So I worked on DmC...

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Were there any weapons or game-play mechanics scrapped from the game? If so what where they?
Are the combat mechanics what where originally intended?
Were any parts of the writing changed to fit the game-play or vice versa?
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I don't think it was the QA that complained about her being naked. The original concept evolved, like everything else on the project, and then she became pregnant with this baby and it became more about the baby and less about Lilith. That's why you fight the baby, and not her.

The scene with Mundus is interesting to me because it questions what Dante is doing. If you think about it, Dante pretty much ruined the world we know by merging the demon and human worlds. More on that later.
So I take it from that then that in the train scenario, there was no demon baby and Lilith was the only thing Mundus wanted? So does that mean that originally Mundus cared about her or something like that if she was the only one up for trade?
In a way, I'm glad it didn't take that route. It would've been weird to see a villain like Mundus being affectionate and have emotional feelings. Having Mundus angry about his child however was just the right balance of showing he has some kind of feelings without it seeming really out of character.

Just out of interest, how did it come about that Mundus would have a child? Was it to add extra tension to the trade scene? Or was it more just an organic evolution of the plot?

An angel appears from above and introduces himself as Eva's brother, Dante's uncle. It is then that we learn that the events at the end of DmC, merging both demon and human worlds, threw the three dimensions (human, demon and angel) off balance. Dante is to blame for this.
It would be cool to see more of Dante and Vergil's extended family from Eva's side. Even though angels were mentioned in DmC, and we know there was a war between angels and demons, not much else was explained. So a relative of Eva would be a useful plot device to shed more light on the angel world.

It's also making me wonder something. Eva is in the human world to be with Sparda, demons are freely roaming the human world, but why aren't other angels there during the game? Are the demons keeping them out somehow? Or are angels not bothered with humanity so they choose to stay away? Or is there some kind of agreement between angels and demons that prevents them from interfering in the human world when one side has control over it to maintain a balance as you call it?
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Were there any aspects of Vergil's character that you (or other members of the team) felt weren't conveyed well or needed more explanation in the main game(not the DLC)?

Also, do you know anything about the development of Mission 20?
Like were there any particular goals? Was DmC Vergil meant to be fought just like DMC3 Vergil?
I have a couple of questions about Limbo that might help me clear some personal confusions about it:

1. What exactly is Limbo? Is it a parallel dimension?
2. Seemingly Limbo is connected to our psyche, is there a psychological connection between people and Limbo? How does that work?
3. Is Dante's DT him taking control over Limbo or somehow making his own little "pocket dimension" (I've read somewhere that he's opening up another dimension but I can't remember)?

My idea for a follow-up starts with the world torn apart. Demons run freely on the streets so people try to barricade themselves in their homes. However this doesn't work long as the demons slowly corrupt the humans and the humans start to take on demonic traits. Basically humanity is starting to fall to the dark side. Right at the start, we follow Kat, as she tries to save a young girl from her mother, who has turned evil. They trap the mother and escape to the streets of the city, which has been destroyed after the events of DmC.

A demon kidnaps the little girl and Dante shows up to help Kat. Dante chases the demon and when he's about to deal the final blow, time freezes. The previously grey and barren landscape suddenly turns green and lush (the angelic plane of existence appears in a similar way to the Malice in DmC). An angel appears from above and introduces himself as Eva's brother, Dante's uncle. It is then that we learn that the events at the end of DmC, merging both demon and human worlds, threw the three dimensions (human, demon and angel) off balance. Dante is to blame for this.

With time frozen, only the angels or half angels can move freely. Kat and the little girl are frozen at this point, while Dante and his uncle have this discussion. The uncle severs the demon's head (the one Dante was chasing) and it is at this time that they hear someone approaching. The green plants and flowers start to die around them. The uncle becomes agitated and asks Dante to come to the angel world, leaving Kat and the girl behind. It is at this point that the other entity becomes visible: a man with black wings, the Angel of Death (or Nero Angelo if you pefer :). Dante leaves Kat, who is shocked to see what Vergil has become.

Dude, that sounds similar to my story except mine is a lot more depressing.

But this brings me to some more questions:

1. Did NT see DmC's ending as a positive thing? As in, if they did the sequel, would the portray the results of Dante's actions as something positive?

2. Was Vergil manipulated in Vergil's Downfall or being chosen as the new Demon King?

3. How was Kat's powers ever explained?
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Yay, it's great to be back!!

