Somebody should take the Neo Dante costume and try to change it into Deadpool, if done well, it could look really cool. I have no idea how to use the text mode magic thingy, waaaahhaaaaay to advanced for me, I'll stick to paint.
I tried that text mode program, but it is a technology too advanced for me.
I think this is why the mod is in the mod section.Hasn't this already been made? I just saw it in the mod sectionIt looks so quirky and cool
DeadPool skin? That would be awesome indeed.
I'm a total noob, but how does one mod exactly? I've seen tons of threads about mods and such. Its new to me and would like to find out how its done - if anyone is as kind.
The tutorial post HERE pretty self-explanatory. You just need a program, such as photoshop or gimp (its free) to edit the textures. Gotta extract them while in-game, which is also explained at the tutpost.