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Should universities ask about sexual orientation?


Well-known Member
I read this article here, http://news.yahoo.com/college-first-u-ask-applicants-sexual-orientation-172003423.html which stated that a college out in Chicago somewhere now requires students to say whether or not they are part of the LGBT community. Reasons they gave being they want those students to feel welcome on campus and such.

What do you guys think? Is it ok for universities to ask students something so personal and if so what about the workplace, where we might be seeing it next?

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
No. I don't think it's okay.

I'm using I to refer to anyone who is a part of the LGB community (I left the T out because it's not a sexual orientation and that's what this article is referring to).

Unless I am sucking your dick or licking your pussy, it's none of your concern if I am straight, gay, bi, what have you. That is no one's business but my own and my partner's (if I have one).


Nein, not ze puppies!
Hmmm, well if they want to be a LGBT friendly campus I think they are going about it the wrong way. It's not only intimidating but if that information gets out their privacy is blown open. It's not like they are going to go around and hit on everyone.

It's their own lifestyle, their own choices, I don't need to know about it unless they feel comfortable talking about it. I like everyone for who they are as long as they treat me with respect and I treat them with respect.


Oldschool DMC fan
I don't think it's anyone else's business... and how can they make you more comfortable other than providing you with the exact same information you'll find anyway at the Students' Union building (or equivalent)? When I first went to uni, you could find out about LGB stuff the first day as it was right there for anyone who wanted to join in.

Sounds like it would cause more issues than it would solve. Uni in my experience is different from other experiences in life... students are friendly and less assuming than most people you'll meet in most circumstances and will let you know things you want to know; unless you live under a rock and never leave your residence you'll find out there are other people on campus in the LGBverse and where they hang out if you're inclined to wonder.

Besides, the whole point of uni is to find out how to find things out by yourself. . .


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
No, why should someone's sexuality be anyone else's business.
(Dylan and Lexy pretty much said it all.)


The devoted
I can understand that it may help, should someone be getting bullied on campus for whatever reason. It would give a potential insight to why it's happening but seriously... No. You should never need to disclose your sexual orientation. I did a job application recently and it asked for my sexual orientation, to which I replied 'prefer not to say'. I'm not hiding anything, I'm heterosexual. I'm not homophobic, but I don't think that a potential job offer really needs to know what my sexual preference is.


Oldschool DMC fan
Yeah... by asking the question in the first place it opens the gate for discrimination. Even if you put 'prefer not to say' someone could make an assumption about you from it. Best to leave it out of the questionnaire because it isn't something anyone needs to know about a person for any practical reason if collecting basic data on students.

Maybe someone out there at the ONS wants stats on how many people consider themselves what orientation but I still don't think anyone needs to be asked. Or should be. I'm not even sure why they need to know some of the other stuff they ask beyond your name, for the purposes of identifying you and assigning you courses and classes and grades.


Don't trust people
I don't understand why it's a big deal with the whole privacy issue.

If I would be gay I would say straight out I'm gay, I'm not hiding anything. Why would I?
Same goes for bisexual and transexual.

It's like me being straight, as I am. It's nothing I really have to hide. <.<
Some people also dislike the company of others, such as having a camping or sharing a dorm with someone homosexual when you are not might just be discomfortable for the person who isn't. Since they split men and women in dorms because of their gender they might as well do the same about their sexual orientation so no one have to feel discomfort.


Well-known Member
I don't understand why it's a big deal with the whole privacy issue.

If I would be gay I would say straight out I'm gay, I'm not hiding anything. Why would I?
Same goes for bisexual and transexual.

It's like me being straight, as I am. It's nothing I really have to hide. <.<
Some people also dislike the company of others, such as having a camping or sharing a dorm with someone homosexual when you are not might just be discomfortable for the person who isn't. Since they split men and women in dorms because of their gender they might as well do the same about their sexual orientation so no one have to feel discomfort.
The big deal with privacy over sexual orientation is that members of the LGBTQ, etc. community are faced with bulling, hazing, discrimination, and not to mention all the crazy religious groups screaming "GOD HATES GAYS!" Ok, so you don't believe in God, but a lot of people do and the thought of going to Hell for something you can't help is very upsetting to a lot of the LGBTQ community. Maybe you wouldn't be upset by people bullying you and hurting you over your sexual orientation, but a lot of people ARE and so privacy is very important.

If someone is uncomfortable living with a homosexual then they can bring it up with Housing. I personally wouldn't mind living with a lesbian so long as she doesn't listen to music while I'm trying to sleep.