BTW, I have a LOT of questions:

1. What's the difference on being part of DmC (the main game) and directing Vergil's Downfall (DLC)?

2. Does your team had a hand in other media (particularly the prequel comic)?

3. What I love about DmC is about Vergil's characterization and in Vergil's Downfall, his characterization is becoming more grounded than ever. Can you state the differences between Classic Vergil and DmC Vergil?

4. Do you also felt the pressure from fans who have animosity over the game that you are part of?

5. Do you have an alternate route (beginning and ending) for Vergil's Downfall?

6. Would you be glad that you will be back for a sequel or other projects?

7. I saw Vergil as a good guy when DmC was introduced. What made him a smart yet cold and calculating, manipulative villain? Or is he even more of a flawed, tragic hero who lost his way?

8. I love the Combichrist track 'Empty' which it was played during the Dante vs. Vergil boss fight. Can you state your reasons on why it would also become Vergil's theme?

Thanks a lot. :)
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1. Is DmC AU, reboot, or both?
I don't know why nobody has asked this yet as this is the biggest question that came up from the first interview with NT.

It hasn't been asked because we were told in interviews early on it was an alternate universe that has nothing to do with the classic series :p

3. How was Kat's powers ever explained?

In game >.> She's a psychic, and she was taught her craft by Vergil when he took her in.
Hm, I suppose I may have a few questions! And great, it's awesome to see someone here who worked on the actual game!

1. Regarding the original DMC titles, what were some of the major things that you guys felt: "Had to be either put in the game or at least mentioned/and or redesigned for DmC?" Things such as gameplay mechanics, other characters, stuff like that.

2. When DmC was in it's earlier stages of development, was the gameplay drastically different from what it is now? Could we have seen environmental hazards during fights, objects that could have been picked up and used, and or different powerups and such?

3. What was the design stage for Dante's Devil Trigger? I think that his DT may have been one of the bigger things in the game, that probably went through a LOT of redesigning and production work. Judging by the concept art, were you guys planning to maybe have an Angel Trigger AND a Devil Trigger? If so, was the idea scrapped due to having time constraints, could the current gen systems not handle it, or would it have just not worked out so well during actual gameplay?

4. What aspects from the original DMC games would you have liked to see in DmC? I actually would have liked to see some form of Nero's Arm, The Devil Bringer, but I digress.

5. Would you ever work on another DmC title, and judging by sale figures and fan appeal- What could you say on the possibility of getting another DmC title? Or maybe even a DMC5 (I just wanted to hear your personal opinion on that last one, thanks!)

Thanks for answering our questions man! Always nice to see someone here from the development team, and I must salute a man who worked on one of my alltime favorite games!
Another question

I saw a picture that had the ages of Dante, Kat, & Vergil listed.

Kat was said to be 15, is that official? and how old are the twins?
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It hasn't been asked because we were told in interviews early on it was an alternate universe that has nothing to do with the classic series :p.
Then why are people still confused about which it is? I was in a thread a day ago where someone was ranting that they are still unclear on this. Also, last I remember NT and Alex were saying it's a reboot, which contradicts the initial info given in the early days. So as much as I appreciate your reply, I would much rather hear it from someone in the actual know-how :kiss:

+Rogerio said himself that the dlc could tie in with the classic universe . It doesn't, but it could, and it will, depending on fan reaction. So saying that DmC has nothing to do with the classic series is like taking an original Oreo and a strawberry Oreo and saying that they have nothing in common.
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Wow! Lot's of questions, so I'll try my best. :)

TWOxACROSS, that's a lot to read! I'll try to read it in the next couple of days.


No idea about Tony Redgrave being the original name, sorry!

It was a mix of everything, to be honest. I don't want to speak for anyone else, of course, but personally I wasn't happy with some of the decisions. Fortunately I was in a position where I could voice my opinions and sometimes they made a difference. Sometimes they didn't, but hey, you can't have everything your way, right? That's how you work in a team, I guess.

Fan reaction was brutal, but a lot of people who didn't care about DMC before were also riding the negativity wave. It was tough but you have to focus on the end goal and keep going, trust you are doing your very best.

