Story Ideas for Future DmCs

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Ah, to think, I ACCIDENTALLY derailed a thread by making a post that was both relevant and serious

I am the master!
I'm not interested in the excuse for character development DmC gives us. Dante has always seen things for what they are in DmC. He knew there were demons, he supposedly pretty much knew what was going on, and to say that he suddenly changed and wanted to help humanity because... I don't know, f/uck all - that's just not character development. You don't just go 'I am now a hero and will protect this world' within the timespan of one game.

Oh sure, if you're just not going to listen than what the f#ck am I supposed to say? I am legitimately disappointed in you right now Lionheart (not that it matters), because you are flat-out refusing to accept what has happened in the game. Dante didn't just turn on his heel and decide "Welp! I'm gonna protect people now!"

Dante went from caring for no one but himself and through the game saw the plights of people like Kat, and the rest of humanity and what the demons were doing. Understanding more of Kat (his connection to the plights of humanity) he understood that his problem of being hassled by demons was much bigger than he had initially believed, or cared to believe. He came to know of people imprisoned, tortured, and used by the demons. He found himself putting his trust in people like Kat and Vergil when at first he had none, and he ended up caring about Kat's background and her life.

It's not really some grandly profound thing, honestly, so there's no grand exclamation to it all. Dante saying "This world is under my protection" is simply a period on his story of becoming humanity's champion, one who started from literally the gutter.

And it is entirely possible to have characters develop in the course of "one game" (however long that experience may be). A game is a game, but it can cover days, months, years with its narrative if it wants to. C'mon Lionheart, this is some pretty standard Writing 101 stuff, I thought you'd know this.

That's simply not true - but I don't know, maybe it's different in your country. Guess whose views are sort of skewed here, then? You apply your situation to all other situations. You let your situation color your view of everything else. It's like cops being corrupt in one part of a state, and residents making others think that police in general is corrupt or abusive.

Well, sure I only have my experience in America, but the economic crisis is prevalent all over the world. I'm not sure where you live, but there are very few countries that are sitting pretty right now. America is sh!t and getting sh!ttier, a lot of Europe is in trouble, too (there's a reason why the EU is turning to Germany for help). Greece had a huge string protests over austerity measures, where people were sick of the exorbitantly high unemployment rate.

I simply said Dante comes across as an ass to me. That's not wrong or right, it's just the way I see it. And I hate it. So yeah, that has helped in my decision not to buy the game, and not to support it. To be honest, I feel this argument is pointless. It's like saying I should like the color green. Well, I don't. And everybody's perception of color is supposedly different. To say that I have a 'skewed outlook on things' is arguing that there's such a thing as 'the right outlook'. There isn't.

I don't care about how it feels to you, I'm talking about how you sometimes force an impression onto the situation and then criticize it. You have your opinion yes, but it's based on a skewed interpretation that you yourself apply, and then you argue when people challenge that skewed interpretation. Again, it's not the opinion I'm challenging, it's the interpretation you incorrectly apply to support your opinion. This is what I've had a problem with.
Dante went from caring for no one but himself and through the game saw the plights of people like Kat, and the rest of humanity and what the demons were doing. Understanding more of Kat (his connection to the plights of humanity) he understood that his problem of being hassled by demons was much bigger than he had initially believed, or cared to believe. He came to know of people imprisoned, tortured, and used by the demons. He found himself putting his trust in people like Kat and Vergil when at first he had none, and he ended up caring about Kat's background and her life.

Yes, I'm sure he was oblivious to it all. O_o I'm sure he's never even been in a city to see what was going on there. I'm sure he lives in a trailer for no reason too. So I'll just accept this game wasn't thought out well.

You just can't accept that there's no 'right way' to look at things, huh? I don't have a skewed interpretation, it's just my own. And you have a different one - I might argue yours is skewed. See my point? There is no skewed interpretation. I don't like new Dante. If you do, that's great, but don't be a dictator, telling people what they 'should be seeing' and 'should like'.

