I see. I was referring more to my own experience of potential employers that promise a job if you work on a sample first. Beware those. They seem to be rife, and employers seem to think they can ask for it because many artists agree to it. Although I'm not sure if writers have such an equivalent.
If such creatures exist in the writerly world (in which I'm sure they do), I'll avoid them like the plague they are, don't worry.

I have no intentions of letting anyone use me for their own personal gain while crapping all over what I've worked so hard on.
There shouldn't be a need because artists have portfolios. You wouldn't ask a builder to build you a sample house or an accountant to do some sample books. Which is why it's somewhat unethical to ask an artist to do it - they are still professionals like builders and accountants.
Precisely; your portfolios are your "free samples", so to speak.

Nothing else beyond that is necessary. And of course, I'm in agreement. ^^ Apparently, the "exposure" bit confused me, lol. I was thinking in terms of, "if a person never posts their work where it can be seen, then how will they ever gain the recognition to develop a following or monetary gain?"
I'm not going to lie; monetary is on my list of things I'd like to gain. Not the first thing, but if I'm getting published, there'd better be money involved. It doesn't have to be a lot; in fact, since I'm a realist, I know it's unlikely to be, anyway. That said? I may love writing, but that doesn't mean I've enjoyed every last second, nor that I haven't suffered setbacks during. As such, I need to get something out of it that proves all of the time and sacrifice that went into it--that continues to go into it--was worthwhile. Personally, publication is a big part of that; financial gain is secondary, and something that I care about more in regards to my family than to myself.
...I can't remember where I was going with this. ^^; Anyway, in sum? I agree with you. A career in one form of entertainment or another is still a career, and should be treated as such.