Of course if we had another year of polish the game would've been a lot smoother, that's the same for any game out there, but especially true for a game that's as mechanically complex as DmC is. You can do a lot with Dante!! A situation that was personally very frustrating was when the game demo was playable at E3. Poison hadn't been tested to a great extent and lot's of people found glitches where she would stop working or get stuck in a certain behaviour. People were also finding a lot of exploits and yes, this was frustrating. I watched many youtube videos of the E3 demo playthroughs and also the official demo and fixed all the ones I could. A few things I couldn't fix, like making her move faster between platforms, as that would require a totally new animation. I also wanted to fix the back of the arena exploit, but that would require a new unblockable attack for that. I tried to balance it as best as I could so the exploit wouldn't be very fun to do or watch.

VD's team was fairly small compared to the main game. I don't have numbers for you, sorry.

Angels, I don't think so. I think it was always going to be a fight against Mundus and his demons.

We used Unreal Engine 3 and the old DMCs use MT Framework, so no code was shared. All Dante animations were made from scratch.

I can't speak for the artists that worked on Dante, but I think the white hair version was a lot easier because the base was already there.

What would I change? Wow, we could stay here for a long, long time. :) Try to be more specific.

Can't talk about sequels plans or anything like that, sorry. I have no idea.

No, we were encouraged to play all DMCs. They are amazing games, cleverly designed. :)


I hear you!! I died many many times while testing that mission. :)

I am independent now, I left Ninja Theory a month ago. I'm now a writer/director and I'm writing my first short film.

Yeah, I always thought Eva and Sparda must have had their own families that turned their backs on them when their relationship came out. How cool would that story be? Anyway, I imagine Sparda's family must be in the demon world while Eva's were in the angel world and that's why Dante and Vergil don't know who they are.


What's AU? It would be a reboot if CAPCOM wanted to wipe the slate clean and not return to the old DMC, but as they said previously, they don't want that so the old series can return at some point. This came out in the press a while ago. So I guess DmC can be classified as a western interpretation of the series that coexists alongside the main series. :) That's how I see it, at least.

Mocap was done in LA, Giant Studios, same studio where they did Avatar.

I never met Reuben, unfortunately, as I think he's an awesome stunt man. :) I remember reading his tweet about enjoying the new DmC, but you would have to ask him.

Was I contracted by? I was part of Ninja Theory while working on DmC.


Yes, there were a few mechanics and weapons scrapped during development. Just look at the reveal trailer, the weapons and, to a certain extent, the moves were planned to be part of the gameplay. The spear weapon was dropped as it didn't work well and replaced with another one. Dante could run while shooting and also aim each gun independently. He could also grapple and kick objects in the environment (the car in the trailer was an example of this).

Combat mechanics evolved greatly during production! You can see this evolution from the first TGS trailer to the first gameplay trailer, and all the other gameplay trailers that followed that. I can't talk specifically about combat development as I wasn't part of that.

Writing changed multiple times to fit gameplay and vice versa. After the cutscenes were shot this became a bit harder but we always managed to tweak and move cutscenes where they made more sense.


I wouldn't know about Mundus and his child, sorry.

That's how I imagined it, but I don't know if that was the main game writer's intention. For me personally, the Angels did not want to disturb the balance, unlike the demons who wanted to take full control of the human world. I thought that after the demon world collapsed and merged with the human world, rifts would start to open to the angel world and it will too become unstable. The angel world could collapse as well.


Yes, there were many many aspects of Vergil that I thought weren't clear or portrayed well. He just acts a certain way and you never really understand why. And his secret was never going to be a secret for the fans, was it? I think this was the opportunity to CHANGE that character and force him to choose that path, as opposed to "Im like this". For me, I would like to see Dante and Vergil become genuine brothers in DmC, without Vergil's secret agenda, and then Dante is forced to make an impossible choice that betrays Vergil, and creates a rift between the two. As it is, they were never genuine brothers as Vergil was using Dante all the way.

Mission 20 was not an easy task. Can you imagine doing the boss fight that everyone remembers from DMC 3? At the same time, we knew Vergil was going to be playable so we wanted to retain as much as possible of his boss attacks for the playable version. This was hard to do in many instances and we added a lot more attacks to the playable version. Regarding strategies and stuff you would have to ask the designer that made it.


Sorry I cannot go into detail about Limbo as I didn't come up with it. Some of it confuses me as well. :)

DmC being a positive ending... I can't really speak for NT, but I never thought it was a positive thing. Merging the two worlds to show the demons was probably the worst possible outcome.

Vergil chose his own path in Vergil's Downfall. That's why the first mission is called Personal Hell. This is HIS hell, all the different parts of who he is are in conflict and dragging him down. He focuses and becomes stronger and determined.