And yeah, I know the world's not in a good place economically, but you say you're having trouble getting by and stuff? Well, not everybody does. Most people in my country don't, so you're really seeing things in a narrow field of view, sorry to say. And that's the end of this.
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Yes, I'm sure he was oblivious to it all. O_o I'm sure he's never even been in a city to see what was going on there. I'm sure he lives in a trailer for no reason too. So I'll just accept this game wasn't thought out well.

What the hell are you even talking about with this? What does being oblivious or not have to do with it? Seriously, what is the point of this comment, I want to know what you're thinking.

Are you saying that because Dante was himself hassled by demons that he should inexplicably know every detail of Mundus' plans for world domination and how bad he has humanity under his thumb? He didn't even know why he was hassled by demons. He didn't know anything about Mundus, Virility's brainwashing properties, Barbas' propaganda for the demon cause. All he knew was that his life was sh!t because demons kept trying to kill him, but didn't know that society's ills were also directly caused by them as well.

As far as Dante is concerned, the world is just a crappy place, and his is crappier because of demons, so he indulges himself until the day they inevitably kill him.

Why do you think Dante had to be told all of this stuff at the beginning of the game? Do you instantly know everything that is happening all over the world from your cozy little chair, especially if it never makes the news? For that matter, if there was some entity controlling the world from the shadows, would you know of it? What if their agents began hassling you for just having seen them? Would you instantly know why they were doing it? Would you even know where they came from, what their ultimate goal was, or why they're doing it? No, you most certainly would not.

You just can't accept that there's no 'right way' to look at things, huh? I don't like new Dante. If you do, that's great, but don't be a dictator, telling people what they should see and should like.

Hey, I'm a total advocate of people being able to feel and think what they want, but refusing to believe things to keep up an opinion, and then constantly arguing and spouting misinformation is something I can't abide by.
And yeah, I know the world's not in a good place economically, but you say you're having trouble getting by and stuff? Well, not everybody does. Most people in my country don't, so you're really seeing things in a narrow field of view, sorry to say. And that's the end of this.
Heh. Watch as the next economic crisis rips this guy's country to shreds. Won't be so easy to stay smug then, now will it?

And to make a statement like that (especially the part that's highlighted in red) shows that TXA isn't the one who's being narrow minded. Not by a long shot.
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I want Dante to mature into a more DMC1-esque personality.

That's why I prefer to watch old 90's media (Such as Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles), and nerd media (MLP:FiM) over most of the media designed for my generation, because I don't like people who act like The Situation
DmC Dante should continue going where he's going, he doesn't need to be like the other games, after all it is a reboot.

And lets get this straight you prefer mlp, a show aimed at 4-10 yr old girls over the countless shows aimed at the demographic of the young adult male?
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I'm guessing Dante dealing with the fallout of his actions with Mundus and limbo falling down.

I'm thinking its gonna be more post apocalyptic since Limbo seemed to be a world wide system rather than just this city so when Limbo went down, it went down over the world and a lot of people died.
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I'm seeing a lotta politics here. And here i was going to post some ideas, then i see arguments reaching to world politics and economies.
To each his or her own people, TO EACH HIS OR HER OWN... if they do decide to make another DmC game, i hope more people will learn to love it. Just as a lot of people decided to learn to love the Daniel Craig's portrayal of 007. *Now dont y'all get snippy and technical with me, I'm just saying it as it is*
A lot of points are being made here, both the negative and the supportive side of DmC.
Remember, this is a DmC Devil may Cry forum! there are limits as to how much negative strong feelings you should post here (or heck, dont try to post at all). but, regulations aside, remember some (or lot) of opinions regarding how you think DmC or Reboot Dante sucks in any way cause a bit of upsetting for those who love or at least willing to give this game a chance. So, in a sense, RESPECT. i know there is no absolute standard for people. A great number of people may Mass effect or GTA V, but there are a good few that dont. And we can say how sh*tty some games are and sometimes even comment like spazzed up, dogmatic, bratty preteens (i know had). but like i said theres a limit as to how much we should post that. and a lotta people dont know or seem to forget that.
To those who love DmC and want DmC 2, hope it will turn out better and more people will get to appreciate it, just like how lot of people appreciated Daniel Craig as James Bond in Casino Royale. But, dont diss the classics and try them out to gain some more perspective. that's what i did at least with DMC3 and 4.
To those prefer the classics or even HATE DmC, like i said for 3rd time or so, RESPECT and LIMIT your negative comments, some points you make may, of course, be legit and make sense, but people arent always so accepting. There are times where we need to back off and leave things as they are. but, for the slightest chance, i hope you do give this new franchise direction a chance. I see even with all its flaws and shortcomings compared to the classics, it still has its own charm. *Heck i can even see the classics' shortcomings as well.*
CAN'T ALOT OF US GET ALONG?? LOL :rolleyes: Reality sucks, and people most of the time suck. but, hell, make life simpler for yourselves.

