so do you guys think it would be worth it if *dramatic music* (highlight to see) i made a devil may cry co-op mod
well? should i?
well? should i?
Dude, I'd LOVE if you made a mod that removed the color coat for both of them, this is not a problem you have to work around at all, leave it at that!!!Yes go for it. Would your plan to be to play with others over the internet or in person or both? I'm thinking jumping into game with people over steam and what not would be the coolest thing. Also would it be mainly for BP or the entire campaign?
It would first entail getting all of Vergil into the game which is being done by many including myself but we are all hitting problems at certain parts. The other part would be how you would go about colored enemies in co-op. Let Dante deal with them? Or edit the files so Vergil can go at them too. However after doing much testing when allowing one character to attack colored enemies indistinguishably it also changed it for the other. So far it's wierd, some of us who have put Vergil into Dante's campaign can hit colored with his angel/demon stances and others cannot. Vergil is also a bit limited in general when it comes to stances anyways so it would rather be better to just let him do whatever move to all, my onpinion though.
I don't mean to sound skeptical what so ever thought just throwing out what I've come across so far. I'd love to help you in any way I could.
Dude, I'd LOVE if you made a mod that removed the color coat for both of them, this is not a problem you have to work around at all, leave it at that!!!
Not only we can play as Vergil against Dante's bosses, but we also remove color coded enemies for Dante? Best mod EVER
Ok im going to assume you are working on vergil in dante's story and bloody palaceyou and judgment bring up good points i plan to make vergil and dante play together in BP first since it would probably be easiest as for color coding... depends that is important but not a priority above many other things. also i don't mind color coded enemys but if you guys want me to do something i will try vergil SHOULD be able to hit the colouur coded guys anyway since he already has angel and demon stance but mabye they are only set up to respond to dantes angel and demon weapons rest assured their should be some workaround
also if anyone wishes to help i will have to do some work myself first to show i can get things done
and infernex it would require a lot of knowledge on the game engine but not as much as you think good thing being vergil already has his own move set and campaign