is contradictory. Perfect means without flaws so if every game has flaws then there are no perfect games. (Saying there are very few perfect games would mean that there are some games that don't have flaws which would be impossible.)

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
Are you guys kidding? There are very few perfect games and even those are not without flaws.

I'm talking about perfect for DMC or the game in general.

DMC1 was far from a perfect game, a great game, but its flaws I'm referring to stems from the stuff that makes it what it is. Such as DMC1 wasn't a perfect DMC game and by DMC game I mean what the game tried to do (sh*t camera, annoying yellow orb system, and wasn't all that stylish and simple battle mechanics). In my eyes, DMC3 is close to be being perfect and DMC1 had stuff that kept it from being perfect in its own right. DMC4 had improvements over DMC3 but its flaws kept it from being the perfect sequel to DMC3.

Were just talking about the perfect DMC game and even though its still classifying DMC as its own game and not ranking it with other games we must use simple mechanics for any game (camera, controls, and multiple life system).


Well-known Member
In all games, its the flaws that give them their unique flavor. And those flaws are often missed and generate nostalgia.


Gilver FTW!
I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Berto. Every game has its flaws.

That statement is contradictory. Perfect means without flaws so if every game has flaws then there are no perfect games. (Saying there are very few perfect games would mean that there are some games that don't have flaws which would be impossible.)

Your comment is bad and you should feel bad. Your comment does not contribute to this thread whatsoever and is even more pointless than the Resident Evil movies.


Enma Katana no Kami
I'm sorry, but I have to agree with Berto. Every game has its flaws.

Your comment is bad and you should feel bad. Your comment does not contribute to this thread whatsoever and is even more pointless than the Resident Evil movies.
Does this make you feel important? Calling me out over a minor commment that has nothing to do with you. Does annoying me make you feel like you matter?

I suppose I'm supposed to cry and beg for your forgiveness and then spend the rest of the day thinking about how horrible i was for pointing out the definition of a word. " How am i suppossed to life with this regret." Is that what i am supposed to be thinking?

So anything else you want to tell me about my life? Any other brilliant insights? Childish insults towards movies? Anything?


Gilver FTW!
Does this make you feel important? Calling me out over a minor commment that has nothing to do with you. Does annoying me make you feel like you matter?

I suppose I'm supposed to cry and beg for your forgiveness and then spend the rest of the day thinking about how horrible i was for pointing out the definition of a word. " How am i suppossed to life with this regret." Is that what i am supposed to be thinking?

So anything else you want to tell me about my life? Any other brilliant insights? Childish insults towards movies? Anything?

I have not involved your personal life not even once and I didn't try to annoy you, you earned my comment by writing a childish reply to Berto. I never asked you to beg for my forgiveness as I'm not even mad, I only stated the fact that your comment was inappropriate.

Stylish Nero

We Dem Boys!!
DMC 1: New
DMC 2: Too different than 1
DMC 3: Feels like one.
DMC 4: Dull
Bayonetta: Dull but, with more weapons.

I didn't know Bayonetta counted as a DMC game but if were using it then

Bayonetta: It was a great game with a sh*t tons of moves, weapons, and abilities but it had way too much cheap gimmicks like the Torture Moves & Cinematic finishers which just automatically happens via QTE. I mean where the fun or skill in that if she just randomly activates the TM & CF like that. The combat isn't very deep like DMC3 & even DMC4......its just here is a lot of combos and moves go nuts but don't go too overboard....DmC IMO appears to try to have a deep combat scheme (with having a deep and more superior weapon switching system) and not flood the game with craziness, gimmicks (the Quicksilver DT & Environment Kills appear to be gimmicks but gimmicks in a right way), and QTE.


I Saw the Devil
That statement is contradictory. Perfect means without flaws so if every game has flaws then there are no perfect games. (Saying there are very few perfect games would mean that there are some games that don't have flaws which would be impossible.)
You really want to go there? 'cause if you do then you should also know that perfection is an impossivility and therefore all things are flawed and therefore there is no point in complaining since no DMC game will ever be perfect and therefore there will always be flaws.


First of the Dead
That game was a failure.

I know DMC fans were saying it was a cheap rip off and it was. Nothing original at all. Because they didn't use originality they forced us to look at this 3 dollar stripper.

That's not a fact.

   [fakt] Show IPA
something that actually exists; reality; truth: Your fears haveno basis in fact.

something known to exist or to have happened: Space travelis now a fact.

a truth known by actual experience or observation;something known to be true: Scientists gather facts aboutplant growth.

something said to be true or supposed to have happened:The facts given by the witness are highly questionable.

Law . Often, facts. an actual or alleged event orcircumstance, as distinguished from its legal effect orconsequence. Compare question of fact, question of law.
You are stating an opinion, which you keep deciding to push on people as a fact. And it's not even close. You have done this on several threads and nobody accepts your "facts" or your "jokes" that are actually just insults. Just this morning you were reported several times for your rude/insulting behavior. I'm surprised you're still even here. Angel told you to keep your attitude in check and you have obviously not listened at all. We don't need your constant barrage of negativity and your degrading attitude. I will not stand for this as I'm sure others will agree with me. Take your "facts" somewhere else, most of us already know that you are the already banned member Agility.


Truth lies before ruin
Bayonetta was said to be a failure by Platinum Games.

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