I think there's something about Kat in a Vergil comic - some sort of prequel to the game - maybe they explained it a bit more there?


The difference is that in the main game I was following a creative direction while in VD I was responsible for that creative direction. I guess you see things you would do differently and then you have the chance to do that.

No idea about that.

Classic Vergil knows who he is and his place in the world. I think this is the result of many years of experience fighting the demons, etc. DmC Vergil is a bit more troubled, especially after his defeat against Dante. This particular event changed everything for him and made him question who he is. Both are interesting in their own way, but I think DmC Vergil is a bit more humanised because of this.

Already talked about fan reaction before, read above. :)

Specify alternate route?

I would love to be part of a DMC movie! Now that would be awesome.

I already wrote about Vergil's character development above, have a look!

No idea why that track was chosen specifically for the boss fight, sorry. :)


Wow, massive question. I can't really speak for the team of the studio, just my own experience. When designing bosses I wanted to capture the classic idea that these bosses are very powerful but you can break them by applying skill. This was important from day one and part of the reason people love classic DMC bosses, I think. I also wanted to make sure every mechanic would have a particular effect on the bosses. This was very hard to do given the extent of Dante's abilities, but we tried to cover as much as possible. Level design wise, when I designed the Mansion level, because it's a mission about remembering the past, I wanted it to be closer to classic DMC level design. More crossed paths, less linear (even though it's fairly linear), and I think I managed that, not sure anyone noticed though!

Yes, the game was a bit different. Check my answer above regarding mechanics that changed, etc.

Not really, he was always meant to have one DT, as far as I remember. The concepts with Dante's angel and demon forms simply show what would happen when you held the Demon or Angel triggers on the controller. It was a way to show the player which mode was selected. But because people switched triggers very quickly during combat, the effect wasn't as cool as first thought and this was simplified and toned down.

I actually think there are a lot of classic DMC elements in the combat! I would've liked for it to have innovated a bit more and go crazy!

I have no idea about sequels, so don't ask. Like I said, I would love to work on a DMC movie. :D

Thank you for your comments!! :)


I think they were all meant to be teenagers, so yes, very young. Maybe late teens? I'm just guessing now. :)


Hey, did I say that? :D I don't think they could tie in, no. The DMC universe is crazy and you could come up with a way to justify it, but I think that would be too convoluted. What I said was that Vergil's Downfall was INSPIRED by what happened at the end of DMC3, when Dante defeats Vergil, and Vergil is left in the underworld.

Wow, that was a lot of writing! :)

The difference is that in the main game I was following a creative direction while in VD I was responsible for that creative direction. I guess you see things you would do differently and then you have the chance to do that.

No idea about that.

Classic Vergil knows who he is and his place in the world. I think this is the result of many years of experience fighting the demons, etc. DmC Vergil is a bit more troubled, especially after his defeat against Dante. This particular event changed everything for him and made him question who he is. Both are interesting in their own way, but I think DmC Vergil is a bit more humanised because of this.

Already talked about fan reaction before, read above. :)

Specify alternate route?

I would love to be part of a DMC movie! Now that would be awesome.

I already wrote about Vergil's character development above, have a look!

No idea why that track was chosen specifically for the boss fight, sorry. :)

Thanks for the answers. But here are some clarifications:

What I mean for 'alternate route' is a different direction for the game (both DmC and Vergil's Downfall).

I want to add something:

You said that Vergil "killing" Hollow Kat is more killing his part of himself. What about Hollow Dante? What does he represent? Something like this...

Dante: Welcome to hell, brother.
Vergil: I don't have a brother anymore.
Dante: *smirk* Cute. You know, I was the one running away, living in the slums. You enjoyed a comfortable life. Look who's on top now! You don't belong anywhere. Guess that's why you're here. Well.. that and 'cause I killed you.

Again, thanks!
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Welcome back, Yamato Wielder.


I liked Lords of Shadow 2, but I can understand why a lot of people didn't. They severely screwed up the direction because the director would never go directly to his staff (reportedly) -- he always had a "middle-man" to do it for him.

Also, I heard that he treated his studio really badly, but that's only according to one of the developers on gamefaqs, so it's mostly speculation at this point.

AU means "Alternate Universe", like the "Ultimate Spider-Man" Series.

LOL, I was cold?? I should've known.

