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The age of...


Well-known Member
Now I want to discuss the age of devils, demons, half-devils and humans in DMC Universe.
Well... There was no need to use older Dante. And I guess Capcom made a mistake when they decided to replace Dante like a main character. Because Dante still one of the most popular. His name like a brand and it can make ANY game very popular. If Capcom hasn't ideas for Dante's storyline they could ask us (fans).
After that... They decided to include Nero. And the reason - why? They want to attract new fans (but.. tell me one thing. Is there the gamer who doesn't know DMC? I didn't see him or her). And now our "devil-boy" is getting older. And we're scared - can he die? Someday (oh, nooooo!!!) ... Hhmm.. That's a switch.

But! We know that Sparda lived more 2000 years old. And we don't know how he died (may be killed...) What about the other devils? Like Mundus, for example. How old is he? Hmmm... I suppose that more than Sparda (correct me) because he's still alive. All devils in Tower was locked for a long 2000 years... So all of them live (lived) more than 2000 years old, isn't it?

How long is life of demons? Like a Trish...Who knows?

And, of course, we can suppose that Sparda's sons - Dante and Vergil - can live more than humans.

Well... It's a pity but if Capcom will go after DMC4 in the time - Lady will die. She's a human. Like a Nero, Kyrie, members of the Order etc.

What do you think? :\


that zzzombiekid
So you mean the humans will die and the demons, or half-demons will survive throughout their life span to hunt and kill demons that come back on Earth?
Ummmmmmm, I dont get it. Im cofused now.


TimeLord Detective
Dante isn't as old. They only thing that makes him older is that he's on his way to get a beard and he has very serious look in his eyes. Chill, he won't die;)


that zzzombiekid
But he is younger in DMC3, right?
In DMC2 he looked like he was 20 somthing or 30 something to me.
Now in DMC4 he looks really old.


Well-known Member
Yes. It's true. But how old he was in DMC2? Older than 40? He must be older because DMC4 before DMC2. And Capcom catch themselves in a trap - we already know Dante's abilities in his future, but developers must give us something new, more cool than in prev games. And they don't know what it can be. He'll forget or lose his new abilities in future? It's foolish.
I think that's why they try to replace Dante by Nero. They can't back in storyline without something new for Dante (like DMC3 after DMC2).

And what about of the other heroes? Lady, Trish etc.


lets see in dmc 3 he was 18 or 19 and in dmc 1 he had to be in his early 20s to mid 20s and dmc 2 he had to be at least 40 cause demons arent supposed to age that much he might be 50 in dmc 2 capcom said that he was much older than dmc1 and dmc 2 so dmc 4 he has to be 30-35 but when he looks like he is 24 or 25


TimeLord Detective
I really find it hard to understand your frustration. It is clear to everyone that demons age slower or not at all. That would make half breeds like Dante age really slow. So there shouldn't be any fear of him living a short life. He will probably still be young when Nero grows old. And Lady was really young in DMC3, somewhere between 16 and 18. She still can be skillful and beautiful if Capcom decides to make her reappear. And Trish is a complete demon, so no aging for her.
You should all know that Dante is the main thing in DMC, so no there won't be any DMC without him, and even if there is, the next one will definitely have him again.

Age and whatever are worthless. Capcom doesn't even say what age the characters are so none of us know exactly what age is Dante. The developers said they wanted him to have a clearly mature look in comparison to Nero, who's about like Dante in DMC3 if not older/younger.
And they did this really good. Dante looks mature, not old.
Because of his white hair, the next thing he will be accused is being an old man. I see no point in all this.


Wesker's #1 fan!
morrigan;45435 said:
Now I want to discuss the age of devils, demons, half-devils and humans in DMC Universe.
Well... There was no need to use older Dante. And I guess Capcom made a mistake when they decided to replace Dante like a main character. Because Dante still one of the most popular. His name like a brand and it can make ANY game very popular. If Capcom hasn't ideas for Dante's storyline they could ask us (fans).
After that... They decided to include Nero. And the reason - why? They want to attract new fans (but.. tell me one thing. Is there the gamer who doesn't know DMC? I didn't see him or her). And now our "devil-boy" is getting older. And we're scared - can he die? Someday (oh, nooooo!!!) ... Hhmm.. That's a switch.

But! We know that Sparda lived more 2000 years old. And we don't know how he died (may be killed...) What about the other devils? Like Mundus, for example. How old is he? Hmmm... I suppose that more than Sparda (correct me) because he's still alive. All devils in Tower was locked for a long 2000 years... So all of them live (lived) more than 2000 years old, isn't it?

How long is life of demons? Like a Trish...Who knows?

And, of course, we can suppose that Sparda's sons - Dante and Vergil - can live more than humans.

Well... It's a pity but if Capcom will go after DMC4 in the time - Lady will die. She's a human. Like a Nero, Kyrie, members of the Order etc.

What do you think? :\
I couldn't agree with you more dude!

Dante isn't as old. They only thing that makes him older is that he's on his way to get a beard and he has very serious look in his eyes. Chill, he won't die
*hugs* You rock, dude!

As for the beard...am I the only one that thinks it's weird that Dante has a brown/black beard when his hair is silver/white? I've seen pics of Vergil and Dante fighting and even their eye lashes are silver/white. But my guess it that they did originaly give Dante a silver/white beard, but it was not visble enough, you can hardly see the brown/black one.


TimeLord Detective
Oh it's probably what you said. That the white ones couldn't be as visible. And usually these length looks darker than the original colour. I think if he ever had a bigger beard, it would be silver/white as usual.:lol:


i think he just looks older because of the Beard and he gained alittle wieght(prolly from all those pizzas and icecream hes been eating)Take away the beard and he will look the same.


Well-known Member
I'm glad to hear it. I think you're right and the age doesn't mean anything. For me Dante in DMC4 looks very stylish and cool. And I hope Capcom will find a way to make new abilities of Dante! After all he's the son of Sparda.
I just want to make sure that the age isn't proof of his replacement.


Well-known Member
Guys Just because he has a little bit of a beard doesn't mean anything. It just looks like he forgot to shave that morning.


1# Trickster
morrigan;45459 said:
Yes. It's true. But how old he was in DMC2? Older than 40? He must be older because DMC4 before DMC2. And Capcom catch themselves in a trap - we already know Dante's abilities in his future, but developers must give us something new, more cool than in prev games. And they don't know what it can be. He'll forget or lose his new abilities in future? It's foolish.
I think that's why they try to replace Dante by Nero. They can't back in storyline without something new for Dante (like DMC3 after DMC2).

And what about of the other heroes? Lady, Trish etc.

dmc4 before dmc1! not dmc2!
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