And I said 7/10 for a stand alone game. 4/10 for a dmc game.While I do agree that the hate for this game is justified, you're really not giving it enough credit. I know you're entitled to your own opinions and beliefs, but based on your tone, you're passing your opinions around as fact. Remember; your 4/10 is my 8/10 and could be someone else's 10/10.
Double. Standard.
Oh Final, don't you know that Tameem paid off each and every single one of those reviewers off?
Double. Standard.
Oh Final, don't you know that Tameem paid off each and every single one of those reviewers off?
There's still a valid point in that reviews made before the games release are irrelevant when all that matters are the reviews made by the general populace. Not reviews made by PAID organizations.I'm getting pretty sick of hearing that. It's a shameful claim that fanboys love to make to justify why a game THEY DON'T LIKE is doing well. It's stupid as hell and really makes the fanbase look like COD 12 year olds.
Nothing really, we're just using the opportunity to get rid of some steam...What the hells happening here ?
*reads latest posts*
Am I the only idiot that doesn't give a rat's ass about reviews, cause I'll just use my personal interests and instinct when choosing games to buy?
On the off chance I might read one, professional or amateur, I can get miffed if I see bashing without good reason, but otherwise... who gives a s**t?
Reviews mean alot to people that, let's say, buy physical copies of disks they're not sure of. Because, if they're not sure of this game they can return it. Some people don't want to go through the trouble of experiencing it themselves so they look to reviews and reviews can make or break a game's sales through word of mouth.
How many people on the internet can you truly trust when it comes to reviewing games? Not many right? Professional reviewers have credibility behind them and therefore are the most trusted than anyone on the net.
There are those out there that trust USER reviews. Which is like trusting someone with no background or any experience to run a business correctly their first day.
These reviews from professionals also register with the product's creator. This being said, fact is, Capcom said they were aiming for a high rating Devil May Cry and they got it. Mission accomplished.
I agree that a professional has far more credibility than little Johnny with a blog, they educated themselves precisely cause they make their living this way and they know how to write a good read, but overall what one person finds good is not necessarily good for someone else. For example Pacman world 2 got decent reviews back in the day, while I couldn't get past first level cause of motion sickness.
Someone finds a game's story to be great, I go meh. Someone finds playing easy, I struggle. This all makes reviewing games quite a subjective thing and for that I don't think it should be considered a deal maker or breaker. A source of info on what you might expect, but not the thing to base final decision on.
When my bro was still living here he would even borrow games from his friends to try them out, and they'd borrow some of ours, one could usually see if it's good for you after couple of levels.
Consistency, making a complete product and better pr would have helped Capcom and Devil May Cry far more than good reviews, shame they didn't realize that. But no use of crying over spilled milk.
It's insane how people can pick and choose certain game developers to vilify, all while ignoring the fact that every other company involved in this business "dodge questions, give vague answers and constant reassurance" as well.Dodge questions, vague answers, and reassurance.
Not Tameem directly, but I wouldn't be surprised if Capcom didn't give em a little somethin somethin to give a slight boost.Double. Standard.
Oh Final, don't you know that Tameem paid off each and every single one of those reviewers off?