I mean, I've played a lot of games that started out with the fully-powered good guy losing all of his powers, so I figured the same thing would happen here.

Thanks for sharing your ideas on the story here. It was nothing like I expected. I can only imagine where the story would go from there.

So, it's "official" then. Vergil's name is now definitely "Nero Angelo". That's good to know, because I had no idea what to call him until now.

Ah, you're right, Dante does look young in the trailer (when he's in chains, that is). No one noticed the difference because the flashbacks went by too fast to take a good look.

Also, I know you didn't have time for this, but if you could equip Vergil with a gauntlet weapon, what name would you give it, and what style of hand-to-hand combat would you give him?

In DMC3, in my honest opinion, I think his style was... I dunno, maybe "Tae Kwon Do", since he used a lot of high kicks, you know?

It might have been "Koryu Bujutsu" (Japanese Ju-jutsu), but there's no way to know for certain.

Of course, I could be really wrong, but I honestly don't know what else to say on the matter. Maybe DmC Vergil could use a really fast style like "Wing Chun" or "Jeet Kune Do".


Now, onto my other questions:

Did you get any Iaido (the katana style that Vergil used) martial artists to work with you on Vergil's Downfall?

How come Vergil never has any "battle yells" like Dante does? I've noticed that he remains almost silent throughout the campaign when he's not talking.

Why wasn't Vergil's mask available as an alternate costume? I'm sure it was due to time restraints, but a lot of people loved that mask.

Speaking of the mask, did you try to give Vergil more of a "ninja" look (whereas DMC3 Vergil had more of a "samurai" motif)?


Thanks for answering my previous questions. I didn't have time to answer yesterday (and I won't be online for a few days, either), so I didn't see your post until this morning.


I like the fact that your gold profile says, "Developer". That gives it a touch of class, from my point of view.
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Personally, I really like this guy, instead of just kissing the fans butts like the later PR, or insulting us like the earlier. This guy is direct and straightforward
Also, I know this particular part of the game wasn't your job.
But please tell me the person who decided to use an actual actor and then cast Tim Phillips over Ryan Reynolds (who in my opinion, is the ideal actor for a live action Dante)
Got slapped over the head with a lobster.
Multiple times.
And got brain damage that made him smarter because anyone who cast a movie actor as Dante and doesn't choose Ryan Reynolds couldn't possibly be stupider
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In DMC3, in my honest opinion, I think his style was... I dunno, maybe "Tae Kwon Do", since he used a lot of high kicks, you know?

It might have been "Koryu Bujutsu" (Japanese Ju-jutsu), but there's no way to know for certain.

Of course, I could be really wrong, but I honestly don't know what else to say on the matter. Maybe DmC Vergil could use a really fast style like "Wing Chun" or "Jeet Kune Do".
I have no idea what KB is, but if it's anything like JJJ, it definitely wasn't that as the core elements of bone breaking holds and air/blood chokes were absent from his H2H fighting.
TKD is a pretty safe bet. Vergil's punches are overextended and telegraphed; [most] TKD fighters tend to have sloppy punches due to them not being emphasised much in TKD training and being awarded very few points in competitions. His kicks on the other hand are extremely fast, powerful, precise and clearly of good technique; traits that are very common with a good TKD fighter. That and the stereotypical spinning stuff.

If H2H fighting was brought back for Vergil I'd like to see him with either TKD or Muay Thai; both styles I think fit him quite well. Vergil is usually very fast, very powerful, and about the minimum amount of movement to achieve uber-carnage. That last part doesn't really describe TKD which is quite flashy to watch, but for a fantastic combination of speed/power TKD's kicking techniques work very well. MT (or Muay Boran for that matter) on the other hand I could see fitting him down to a T; fast, powerful, and generally more simplistic than other types of MAs.
Some (not factually accurate) example MT combos for Vergil, using triangle (T) as attack and O as "style"
Combo A, fast: low damaging 1-2 jabs followed by a medium damage low kick: R1TTT
Combo B, fast: low damage jab, low-medium damage cross, high damage high kick: R1T-TT
Combo C, fast to slow: low damage 1-2 jab, high damage elbow, high damage jumping knee, high damage side kick: R1TT-TTT
Launcher: medium damage upwards elbow: R1O
"Stinger": high damage flying elbow : R1FFT
"Draw": step to the side, high damage high kick: R1FFO

Aerial combos would be a bit more problematic but just throw a bunch of elbows/knees/kicks in there and it'll look at least slightly authentic :whistle:

I could see WC fitting him quite well too.
JKD isn't really a MA in the tradition sense, Bruce Lee basically invented MMA to some degree when he came up with JKD: "Absorb what is useful, discard what is useless".

