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The Final Fantasy Thread


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
Since there are not a generally thread about Final Fantasy I think it deserves an owm thread. So here you can talk about everything regarding Final Fantasy.
Some updates are we are waiting for Final fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII Versus on PS3.


Aya Brea
Sweet. An FF threat not just to one in particular. <3 For those who wanna look back on the history of FF, be sure to watch, "Final Fantasy: Retrospective" (They even speak of KH and other games that featured FF characters or FF side stories such as Mystic Quest for the SNes). I'll even post the links here... :]

(I'm SO, SO sorry there are ALOT of videos... when it aired it was 13 episodes)

Finally... the last 3:



that zzzombiekid
Strifer;83190 said:
Since there are not a generally thread about Final Fantasy I think it deserves an owm thread. So here you can talk about everything regarding Final Fantasy.
Some updates are we are waiting for Final fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy XIII Versus on PS3.

OMG OMG!! FF!!!! Yeah, though, many places/sites say it is coming out next year, but a friend of mine told me it is coming out this year o_O

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
If only I had a had something other than a PS2, ah, never mind.

I hope that this FFXIII is going to be the coolest one yet, so when I finally can afford a PS3, it'll be worth every penny. I loved FFXII and FFX. I never really rated Dirge of Cerberus on the account that it was simply too easy.

King Avallach

Deity of the Old World
Yes, as a matter of fact, I did. I always complete games 100% and I unlocked all of the cutscenes as well.

Angel Valentine

[ It Penetrates ]
OMG OMG!! FF!!!! Yeah, though, many places/sites say it is coming out next year, but a friend of mine told me it is coming out this year o_O
Yeah, i thought I read in a Playstation magazine (can't remember which issue) it was coming out late December of this year? But I only trust Squenix with release dates half of the time, so we'll see :p

Can't wait for XIII & versusXIII, cause then maybe my PS3 will get some use xDDD

Chaos Raiden

Avid Gamer & Reviewer
Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII will be released on Fall 2008.The Last Remnant will be released on the same date,with both Final Fantasy XIII and Final Fantasy Versus XIII released.The Last Remnant is another game project by Square Enix,meow.The date is not fixed,but it will come out this year.:)


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
Just forget it guys. I say that many have said. SQUARE - ENIX HAVE NOT ANNOUNCED A RELEASE DATE YET. So, really it could come this year next year or next year that again or maybe 2011. No one knows this yet. trust me I know this. I been to the forum for a long time and there is no telling about anything news for weeks and NO RELEASE DATE. Fine... Thanks....Then people will understand....I....hope

Angelo Credo

Kept you waiting, huh?
As much as I truly love Final Fantasy, from what has come of 13, I'm glad I didn't get a PS3, let us see shall we?

The primary character suffers from Amnesia and is called Lightning as to hide her true identity, the classic summons return...Something I'm pleased with, but in something of a mechanical form, and Shiva transforms into a motorcycle...Far too cliché character base for me, along with the added twist of a Transformers rip off.

I'm glad I had the pleasure of playing every other Final Fantasy to this point, because as far as I'm concerned, any further installments are dead to me now.


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
I know one thing that was very good in FFXII. The system. Like categories in magic: Arkana Magic - Green Magic - Black Magic - White Magic. A good plus. I have never seen that in earlier games. Really good.

Angel Valentine

[ It Penetrates ]
I actually like the way XIII looks :eek: Not saying I think the Shiva/Motorcycle thing is especially cool......-_-; But everything else looks pretty entertaining so far. vsXIII......I'm not really sure how I feel about it yet. Emo characters are starting to get on my nerves and the guy looks so effing emo xDDD

I really enjoyed most of XII. I didn't think the system was all that revolutionary or impressive but I've experienced worse *cough*junctionsystem*cough*.

I was upset with the uselessness of the Espers though.....I never used them....I tried to use them a few times just to see what their final attacks looked like but I didn't have enough patience so I just gave up. I also don't remember using a lot of magic myself ^^;;


The King Of Chinese Dragons
Supporter 2014
In Versus it is all about the prince and his boys. The gang. So cool. You have seen the picture?
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