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Star Wars Episode III: That movie's story should be rewritten!


Let's rock, baby!
We all know Anakin turning to the dark side is the key to Darth Vader. But suddenly I felt it too quickly.

How would you rewrite episode 3?

Satsui no Hado

To be perfectly honest, I just think that movie just needed a better acting crew. Revenge Of The Sith in my opinion is the best of the prequels, it wasn't underwhelming, it didn't have any useless comic reliefs (The "roger roger" droids and Jar Jar were barely there), and was jam packed with epic scenes whether from the all out warfare or amazing lightsaber battles.
I mean, I like Revenge Of The Sith, it's my second favorite SW movie behind Empire Strikes Back, I definitely wouldn't consider it as bad as the rest of the prequels.


That Guy Who Hates Fox McCloud
I'll quote Kevin Smith and say that "I would've done it exactly like George Lucas did it."

The thing people really need to understand is that Anakin's descent into the dark side didn't just happen over the course of a single movie---it was something that snow-balled over the thirteen years since he had been indoctrinated into the Jedi Order. There were plenty of signs of where Anakin was going throughout the TV series, the comics, and numerous novels.

The events of Episode III were just the final turn of the key, preying on Anakin's vulnerable emotions at their absolute weakest...and given the reason Anakin is under a lot of stress and trauma throughout the film before his eventual fall, it couldn't have been a better scenario for Palpatine to use in his favor.


Legendary Devil Hunter
Fix up the dialogue for one, so the love story'll be a bit less cliche (though, I've only written for horror, admittedly writing romance would be an experiment for me)

Maybe change the whole trilogy around so Episode 1 will be the start of the Clone Wars, and have Anakin and Padme be more like Han and Leia (Rather then JUST being in-love and trying to hide it, give it the opposites attract treatment)

Episode 2 can show more of the Clone Wars and end with Anakin turning to the dark side, while episode 3 can have the Jedi purge, Anakin going into the suit, and Luke and Leia's birth.

Personally, I think Lucas is just a poor director, and if he had let someone else direct the prequels, with the same cast and crew, but allow them a couple rewrites to patch up the dialogue, they would have been just fine.
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