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So what would fans do if...

Kaim Argonar

Well-known Member
Alright so I've noticed that sometimes DMC and DmC fans are at odds (excluding the people who don't make any complaints about either games in defense of the opposite). So what would the both of you do if Capcom decides to drop everything and start from scratch with yet another DMC (Dmc) universe starring a new protagonist who isn't named Dante.

V's patron

be loyal to what matters
if the character is an interesting character I'd be game, but at point does it need to be a DMC game?

why not just cut the cord and make it a new IP?


Fearfully and wonderfully made
To 'reboot' once again, so soon after the first reboot, would almost serve as an admission of incompetency. A spin-off of sorts would be nice, perhaps with Sparda as the main protagonist, but it would confuse the hell out of everyone if they attempted to reinvent Dante yet again.


I Saw the Devil
Alright so I've noticed that sometimes DMC and DmC fans are at odds (excluding the people who don't make any complaints about either games in defense of the opposite). So what would the both of you do if Capcom decides to drop everything and start from scratch with yet another DMC (Dmc) universe starring a new protagonist who isn't named Dante.
Honestly? I wouldn't really be surprised. Capcom has spend more games introducing the franchise than any other franchise I've ever heard of so if they decide to do it once more I wouldn't really be that shocked. Disappointed, but not shocked.

I can hear it now. New protagonist for a new generation of councils, so that people who are new the series aren't lost, more accessible, appeal to western audiences, we are trying to appeal to younger audience, the sales aren't that great but we think this will help raise sales.
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Well-known Member
I am all for it.
As long Tameem does not get chance to continue making games where he undermines Dante. Again, i really think that could be why Kamiya took a jab at Playstation Allstar, because Dante was not in it.

Then again i was never against a fresh start. No, the reboot is not fresh start, it was a marketing ting to reboot the game instead of making a new ip so that you could play on the already existing fanbase known as dmc fans for safe sales to avoid loss.


Supporter 2014
Alright so I've noticed that sometimes DMC and DmC fans are at odds (excluding the people who don't make any complaints about either games in defense of the opposite). So what would the both of you do if Capcom decides to drop everything and start from scratch with yet another DMC (Dmc) universe starring a new protagonist who isn't named Dante.
I'd say, "go for it"

Then I would have an excuse to ask them to put me, the most badass demon/monster/penguin hunter ever, in the game.


My Devil Trigger

To 'reboot' once again, so soon after the first reboot, would almost serve as an admission of incompetency. A spin-off of sorts would be nice, perhaps with Sparda as the main protagonist, but it would confuse the hell out of everyone if they attempted to reinvent Dante yet again.

Besides, if they did it with the infamous Batfleck, I think they can do it here too.
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Well-known Member
I'd be okay with that. As long as the protagonist is someone that I like then I'm fine with it.
capcom: Ok, fans after hard work we have managed to make a new protaganist.
*drum rolls*

Guy with brown hair who uses an axe and is irish.

EF9: OMG I LOVE IT! What's his name?
majority of fans: Who is this impostor? We want Dante! DANTE!

capcom advisor whispers to capcom: add a "layer" of white.

capcom: Ok, we have a revision of characte.

*from brown hair to white*
EF9: OMG I LOVE IT! What's his name?
majority of fans: Wow this guy is bad ass! Almost as bad ass as Dante!


Kaim Argonar

Well-known Member
Hehe liking the feedback guys. Glad to see I'm not the only one who wouldn't be too surprised to see it happen. I'm trying to think of another example but nothing comes to mind at the moment.


Don't Let the Fall of America be Your Fall
I wouldn't mind.

I think it's time for Capcom to end Devil May Cry. It's got too much bagage, too much fan vs fan clashings, it's divided the fanbase down the middle, and the coolness has run out of the series.

Devil May Cry isn't what it use to be anymore. It doesn't care that same fire it had a good five or six years ago, and I think it's time to finally lay it to rest and do something new. It could have the same gameplay and feel of DMC, but have a different set up along with a new type of coolness to replace the old.

Four games (two out of four being good), two manga, two novels, a few comic books, an anime (horrible anime at that), some figures, and a reboot.

I'd say it's time to end Devil May Cry and start with something new.

I am all for it.
As long Tameem does not get chance to continue making games where he undermines Dante. Again, i really think that could be why Kamiya took a jab at Playstation Allstar, because Dante was not in it.


So ready to start something...like Chancey.

But no, that's all I'm gonna say about that.


I'll just get right to the ass kicking.
Supporter 2014
I'd be cool with a game staring Vergil with upgraded MGR gameplay combined with DMC3 gameplay, I think being able to actually slice everything with Vergils katana would be better than it being like a blunt stick, no blade mode though, it's not for Vergil. (Also I want his DMC3 voice actor back, it was an awesome voice and s**tloads better than the DmC voice, I don't give a f**k what anyone else thinks!)

Or as said in a few threads ago, a Lady or Trish game with Bayonetta gameplay would be awesome.


Oldschool DMC fan
With Steve on this

Though CAPCOM have made so many bizarre decisions lately I wouldn't be surprised if they did. And if they did I'd probably just walk away from the series. What is it about Devil May Cry? Why can't they be consistent with it and just use Dante instead of other protagonists or rebooting and reinventing him? It's not alchemy ffs. Anyone would think they were ashamed of this series... instead they should be ashamed of some of the things they've done with it.


Sleeping DMC Fan
Supporter 2014
I have feeling Capcom completely lost respect for their own franchises. They just twick and pull them in any direction to squeeze more money, but generally don't really give a damn about what happens to them. I'm not huge fan of Nintendo first parties, but I must admit, that they are remarkable example of how studios and developers care about what they doing. As for capcom....Turning Onimusha and BoF into some crappy mobile F2P games....Seriously? They may as well write "We don't give a damn about our franchises, so just give us your money."


Well-known Member
Alright so I've noticed that sometimes DMC and DmC fans are at odds (excluding the people who don't make any complaints about either games in defense of the opposite). So what would the both of you do if Capcom decides to drop everything and start from scratch with yet another DMC (Dmc) universe starring a new protagonist who isn't named Dante.



Monsuuuta moonssuta mo mo mo mo monsuuta
*thinks of the reaction from both DmC and DMC fans*
*Thinks of all 3 sides going at each other with stupid opinions and immature insults*



Wall of text crits you for 600
Capcom can come up with some pretty stupid reasons to reboot or change directions in their games. DMC4 was never finished so obviously it needed a reboot because fans were tired of the universe, DmC was 80% grapple platforming puzzles so obviously fans were upset with the combat and hair color, etc

personally I wish they would stick with the tony redrave origins story, but if they really needed to reboot the DMC universe, I'd be up for a game about sparda. I hear there was a pretty huge war that he was kind of important to, so it would be pretty sweet to play through that
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