Holy acronym overload Batman!
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In game >.> She's a psychic, and she was taught her craft by Vergil when he took her in.

I know that. I'm asking where did those powers come from. How did she become a psychic?


Sorry I cannot go into detail about Limbo as I didn't come up with it. Some of it confuses me as well. :)

Well then, back to scratching my head about it.

DmC being a positive ending... I can't really speak for NT, but I never thought it was a positive thing. Merging the two worlds to show the demons was probably the worst possible outcome.

That's what I thought as well. But do you think it can end any other way?

Vergil chose his own path in Vergil's Downfall. That's why the first mission is called Personal Hell. This is HIS hell, all the different parts of who he is are in conflict and dragging him down. He focuses and becomes stronger and determined.

I see but what is the result of that change? The demons bowed down before him, so doesn't that suggest that he replaced Mundus or does it mean something else?

I think there's something about Kat in a Vergil comic - some sort of prequel to the game - maybe they explained it a bit more there?

I'm guessing that's an "I don't know"? The comic doesn't really tell us anything either. It just reiterates the fact that she's psychic.

Oh, by the way, you should quote everyone's posts by clicking "Reply" at the right bottom of our posts. Doing so notifies us that you replied to us. When you do, our posts will come up as quotes when you start replying.
Thanks for the answers. But here are some clarifications:

What I mean for 'alternate route' is a different direction for the game (both DmC and Vergil's Downfall).

I want to add something:

You said that Vergil "killing" Hollow Kat is more killing his part of himself. What about Hollow Dante? What does he represent? Something like this...

Dante: Welcome to hell, brother.
Vergil: I don't have a brother anymore.
Dante: *smirk* Cute. You know, I was the one running away, living in the slums. You enjoyed a comfortable life. Look who's on top now! You don't belong anywhere. Guess that's why you're here. Well.. that and 'cause I killed you.

Again, thanks!

A different direction for the game? Wow, that's a big question that would take many posts to answer! :)

I want to avoid spelling the meaning of everything in VD because I want you to make your own interpretation of it. What do YOU think Hollow Dante represents?

Welcome back, Yamato Wielder.


I liked Lords of Shadow 2, but I can understand why a lot of people didn't. They severely screwed up the direction because the director would never go directly to his staff (reportedly) -- he always had a "middle-man" to do it for him.

Also, I heard that he treated his studio really badly, but that's only according to one of the developers on gamefaqs, so it's mostly speculation at this point.

AU means "Alternate Universe", like the "Ultimate Spider-Man" Series.

LOL, I was cold?? I should've known.

I mean, I've played a lot of games that started out with the fully-powered good guy losing all of his powers, so I figured the same thing would happen here.

Thanks for sharing your ideas on the story here. It was nothing like I expected. I can only imagine where the story would go from there.

So, it's "official" then. Vergil's name is now definitely "Nero Angelo". That's good to know, because I had no idea what to call him until now.

Ah, you're right, Dante does look young in the trailer (when he's in chains, that is). No one noticed the difference because the flashbacks went by too fast to take a good look.

Also, I know you didn't have time for this, but if you could equip Vergil with a gauntlet weapon, what name would you give it, and what style of hand-to-hand combat would you give him?

In DMC3, in my honest opinion, I think his style was... I dunno, maybe "Tae Kwon Do", since he used a lot of high kicks, you know?

It might have been "Koryu Bujutsu" (Japanese Ju-jutsu), but there's no way to know for certain.

Of course, I could be really wrong, but I honestly don't know what else to say on the matter. Maybe DmC Vergil could use a really fast style like "Wing Chun" or "Jeet Kune Do".


Now, onto my other questions:

Did you get any Iaido (the katana style that Vergil used) martial artists to work with you on Vergil's Downfall?

How come Vergil never has any "battle yells" like Dante does? I've noticed that he remains almost silent throughout the campaign when he's not talking.

Why wasn't Vergil's mask available as an alternate costume? I'm sure it was due to time restraints, but a lot of people loved that mask.

Speaking of the mask, did you try to give Vergil more of a "ninja" look (whereas DMC3 Vergil had more of a "samurai" motif)?