LOOK at 'EM!! They're both muthaf*ckers and @ssholes but i sense a lotta camaraderie HERE! haha POINT IS: We love 'em both!
Story ideas? hmmmm all i care about is the new look of Dante, new weapons, and new enemies. New enemies.. i want their themed looks to be more varied this time. No porcelain, possessed furniture this time. XD
I'm thinking its gonna be more post apocalyptic since Limbo seemed to be a world wide system rather than just this city so when Limbo went down, it went down over the world and a lot of people died.

Limbo itself was simply a dimension, and its collapse allowed people to see demons in plain sight. The devastation we saw in the city was simply because of Mundus' building-sized rampage.
I actually want to see if Dante will be setting up a Bounty Hunting business like the previous franchise though. One of the first missions, will be the on-the-job kind, not necessarily related to the main conflict in the story yet.
DmC Dante should continue going where he's going, he doesn't need to be like the other games, after all it is a reboot.

And lets get this straight you prefer mlp, a show aimed at 4-10 yr old girls over the countless shows aimed at the demographic of the young adult male?
1. I remember ToCool74 putting it best, 'Reboot' appears to be used as a security blanket to disregard the idea of it even TRYING to stay true to the original. It's a rebooted character, not an original character.
Using the reboot card is like saying "Since we are rebooting Batman, make him use a gun like he did in the thirties, and make him campy like the 60s, since its a reboot, we are allowed to ignore the things that made Batman great."

When I think of a reboot, I think of a version of the character with the same personality and an updated wardrobe (preferably with the same color scheme)
And don't give me that "Old Dante's personality is outdated", because personality is determined BY THE PERSON, not the generation.

The only characters I enjoyed in DmC were Phineas, Mundus, and Post-VD Vergil.
Phineas was a new character in a role THAT HADN'T EXISTED in the original DMC.
Mundus was more threatening than his original counterpart, despite a death more disappointing than Boba Fett's.

But I enjoyed VD Vergil because he RESEMBLED the original one. While not the same samurai who is honor bound in his own way (Swift deaths and refusal to use guns), he was the same cold, sadistic, killer who lacked any form of moral.

As for the Brony part, yes, I prefer a fun story that I can enjoy, over a deep and meaningful one that I can't

In fact that adds to my point, DmC may have had the more deep and well-written story, but DMC had a fun one, with lovable characters, and a classic good vs evil theme.

In DmC, I was ROOTING for Mundus because he was the most fun character (outside of the unnecessary scenes) that actually had enjoyable acting and dialogue.
The only LINES DmC Dante uttered that were cool was the "If you're calling me a SOB" and "I'm your prom date"

