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The Matrix Ressurections

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
That cropped up on my feed but it was posted by IGN.
I thought they were gaming content exclusively. I guess not.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020


There is a rumor that the 2 sequels, Reloaded and Revolutions aren't canon in Ressurections.

As much as the sequels didn't hold up to the first (imo) I still wouldn't like the idea that the stories behind them end up just being completely disregarded.

My take on Matrix Resurrections is as follows;

I want it to continue from where Revolutions left off. Morpheus not being played by Lawrence Fishburne is a bummer but doesn't kill my excitement for the movie. Agent Smith not being in it is a complete letdown but I'm sure that there could be references to him or a hint of his return in some way (I'm hoping. It wouldn't feel right otherwise).

The trailer doesn't really give much away tbh in terms of what we're actually going to get from the story. It alludes to certain things like Neo taking blue pills and that's suppressing all his memories of the Matrix etc. But other than the premise of 'these characters are all somehow dragged back into the Matrix" it doesn't give away anything else which is good. There's a few lines from the trailer that I didn't like as they just sounded so cringe when I heard them (examples; "You seem particularly triggered", "After all this time. To be going back to where it all started. Back to the Matrix".) These lines I didn't like at all but can't like everything.

Overall I'm more excited than anything to see what the story holds for all these characters old and new to the Matrix universe and I'll definitely be going to see it when it comes out at the cinema. I don't go to the cinema ever to watch any movies but this and John Wick 4 are literally the only movies I'll make an exception for.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
As much as the sequels didn't hold up to the first (imo) I still wouldn't like the idea that the stories behind them end up just being completely disregarded.

My take on Matrix Resurrections is as follows;

I want it to continue from where Revolutions left off. Morpheus not being played by Lawrence Fishburne is a bummer but doesn't kill my excitement for the movie. Agent Smith not being in it is a complete letdown but I'm sure that there could be references to him or a hint of his return in some way (I'm hoping. It wouldn't feel right otherwise).

The trailer doesn't really give much away tbh in terms of what we're actually going to get from the story. It alludes to certain things like Neo taking blue pills and that's suppressing all his memories of the Matrix etc. But other than the premise of 'these characters are all somehow dragged back into the Matrix" it doesn't give away anything else which is good. There's a few lines from the trailer that I didn't like as they just sounded so cringe when I heard them (examples; "You seem particularly triggered", "After all this time. To be going back to where it all started. Back to the Matrix".) These lines I didn't like at all but can't like everything.

Overall I'm more excited than anything to see what the story holds for all these characters old and new to the Matrix universe and I'll definitely be going to see it when it comes out at the cinema. I don't go to the cinema ever to watch any movies but this and John Wick 4 are literally the only movies I'll make an exception for.
I thought of the new Morpheus as a Trojan Horse from the villians. Canonically Morpheus died after the 3rd movie. After the original trilogy, there was an MMO that continued the story for another few years. He dies in it and the Wachowski siblings had a big hand in the expanded media. I imagine they are keeping to it because they wrote it.
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Well-known Member
Xen-Omni 2020
Watched the movie, it was pretty decent but didnt hit nearly as well as the previous trilogy. Had some great moments, and some weak ones.

Story and explanations were overcomplicated but overall i enjoyed it.
Anyone else here see it?, no spoilers of course.


The Dark Avenger © †
Premium Elite
Supporter 2014
Xen-Omni 2020
The absolute sheer number of negative things being said about this movie alone has been enough to put me off watching it.

Keep in mind that my expectations for this were at quite a high level.

I'll probably eventually watch it some day but for now I think I'll save myself the disappointment. Very unfortunate.


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
I watched it and I dont remember anything of the movie at all. Just a few things like poor acting, terrible follow up after The Matrix Revolutions and that they brought Neo back in a fascinating way. Still all in all it was a complete dissapointment. We didnt need this movie at all.
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