Thanks for answering my previous questions. I didn't have time to answer yesterday (and I won't be online for a few days, either), so I didn't see your post until this morning.


I like the fact that your gold profile says, "Developer". That gives it a touch of class, from my point of view.

I heard most of the original team left after the first game, so I think that's why it lost its soul. :(

I wanted to name the Vergil skin at the end of Vergil's Downfall Nero Angelo, but this wasn't possible. Instead you got ???????????? Lol

I'm not sure I would give Vergil gauntlets because he's very neat and precise, gauntlets are a bit more messy and involve more physical contact. Always thought Vergil would exert the least effort to achieve the best result, if that makes sense!

Anytime he's using the Katana I think more Battojutsu, but his style is a mix of a lot of things with a bit of flash thrown in. ;)

We didn't get a martial artist to work with us, that would've been awesome! We mainly researched the katana and watched many videos of people using it!

That's when he talks! You'll notice that he doesn't talk as much as Dante. This is part of his character, he will only speak when it matters or he feels he has to, unlike Dante who rambles all the time. Again, this is also reflected in the way he uses the sword and what I said about him doing the least effort for the best result. In one word, Vergil is economical. :D

Aww, the mask! That would've made a cool costume!

Just noticed it says Developer! That's awesome! :D


Bosses having cutscenes mid-combat was one of my biggest gripes with DmC. It becomes infinitely more annoying in BP.

I hear you. I don't like that it breaks your combos and of course, your enjoyment of the battle.

Personally, I really like this guy, instead of just kissing the fans butts like the later PR, or insulting us like the earlier. This guy is direct and straightforward
Also, I know this particular part of the game wasn't your job.
But please tell me the person who decided to use an actual actor and then cast Tim Phillips over Ryan Reynolds (who in my opinion, is the ideal actor for a live action Dante)
Got slapped over the head with a lobster.
Multiple times.
And got brain damage that made him smarter because anyone who cast a movie actor as Dante and doesn't choose Ryan Reynolds couldn't possibly be stupider

Haha, Ryan Reynolds was never cast as Dante. Where did you hear this?

I know that. I'm asking where did those powers come from. How did she become a psychic?

Well then, back to scratching my head about it.

That's what I thought as well. But do you think it can end any other way?

I see but what is the result of that change? The demons bowed down before him, so doesn't that suggest that he replaced Mundus or does it mean something else?

I'm guessing that's an "I don't know"? The comic doesn't really tell us anything either. It just reiterates the fact that she's psychic.

Oh, by the way, you should quote everyone's posts by clicking "Reply" at the right bottom of our posts. Doing so notifies us that you replied to us. When you do, our posts will come up as quotes when you start replying.

There is a cutscene where Kat is driving Dante somewhere, I'm not sure. I think she explains that she was abused and she developed this way of escaping to Limbo or something as a way to block the abuse? She also says she killed "the bastard"? Can anyone confirm this?

It could end differently, of course. They had pretty much dismantled the demon network that controlled the humans: the poisonous drinks, the media, and then they killed Mundus. Their control over mankind was diminished and now they - Vergil/Dante - had an opportunity to take on the lesser demons and force them to retreat.

It does suggest he replaced Mundus, correct. But who knows if another demon, more powerful, could rise and challenge Vergil? He is half demon/half angel after all, so I can imagine not all demons would be happy for him to lead them.

See above for Kat. Thanks for your suggestion! Made everything a lot easier. :)

Also, does anyone know why it takes forever to post something after you click Post Reply? Sometimes it doesn't seem to go through.
It does suggest he replaced Mundus, correct. But who knows if another demon, more powerful, could rise and challenge Vergil? He is half demon/half angel after all, so I can imagine not all demons would be happy for him to lead them.

Like a female demon... possibly a daughter of Mundus who was oppressed and controlled by her own father's rule and trapped in hell whilst he looked on over the Human World. Vergil comes in as a potential new ruler (which makes the female demon extremely miffed)... and eventually a fight for power begins... *looks to the sky feeling proud of concept*.

I'm very sorry about that... I'm practically obsessed about my own character (...Nite... *points at avatar*), *cough* I'd love to see her in a game. ^^ *was trying to make one, but get's obstacles thrown in the way*

~Was 'Nero Angelo' still voiced by David (from what I remember, I though it sounded different to Vergil's voice)?

By the way, instead of writing Vergil'sBitch, just call me VeeBee (everybody does :D ).
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