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The theory where everything fits

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Well-known Member
This is my theory:

In chapter 8 of the DMC Anime, it's explained how the port town from Morris Island, were Dante (in that moment, known as Tony Redgrave) and his mother, (maybe also Vergil and/or Sparda, they're not mentioned, it's just mentioned his mother and it's seen a photo of Tony with the teacher and his friend Ernest), is burned in a brutal fire wich cause the majority of the population to die. This fire was caused by a demon who was searching for Sparda or his sons, maybe to eat their soul and become much more powerfull. The locals accused Tony's mother of causing the fire, then she leaved with Tony to another place.

Of course, when you're accused of causing a genocide, you don't want the ones who accuse you to find you, and, lets see: how many kids with white hair but tanned skin can exist in the whole world? So, to hide, Tony dyed his hair black.

Is Dante that tony? Yes, for sure. In that chapter, besides some signs of Dante being Tony but wanting to forget the past, Dante says clearly: "I'm not that Tony Redgrave, besides I used that name in the past. My name is Dante". And besides, in his pistols you can read "For Tony Redgrave", as you can read in this image: http://www.guerrerosdeljuego.com/wp-content/uploads/wallpaper_devil_may_cry_4_06_1920x1.jpg

Later, as Trish says in the intro of DMC1, Dante lost his mother and brother in a mysterious way. I believe DmC it's situated here: with a Dante devastated by the loss, and chased by demons attracted by his Spardish smell, longing to devour his soul to rise on the hell order, and in that circumstances: what's the point on keep dying his hair? why should I care of vengeful people if i'm being chased by DEMONS and I have nothing to lose?
That would explain the black hair with white roots: the non dyed hair growing.

Why is he haggard, dirt and chained like a dangerous young offender with mental problems? Cause he has nowhere to go, nothing to lose, he's furious and he's being chased by demons. If the police arrest you (for example, because of breaking everything like Dante has ever done), and you explain them that you're being chased by demons, your mother was killed by demons, etc etc, what are they gonna do? Believe you're crazy as hell, cerebral plates, special treatment for dangerous insane people...

And, (excuse me for the joker moment), why so serious? He lose everything, he's being chased, he has no one... it's logic he's not in a good mood. In the DMC3 Dante you can still see this nuances, but little by little Dante start learning to appreciate the little things (like his pizzas, strawberry sundays and tomato juices xD), and above all, he has fun chasing demons, i guess this makes him feel strong, feel like taking revenge, feel he's not a demonic monster. Whit time, and I gess with the influcence of the people he meets (Enzo was a swine, but Lady, Trish and the others may have influenced) to become the Dante on DMC1 and DMC3.
On DMC, Dante is on the very begining of his evolution, in his worst moment.

And the last: why does he have that fits? This fits are not a new thing on the saga. It's caused by an internal fight between the demoniac part and the human part. In DMC1 comic, Dante has one when touching the statue of the hall he enters for. In DMC1, Nelo Angelo has that same fits when he sees the amulet, a gift from their fathers (he's not possesed, in the comic he assures "i'm just trying to get rid of the cursed fate of your blood", his dark side is superimposed over his human's to the point he disowns his humanity and serves the enemy of his father).
In the trailer, Dante has this fit when he's massacring enemies: is ther any better moment for the demonic side to erupt than a brutal massacre?

Why he smokes? Maybe he started for some silly thing, and later whe decided to stop. It's not really important.

And about the enemies, whe shall remember that they materialize from a black substance which looks like the Tripoxylus wich moves the scarecrows on DMC4, that even if they look a bit like the I,Robot androids they can be easily be created with mannequins and old machinery pieces, with a bit of alchemy or demonic magic, and that in the hell the technology isn't the same as in earth: remember in the Mallet Island there was an functional AIRPLANE in a MEDIEVAL castle.

About that weapon, in the game it's said Rebellion was a gift from his father. But not the ONLY gift. He coul also get it from a demon he killed by his hands or with his guns.

This is my theory. In my opinion, if i'm right, DmC can be an awesome game wich can tie up many loose ends.
But probably i'm not right and all this are mere coincidences TN did not see or did just ignore.

What do you think?

Zany Blac

Well-known Member
I tthink your idea is pretty solid.

Eitherway the series had it coming.