Don't trust people
I'm not comfortable around gays, I don't like homosexuals approach on life. What the hell are people gonna do about that? Of course I don't harass them, or tell them anything. But they sure spit on me for thinking like that. It's something I can't do anything about and still I get the same **** from them as they get from others. -.-


Well-known Member
I'm not comfortable around gays, I don't like homosexuals approach on life. What the hell are people gonna do about that? Of course I don't harass them, or tell them anything. But they sure spit on me for thinking like that. It's something I can't do anything about and still I get the same **** from them as they get from others. -.-
Its not an "approach" on life. They don't choose to be gay, that's how they are born. And you can actually do something about that. The beauty of mankind is that we have the power to change ourselves. You can change the way you think and regard a group of people if you really wanted to. (Not saying you have to)


Don't trust people
Its not an "approach" on life. They don't choose to be gay, that's how they are born. And you can actually do something about that. The beauty of mankind is that we have the power to change ourselves. You can change the way you think and regard a group of people if you really wanted to. (Not saying you have to)

Like they can change their sexual orientation as well. Derp, there is just the same. I'll still feel discomfort if I tried to change, it's just the way I am, the way life has made me become. And there is nothing that can change that. Just to point out, not everyone is born gay either.

There is a person who I really looked up towards as someone to admire. He strove for a great career and nothing stopped him, along with great intellect he became sort of a role model for me. He later turned gay and I lost all respect for him. Why? I mean, he still strives for the same and does everything else the same, I have no idea why. Oh wait, it's because I dislike gays. Why is that? I actually have no clue, could you tell me Meg? Since I can change only if I know.

The fact of me being willing to change is also part of how the people act towards me. I look down on all religions, especially christianity in all of its forms for what (imo) should be obvious reasons. It's the people that makes me not like religion, obviously.
I tolerate them, but how Meg, tell me exactly how I would change my view on them?
I suddenly think completely different, perhaps? Or does it, possibly, require actions from the majority of the groups that makes me hate the groups to make me accept them?

If I really wanted to change my view on anything then seriously, I have already done that. If I can't, however, I just can't. Why? Because there is no reason to do so. -.-


Well-known Member
Yeah no. Saying someone "turns" gay is an old way of thinking that has been proven incorrect. You don't turn gay. Some people don't come to realize it or admit it until later for their own reasons, but you don't "turn" gay. Sorry.

And as far as you changing how you see stuff? Dude, that is something I can't tell ya. Everyone's different, but everyones got the power to change if they want to. How is up to them. Toleration is actually a lovely thing. You don't have to accept everything, that's not what I'm saying, but tolerating is very important. :)


Don't trust people
Yeah no. Saying someone "turns" gay is an old way of thinking that has been proven incorrect. You don't turn gay. Some people don't come to realize it or admit it until later for their own reasons, but you don't "turn" gay. Sorry.

And as far as you changing how you see stuff? Dude, that is something I can't tell ya. Everyone's different, but everyones got the power to change if they want to. How is up to them. Toleration is actually a lovely thing. You don't have to accept everything, that's not what I'm saying, but tolerating is very important. :)

Yeah, it was turning. He had a girlfriend he loved. You know, a guy loving a girl isn't gay.

There is no reason to change, nothing has changed or nothing new has been sighted on the subject from my eyes so my perspective will remain the same.


Well-known Member
Yeah, it was turning. He had a girlfriend he loved. You know, a guy loving a girl isn't gay.
He could always be bisexual. ;) And I'm sorry you have such an incorrect way of thinking. *trrrrroooooollll!!!!!*


Don't trust people
He could always be bisexual. ;) And I'm sorry you have such an incorrect way of thinking. *trrrrroooooollll!!!!!*

Don't think so. He is kinda... fully gay. I am certain I am not mistaken. <.<

How does that troll comment differ from everything else you post? =O *trrrrroooooolll!!!*

I'm the better troller either way, since I've got the swoopy loopy arms. <.<

Daring Dylan

This is all we got now.
I don't understand why it's a big deal with the whole privacy issue.
Obviously you haven't heard about Tyler Clementi.

If I would be gay I would say straight out I'm gay, I'm not hiding anything. Why would I?
Same goes for bisexual and transexual.

It's like me being straight, as I am. It's nothing I really have to hide. <.<
You don't need to hide anything if you're straight because you are straight. You're part of the 'norm' and the majority. Some of us in the LGBT community need to hide what we are. We don't want to, but we have, out of fear of what might happen to us if we come out.

