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The 3rd Birthday: Should I play it or not?


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I suppose this is a rather asinine thread, but I wanted to know if anyone had any experience with playing The 3rd Birthday and if they think it's a good game or not. I'm on the fence about it, and the only really bad thing I heard is that the story is a little nonsensical at times. But I play games for gameplay, not story, so would this be up my alley?


I Saw the Devil
I just started myself. Never played Parasite Eve so maybe I'm not the one to ask but I like it so far.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I played it, and if you want FF take on Parasite Eve than yes. Otherwise it has little to nothing in common with PE. Im fan of first 2 games, but this one left bad aftertaste in my mouth, because of how absurd story and how unremarkable gameplay was.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
I played it, and if you want FF take on Parasite Eve than yes. Otherwise it has little to nothing in common with PE. Im fan of first 2 games, but this one left bad aftertaste in my mouth, because of how absurd story and how unremarkable gameplay was.

I played the first two and I hated PE2 because of the controls and lackluster combat. The first game was a lot more fun, the 2nd seemed like a Resident Evil cash-in to me. Sure, let's go from full analog to tank controls. Bleh.

So far I'm liking the gameplay of this one. The team-based structure of it reminds me a lot of God Eater, and I quite like that series.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I played the first two and I hated PE2 because of the controls and lackluster combat. The first game was a lot more fun, the 2nd seemed like a Resident Evil cash-in to me. Sure, let's go from full analog to tank controls. Bleh.

So far I'm liking the gameplay of this one. The team-based structure of it reminds me a lot of God Eater, and I quite like that series.
Well i hate how it's not horror game anymore and whole story is out there with FF Spirits Within. I also don't like how bosses are nothing but damage sponges.


Keyser Söze
Ah.. 3rd birthday i have mixed feelings for this game.. while the production values and graphics are top-notch for this game it just doesn't have a half-decent story or a main character just play through the game like 3rd person shooter the story makes no goddamn sense unless you played parasite 1&2 before.

The core gameplay itself is fun although the controls are crippled on a PSP so you'll be constantly nudging for a better camera view and the RPG elements and unlockable content is also fun though i never really cared about it that much the only thing i hate about this game is that she acts like lara croft form tomb raider reboot overly sexualized and whimpering all the fu**ing time.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
Ah.. 3rd birthday i have mixed feelings for this game.. while the production values and graphics are top-notch for this game it just doesn't have a half-decent story or a main character just play through the game like 3rd person shooter the story makes no goddamn sense unless you played parasite 1&2 before.
In truth story does't makes any sense even if you played previous titles. First 2 were biology horror games that told us about mitochondrias that mutated and adapted to extent of having conciouss on their owns and absorb/mutate other living beings. 3rd birthday has nothing to do with it and honestly it's really felt like FF plot to me.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Well, so far I'm enjoying it. The gameplay is solid and engaging, but it's BALLS HARD even on normal. I might have to play it on Easy, and even then I feel like I'm gonna get wasted a few times.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014

Oh yeah it's really awesome.
There's a part where it's you & the soldiers fighting off relentless enemies & it gets hectic.
Remember you gotta keep the soldiers alive so they can keep you alive. Each person that dies is one less body for you to jump into.

Oh & think carefully when upgrading your weapons.
Also train as much as possible because it familiarizes you with the combat.

I'm going to get back on it soon but i had to stop because i was playing it ALOT & neglecting SilentHill Origins.
lol I finally beat SilentHill Origins once.

Yeah, SHO is kind of a drain. I'd say it's almost as draining as giving FF8 a full playthrough.

But yeah, fought the first boss. Haven't seen any other Twisted besides Slackers, Wads and that first boss though, as I haven't had time to play much of it. Can't wait to try my hand at the Reaper.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
3rdBirthday, the Reaper is a nightmare lol.
Run.........run alot lol

Oh yes, I've heard plenty about the Reaper's one-hit-kill tendencies. I've heard it's more tenacious than Nemesis, and that makes me want to fight it.

Are there any other enemies that will give me such a run for my money? I heard that the Rover is a pain in the ass too.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014

Hmm, well there's a few but as i said you gotta keep an eye on how many others make it or not because they are your lifelines.

The 3rd Birthday is not a direct sequel to Parasite Eve and Parasite Eve II but a spiritual successor which is why Parasite Eve has been excluded from its title.

The Mudflaps gives you a fight & is tricky.
The Rovers & Detectors.
The Detectors will alert Rovers.

Oh Jesus. There are enemies that will summon Rovers? Suddenly I'm thinking of the Ujas and the Ustanak from RE6.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014

I think it does but i think you can take em out before they summon a Rover.
I haven't played in awhile so i don't remember everything.

I do remember there's a twisted type you have to kill twice.

Would that happen to be the Mudflaps? Because I think OD killing them prevents that.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014

Yes an OverDiveKill can kill them & stop their soul from coming back but you gotta watch how much energy you use because there's multiple enemies.
But taking out the Mudflaps as quick as possible keeps them from also creating twisted.

Ah, so that's why they're such a threat. Okay. With a name like that, I didn't think they were very powerful. Then again, the basic Twisted are called Slackers, so that's not really indicative of their battle prowess either.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014

I know right, like their names are misleading on purpose.
Get use to body jumping & train so you get use to the controls.

Slacker, Wad, Mudflap, Rover, they all sound like pet names instead of being indicative of what they actually do. The only ones that seem appropriate are the Helix, Detector and Worm.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014

lol I know right, but i guess the names come from how they're made or their characteristics maybe.
The Wad looks like a wad of paper
The Slacker lazily walks around carefree almost
The Mudflaps looks like mud or slug type thing.
The Rover has spies searching for enemies.

The Rovers are a pain lol

I thought they were called Slackers because they didn't fully transform. The game says that they were blighted during metamorphosis and never quite became full Twisted.

And yes, Rovers are a pain. I just fought my first one and the game treated it like a boss encounter. That scares me, because that lightning-spewing, three-clawed monstrosity is going to be a regular enemy later on.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014
Also your clothing, different clothes provides different levels of defense & increase in speed.

They also can get shredded if repeatedly worn without repairing them.
So if you wanna run around in torn up undies that's cool but you'll take alot more damage.

Yeah, no. I'll take defense over fanservice anyday.

As for the Slackers not being fully transformed, it looks like they still have human legs, and you can see that they're supposed to have a second scythe arm, but it's frozen in place, curled around where their neck would be. If you look closely you can still see the human mouth and nose, covered over with that black Twisted stuff. I can almost imagine them being ostracized from other Twisted when they're not in combat. Like one comes over to a group of higher-ups and they all disband when he starts talking. lol


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014

To me it depends on how much it slows me down or if i want more of a challenge.

2. lol Yeah i can see that.

Or maybe the Slackers are suppose to be that way because they're pieces of something more powerful.

Or maybe the Slackers are used as a survival instinct to carry the twisted DNA if the main body gets destroyed.

I figured that the Slackers were basically the Twisted's version of cheap shock troops. While weak compared to other Twisted, they are still leagues more powerful than any human and their horrifying appearance would definitely ruin morale. Fighting completely inhuman monsters is one thing, but realizing that what you are killing was once a man makes you lose focus, and the Slackers are still partly human.


God of Hyperdeath
Supporter 2014

Yeah true, when you meet the soldiers you can see the reactions & how shaken up they are fighting something as powerful as this & knowing they could be turned into a twisted creature.

Some of them don't seem to give a rat's ass though, like Captain Dodgson in the first episode. He just talks about how he's got a war to win so he can come home and see his dog again. :p
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