NOTE: School starts in 15 min, so I will wrap this post up later.
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'Reboot' appears to be used as a security blanket to disregard the idea of it even TRYING to stay true to the original. It's a rebooted character, not an original character.
Using the reboot card is like saying "Since we are rebooting Batman, make him use a gun like he did in the thirties, and make him campy like the 60s, since its a reboot, we are allowed to ignore the things that made Batman great."
As long as a rebooted Batman didn't use fire arms, didn't kill and kept his serious undertone, it wouldn't matter.
When I think of a reboot, I think of a version of the character with the same personality and an updated wardrobe (preferably with the same color scheme)
That isn't a rebooted character at all, that's a re-skinned character. Basically what they did for each reiteration of him in each game. By that logic every Dante is a "rebooted" Dante.
And don't give me that "Old Dante's personality is outdated", because personality is determined BY THE PERSON, not the generation.
They wanted a more story driven game, the old Dante's personality wouldn't fit and in my opinion the stereotypical anime hero is outdated.
As for the Brony part, yes, I prefer a fun story that I can enjoy, over a deep and meaningful one that I can't
In fact that adds to my point, DmC may have had the more deep and well-written story, but DMC had a fun one, with lovable characters, and a classic good vs evil theme.
Well that's too bad because that clearly wasn't the target audience for DmC and in any well written story your not going to love all the characters.
As long as a rebooted Batman didn't use fire arms, didn't kill and kept his serious undertone, it wouldn't matter.

That isn't a rebooted character at all, that's a re-skinned character. Basically what they did for each reiteration of him in each game. By that logic every Dante is a "rebooted" Dante.

You made me laugh, a rebooted character has to RESEMBLE their original counterpart.
The ultimate example of a reboot done right is the Amazing Spider-Man movie when compared to the pre-superior Spider-Man comics.
Yes, his personality is updated, but he was STILL a red and blue wise-cracking super-hero. He was the modern equivalent of the original Peter Parker, a nerd who can't catch a break getting powers beyond his wildest dreams, and learning to be responsible with them.

Besides, I gave up all hope on DmC when Vergil said something about the size of his dick. That alone was proof NT wasn't even trying to respect source material UNTIL the fans backlashed.
It was VD that made me realize the potential.

Plus, if they weren't going to respect what made the original characters great, then WHY share the same names as the original characters.

I also hate the 'realistic' approach the game takes to DMC. A realistic approach to a series about a half demon who wields a six-foot sword and uses a shotgun like nun chucks
I mean, in previous DMC's, when Dante got a weapon, he'd flaunt it like a BAMF
As shown by the gameplay in DmC, he's clearly capable of doing that, but instead, he just slams his fist together and pretend he looks cool by doing that. So all in all, if I'm playing as a one-liner making super-badass cambion nephillim.
I want the character to act like a one liner making super-badass nephillim
You made me laugh, a rebooted character has to RESEMBLE their original counterpart.
The ultimate example of a reboot done right is the Amazing Spider-Man movie when compared to the pre-superior Spider-Man comics.
Yes, his personality is updated, but he was STILL a red and blue wise-cracking super-hero. He was the modern equivalent of the original Peter Parker, a nerd who can't catch a break getting powers beyond his wildest dreams, and learning to be responsible with them.
I never really saw that character as a reboot, just a revamped version of the original since he was so similar.

:I also hate the 'realistic' approach the game takes to DMC. A realistic approach to a series about a half demon who wields a six-foot sword and uses a shotgun like nun chucks.
You say that as if a game with fantasy elements isn't allowed to have anything reality based when a majority of games out today have a balance of the two.
:I mean, in previous DMC's, when Dante got a weapon, he'd flaunt it like a BAMF
As shown by the gameplay in DmC, he's clearly capable of doing that, but instead, he just slams his fist together and pretend he looks cool by doing that. So all in all, if I'm playing as a one-liner making super-badass cambion nephillim.
I want the character to act like a one liner making super-badass nephillim
Is that seriously an issue?
I never really saw that character as a reboot, just a revamped version of the original since he was so similar.

You say that as if a game with fantasy elements isn't allowed to have anything reality based when a majority of games out today have a balance of the two.

Is that seriously an issue?
Listen, since you clearly have no idea what reboot means, you can have fun with your Dante, and I'll have fun remembering the one who was actually worth playing as