I'll admit that Raiden is a bad ass, and his invincibility, or however you spell that is also cool as hell Metal Gear Solid 4 Raiden would win... but this is not a "is Raiden cool?" thing. This is about wether or not Raiden would win a fight against Grey fox...yes he would.
But only because there is almost nothing human of him left. Second if he is so good why does he get Hurt so much? SERIOUSLY Every time he fights Vamp, he's used as a pincussion.
Grey fox on the other hand fights 7 or 8 targets at a time, THAT ALL HAVE GUNS!!! yet still manages to get in close enough to use a sword and doesn't get a damn scratch. I mean, RAIDEN LOST AN ARM FOR GOD SAKE!!!
Emma took on Vamp and only got stabbed once. (that was intended to be a joke people calm down)
"I just don't fear death"
BULL because if you were still human you'ld never do any of the stupid stuff you do.
This is one of the biggest things that annoy me about versus threads. they never put any character of the characters on even ground, obviously for some you can't (i.e. snake VS satan) but boss VS lady, lady VS meryl, Raiden VS Grey Fox it really wouldn't be hard to do so. (which is what I do in most cases when making my decisions)
If Raiden had the same tech Grey Fox had, or Grey Fox had Raidens tech, and they both had a fight Raiden would get stomped, and you know it.
Second your totally right Grey Fox died so easily, any one of us could have survived getting stomped on by a few ton robot, yet HE got crushed like a coke can. How dare I think he was any good, I mean I fought Godzilla, a tank, and a damn transformer the other day, and didn't even break a sweat.
To recap, if Raiden and Grey Fox had the same tech, Grey Fox would win because he has more skill. Come one NES fans, did he or did he not fist fight Solid Snake in a mine field??? But If MGS4 Raiden (enhancments and all) fought Grey Fox, Grey Fox would get his ass handed to him, no contest.
even though it would be like a tank fighting a baby, completely one sided and incredibley unfair.
While i'm at it what do you guys think, Baby VS Tank, who wins?? (I laughed so hard when i typed that)
Ok i'm done now =]