Some people also dislike the company of others, such as having a camping or sharing a dorm with someone homosexual when you are not might just be discomfortable for the person who isn't. Since they split men and women in dorms because of their gender they might as well do the same about their sexual orientation so no one have to feel discomfort.
Unless the person you're sharing a dorm with is like the chick out of 'The Roommate' you have no reason to feel uncomfortable around a homosexual person. Surprise, surprise. They're not going to start sucking you off or butt******* you in the middle of the night.

I'm not comfortable around gays, I don't like homosexuals approach on life. What the hell are people gonna do about that? Of course I don't harass them, or tell them anything. But they sure spit on me for thinking like that. It's something I can't do anything about and still I get the same **** from them as they get from others. -.-
It's not an approach on life. We didn't chose to be gay or trans/trans* or bi or whatever. Why would someone chose to be apart of a community that's openly ridiculed and hated on?

And they spit on you because you're obviously homophobic and have no good reason to be that way.

Like they can change their sexual orientation as well. Derp, there is just the same. I'll still feel discomfort if I tried to change, it's just the way I am, the way life has made me become. And there is nothing that can change that. Just to point out, not everyone is born gay either.
No. Just no. Exactly how ignorant are you? We can change our sexual orientation? I'm sure if there was a way to do that, a lot of people who grew up on the streets because their parents kicked them out because of their lifestyle 'choice' they'd do it.

No, you're right. Not everyone is born gay. Everyone's sexuality is developed before they're six years old, however.

There is a person who I really looked up towards as someone to admire. He strove for a great career and nothing stopped him, along with great intellect he became sort of a role model for me. He later turned gay and I lost all respect for him. Why? I mean, he still strives for the same and does everything else the same, I have no idea why. Oh wait, it's because I dislike gays. Why is that? I actually have no clue, could you tell me Meg? Since I can change only if I know.
You want to know why you dislike gays? Because you're an ignorant homophobe who would let something like sexuality get in the way of how you see people. Just because he's gay does not mean he's a completely different person. He's still the same guy, he just happens to like cock instead of pussy. Get the **** over it.

Or does it, possibly, require actions from the majority of the groups that makes me hate the groups to make me accept them?
Please tell me what the hell the LGBT community did to you to make you not like them?

If I really wanted to change my view on anything then seriously, I have already done that. If I can't, however, I just can't. Why? Because there is no reason to do so. -.-
There's no reason to do so? Yet another ignorant and blatantly homophobic comment! I should start a count on there, huh?

Yeah, it was turning. He had a girlfriend he loved. You know, a guy loving a girl isn't gay.
No, it's not. But he could have been closeted his whole life because he was afraid to come out because of people like you.

Don't think so. He is kinda... fully gay.
No. He's not 'fully gay'. No one if 'fully gay' or 'fully straight'. Human sexuality is a very fluid thing. One could go their whole life thinking they're straight but then fall in love with someone of the same gender. If they break up with that person, they might never love someone of the same gender again. There are exceptions in sexuality. It is not something that is set in stone, and it is not something that is chosen.


Don't trust people
Nice insults Dani. Awesome you are, I told my points and views, obviously you were offended and had to insult them. I never insulted you, I just told how I see things and small parts that happened to make me think like that.

Are you going to **** on me for liking a special political side too?

All I see is that you call me ignorant but no real arguments to why. Congrats?


Is not rat, is hamster
I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm not homophobic. I'm not scared of my house.

Also - simmer down a tad, guys. This is obviously a sensitive topic and I would hate to see people getting upset unnecessarily over it. I think we've perfectly established who is for and against the gay community in this thread so far so perhaps switch it to PMs or just all-out ignore one another. I will just say that comments of a derogatory nature are not something we like to promote here at DMC.org so whereas I appreciate some of you have very strong opinions on sexuality, religion, politics and the eternal "Coke vs. Pepsi" debate, I'd just love it if we could minimise the hating where possible. Ta.

In other news, I'm fairly certain I ate a bug last night. Nowhere near as nomalicious as those who live in the jungle would have you believe. Just saying.


Entertain me.
Dumbledore was gay guys, just sayin'.

I'd prefer not to know if my roommate was straight or gay. If they got to know me well enough and chose to tell me on a "by the way" basis, I'd be fine by that. The last thing I'd care to see though is when my roommate information arrived via email, there was a little snide remark on the bottom saying "...and he likes <gender>!"

Now if you'll allow me, I'm going to pull a politician by avoiding further detail and saying that homophobia is wrong. It's hard for us to forgive the religious persecutions of old when some people are still so fanatical that they would use it as many religious-based anti-gay groups do.
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