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The Third Birthday


Your breasts are illegal!!
Has anyone heard of it?

It is the spinoff to the Parasite Eve series. Years after the second PE, The Third Birthday stars Aya Brea. Now she is in her mid-30s but because of her mitochondrial powers, she still looks like she is in her early 20s. In this one, Aya face off against creatures called The Twisted.

Originally, it was only planned for some uber high tech Japanese video gaming cell phone but now it has been annouced for the PSP! Right now there is no release dates for it in Japan. It also hasnt been announced for the US as well, but eventually it would.

Aya looks soooooooo bangable in that wedding dress on a certain scene from The Third Birthday. Graphics look better than Crisis Core! Who else is excited about The Third Birthday like me!?


Dark slayer
will I have only played the first part of the game so I'm not that excited
but thanx any way


Your breasts are illegal!!

That is Aya Brea from The Third Birthday.


Aya Brea
I still think she will always look smokin' from the first game. I am a HUGE PE fan. When I first heard it was going to be for the cellphone I was in rage. Square Enix was full of it when they pulled that move and it probably wouldn't have done well on a cell phone either. :/ I'm glad it's gonna be moved to the PSP. Oh happeh days.

The Twisted sounds like something Nomura pulled out of his a** from playing too much KH and The World Ends With You. It'd be better to continue to call them Mitochondria Creatures or the NMC, but due to the events in PE2, the NMCs are probably all wiped out since the ARK cannot harvest and create anymore. I hope it's not taking some FF or KH turn. Keep it a true scifi-horror game like the first. :]

Aya will always be my fav. video game babe. <3


Your breasts are illegal!!
VI-Rainbow;115591 said:
I still think she will always look smokin' from the first game. I am a HUGE PE fan. When I first heard it was going to be for the cellphone I was in rage. Square Enix was full of it when they pulled that move and it probably wouldn't have done well on a cell phone either. :/ I'm glad it's gonna be moved to the PSP. Oh happeh days.

The Twisted sounds like something Nomura pulled out of his a** from playing too much KH and The World Ends With You. It'd be better to continue to call them Mitochondria Creatures or the NMC, but due to the events in PE2, the NMCs are probably all wiped out since the ARK cannot harvest and create anymore. I hope it's not taking some FF or KH turn. Keep it a true scifi-horror game like the first. :]

Aya will always be my fav. video game babe. <3

I completely agree. They should of made a new mitochondrial threat. That what made PE great and scare the **** of me. The idea that something inside us can do such a thing is like.....WOW.


Aya Brea
Dark Esura;115707 said:
I completely agree. They should of made a new mitochondrial threat. That what made PE great and scare the **** of me. The idea that something inside us can do such a thing is like.....WOW.

I was 9 going on 10 when the game came out. My brother who is 4 years younger than me could play it without being bothered, though the rat freaked him out. I cried like a b*tch when the rat transformed and unplugged my playstation from the wall when Sheeva (they did spell her name like this, right?) transformed. They were scary, yet good times. :]


Your breasts are illegal!!
VI-Rainbow;115909 said:
I was 9 going on 10 when the game came out. My brother who is 4 years younger than me could play it without being bothered, though the rat freaked him out. I cried like a b*tch when the rat transformed and unplugged my playstation from the wall when Sheeva (they did spell her name like this, right?) transformed. They were scary, yet good times. :]

I was around 8 or 9 too when this game came out too. That rat gave me goosebumps, but Eve scared the holy **** out of me. Especially when her and Aya were on the horse drawn carriage at the park. And yes, you spelled Shiva right.
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