Somebody should do a Deadpool skin

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Well-known Member
Aug 31, 2011
Somebody should take the Neo Dante costume and try to change it into Deadpool, if done well, it could look really cool. I have no idea how to use the text mode magic thingy, waaaahhaaaaay to advanced for me, I'll stick to paint.
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I'll try making it, i got school so it might take a while but if i'm free for a while i might get it done.
Dead Pool skin? Oh man. Do want.
I tried that text mode program, but it is a technology too advanced for me.
I tried that text mode program, but it is a technology too advanced for me.

If you need some more explanation:

You need to download textmod. It was in the post with the tutorial that Konkorfour wrote:

After you have download that, start it up.
-First thing you have to do is click on the folder button and browse to your DMC Game folder. In there, you select your dmc-executable file (DMCDevilMayCry.exe).
-Second, if you did step one right, you'll find a smaller folder icon in the middle of the window. Click on that and select the file you tpf file you downloaded (the mod).
Third, you select the file on the left and click on run. If you did everything right, Dante should look different.
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Hm, I'll have to look into this. I'm still investigating the naked dante files, it seems like if I could get that to work, then I could maybe re-skin it...
Hasn't this already been made? I just saw it in the mod section :P It looks so quirky and cool :D
DeadPool skin? That would be awesome indeed.

I'm a total noob, but how does one mod exactly? I've seen tons of threads about mods and such. Its new to me and would like to find out how its done - if anyone is as kind.
DeadPool skin? That would be awesome indeed.

I'm a total noob, but how does one mod exactly? I've seen tons of threads about mods and such. Its new to me and would like to find out how its done - if anyone is as kind.

The tutorial post HERE pretty self-explanatory. You just need a program, such as photoshop or gimp (its free) to edit the textures. Gotta extract them while in-game, which is also explained at the tutpost.
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KonkorFour posted an updated beginner's guide and walkthrough to DmC Modding via TexMod here. Well worth a read even after reading his original guide that Bubbleberry linked to.