We do have sandwich making robots. They are called subway employees.They need to make robots to make sandwiches. That way, guys and girls get more free time...unless the robots become self aware and protest against sandwich making. :tongue:
As a none american I never understood the fascination with that stereotype, ether. It might just be the thing that got stuck with it. it might have to do with the image of eating a sandwich in bed.Why is it always sandwiches anyway? I like it when me and my guy make pizza together. So much better than a sandwich and it's fun to make.
Creators of the Doritos and Mountain dew dinner while playing CoD!Home of the cliches.
Creators of the Doritos and Mountain dew dinner while playing CoD!
Yeah, but realistically speaking none of those are realistic portrayals of your standard american. They exists, yeah, and there are plenty of 'em, but most Americans aren't any of those.Yeah, but we got Airborne and Mountain Rangers, Navy SEALS, and Marines.
Yeah, but realistically speaking none of those are realistic portrayals of your standard american. They exists, yeah, and there are plenty of 'em, but most Americans aren't any of those.
Wait. Aren't mountain rangers originally Canadian?
Pretty much. It easy to put stereotypes into neat little boxes, package them and then sell them to the masses for consumerist gain. It's like that with any capitalist nation these days.AMERICA LAND OF THE STEREOTYPES!
No. For the most part females are sexualized and the male characters come off as just a male power fantasy. There's a fine line and a difference.So oversexualization of characters in video games, mostly female but with some males?
No. For the most part females are sexualized and the male characters come off as just a male power fantasy. There's a fine line and a difference.
Interesting article.
I never thought myself either that what videogame companies did was always consciously sexist/misogynistic with an agenda to degrade, (with a few exceptions - deliberately designed games to brutalize women) but more that it was a total myth inside the industry and out that "women don't play games" and therefore that women won't even see the stuff that get put into games regarding them, so it was 'okay' to just perv on them/make perv objects of them, and/or sideline them.
Game companies and their execs need to wake up and realize how much of a market they're losing due to this BS. So much potential business not being made.
I can see why they'd think that. While they do exist, they're just not all that common -- at least from my experience, anyway.Wow, they actually thought women don't play games... ?