The best game was the first one imo, it had everything, length awesomeness and variety of locations not to mention a good blend of combat, puzzle solving and exploration.

You hit the nail perfectly on the head with the situation Dante as Tony Redgrave should find himself in.

Hell! Anyone would be messed up if they go through soo much crap.

But seeing this is a reboot it may be an entirely new origin story, but still the trailer has got me excited.

Everything you say fits perfectly into place, and i take it your among the precious few who think that this is actually a good thing for the series.

In that case i guess it makes two of us.

Nice theory!


Well-known Member
If you look little more closely, oh wait, it's very obvious. THE WHOLE WORLD LOOKS FUTURISTIC. I mean realy, even in anime there is no modern technology and now you can see a damn spiked building, wierd train and most obviosly modern cameras. Simply this couldn't have happened before DMC3. Arhitecture doesn't fit. Unless demons somehow brought it all to the surface which is very unlikely.
But that must've happened after DMC3 because then buildings looked quite normal (despite the temen-ni-gru standing there like a huge #&$%).

This can only be future where world is in control of humans/demons and Dante's job is to stop invading demons/kill the demon leader who conquered earth or just that city.
(OLD) Dante is dead/captured(unlikely) and that explains why the new Dante is wielding E&I (or the guns are L&O which would neatly explain purple fire that comes out of them).
This (NEW) Dante is probably Nero's son because it would explain time gap better(and because its stupid and kinda wierd to name a son after his father) and Nero had a girlfriend (Kyrie) in DMC4 who got wet every time she thought about Nero and it explains Dante's retarded hair color and it explains why Dante uses his weapon to throw a car (me wants to grab and throw like my daddy does) and this sentence is finaly about to end. And blah blah blah.

I can't do it anymore this game is most likely a reboot so it's pointless to speculate what it is and what it'll be.
And I need to sober up :lol:.


1# Trickster
he can have black hair all he wants, he just has to actually look like dante, know what i mean?

i like this theory tho, instead of a reboot they should've gone down your path

except the fits thing is kinda umm....im just not feelin it, lets put it that way


Well-known Member
Awesome;275157 said:
If you look little more closely, oh wait, it's very obvious. THE WHOLE WORLD LOOKS FUTURISTIC. I mean realy, even in anime there is no modern technology and now you can see a damn spiked building, wierd train and most obviosly modern cameras. Simply this couldn't have happened before DMC3. Arhitecture doesn't fit. Unless demons somehow brought it all to the surface which is very unlikely.
But that must've happened after DMC3 because then buildings looked quite normal (despite the temen-ni-gru standing there like a huge #&$%).

This can only be future where world is in control of humans/demons and Dante's job is to stop invading demons/kill the demon leader who conquered earth or just that city.
(OLD) Dante is dead/captured(unlikely) and that explains why the new Dante is wielding E&I (or the guns are L&O which would neatly explain purple fire that comes out of them).
This (NEW) Dante is probably Nero's son because it would explain time gap better(and because its stupid and kinda wierd to name a son after his father) and Nero had a girlfriend (Kyrie) in DMC4 who got wet every time she thought about Nero and it explains Dante's retarded hair color and it explains why Dante uses his weapon to throw a car (me wants to grab and throw like my daddy does) and this sentence is finaly about to end. And blah blah blah.
Well, when did the spikes started to be futuristic? It's just a city with gothic arquitecture.
Otherwise, this catedral should have been constructed on 2342, isn't?
Well, it started on the XIX century.
Same with other things like this:

Or this:

And when did a train with big windows on the doors become futuristic?
When did the security camera's wich film black and white and even little shops have, become futuristic?
Holy sh**! We live in a futuristic world! Thank you for making me realize. This is future, people! </irony mode>


Well-known Member
And I need to sober up :lol:.

Now I'm back and good to go.

This is how you sound.

Chill on nerd-rage.
They don't even resemble each other. I didn't even try to put Guggenheim Museum on...

And when did a train with big windows on the doors become futuristic?

Well Sagrada Familia is here from XIX. century but building isn't realy 'todayistic', if you know what I mean. There are
many reasons to hold on some things, in case of Sagrada it is it's cultural meaning to people.

When did the security camera's wich film black and white and even little shops have, become futuristic?

In wikipedia it's stated that DMC universe takes part in modern times, my guess would be that for now it ranges from 1980-2000 (DMC3-DMC4, DMC2 not included because it sucks ^_^) which would explain lack of small cameras before and demonic apocalypse would explain basic cameras in DmC(they could've put colored camera but I'm sure they just want to hook some 12 year olds with b&w effect).
That way it Lady's motorcycle is explained in DMC3, then she gets a new one in anime (old one is Ducati 750 Supersport from 1974). It explains the CRT television in anime, not so modern train (which differs much from what is seen in this trailer, even though it's a city train), and whole city is kinda oldish. So by futuristic and demonic I meant that maybe Dante failed to stop next demon invasion and now demons rule the world(with their magical/scientifical inovations and buildings). And now in Dmc some Dante wannabe is back on the job.
All that makes more sense to me than lil' Dante's past theory.
Most of my 'futuristic' point comes from spiked building anyway.

My message one again in case you've forgot about it.



In the end, I must agree with you.
Spiked building from DmC realy could fit into a today's cities.
To demonstrate how, I pasted spiked building over Sidney's and Barcelona's famous buildings, you have one guess over which ones.
Take a look!



Eagle-eyed Devil Hunter
Awesome;275517 said:

I have no idea what the hell you're on about...but the little demon face you drew in that pic made me chuckle. Well done, sir. ^_^

OP, I think your idea is quite plausible. We've only gotten snippets of info about Dante during the time right after his Mother died. It would be pretty interesting to see a very mentally-unstable Dante dealing with the loss of his parents, his demonic powers and the constant attack from demons trying to destroy Sparda's bloodline.


Well-known Member
lol to how I sound xD
I just meant to say an archicecture with a different style doesn't mean futuristic world (although it doesn't mean i isn't either).
And the windows on the train are just windows. There's no need of ultrahipertechnology for that.
Just meaning that, it's possible the city is futuristic, just as possible as the city is not futuristic. In mine opinion is not, in yours, it is.
So my theory fits, but theory's of a dante or nero's child, or just a wannabe devil hunter trying to rise again the legend of Dante in a world overrun by demons. By I still rather mine.

Legendary Darkslayer

The Roguedemonhunter
Normally, I would say this is a very good theory. However it appears as though this is a reboot, not a prequel so unfortunately your theory doesn't really fit with that. Awesome theory though.


Well-known Member
Hoskar.Angelo;275536 said:
lol to how I sound xD
I just meant to say an archicecture with a different style doesn't mean futuristic world (although it doesn't mean i isn't either).
And the windows on the train are just windows. There's no need of ultrahipertechnology for that.
Just meaning that, it's possible the city is futuristic, just as possible as the city is not futuristic. In mine opinion is not, in yours, it is.
So my theory fits, but theory's of a dante or nero's child, or just a wannabe devil hunter trying to rise again the legend of Dante in a world overrun by demons. By I still rather mine.

I just can't accept possibility of kiddo Dante because of blue fires out of his guns, slow firing style, no silver amulet, Dante being beaten down and chained, no pic of his mother shown. I'd put scene in vid with him loking at his mother's picture if I've choosen to put him in past, just to point that that story is happening in the past (He must have been carrying picture of his mom somewhere before he framed it in his shop).

But as I've said in my first post here, this is probably just a stupid reboot. :(


Well-known Member
Don't get all huffy. When you post you implicitly agree to the TOS. If you don't like it, don't post.

Also, this theory makes no sense and nothing fits. Post in the actual theory thread.


Well-known Member
i'm in love with your idea
this is (somewhat) what i assumed they would go for when i saw the trailer
i must admit im not that into all dmc cannon and details, and its amazing how you saw everything fit
even if they are just partial to these "coincidences" i think they might make a really good origin game
as for setting and technology how some might be complaining about, i personally think it doesnt matter, as much as dmc always had this gothic flavor to it, i always liked to see the contratst with the post apocaliptic like ruined cities that were always present in the past games

i blogged about it as soon as the trailer went out (or DA if you prefer) but you summed it in a way i could only imagine
good job, gives me a little more hope (or despair)

Crimson Devil

Congratulations Hoskar.Angelo! Nice theory.
I never liked anime or manga, nor considered them canon (doesnt matter what people say). But hey, you got some well thought theory... you managed to link many parts of dante's past together. Even if it isnt correct, it makes good sense.... Well done!
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