^Not withput proper explanations,he won't.And just to finaly offer my opinion on Nero,yes he was a stupid adition considering the story he got.Random kid,saving his lover and oh!He's got SOME connection to Sparda and the twins.And just to do a favour to the fans,put Dante in.All in all,major trolling by our good man,Hiroyuki Kobayashi,now known as Kobacross.
If Nero was given a proper backstory before this pathetic attempt to make the story look like MGS,he would be accepted by the majority...I guess.Should Capcom continue using him though,without any proper backstory or origins,he is doomed to fail,unfortunately.
PS : Kobacross,you just gained an enemy.Ain't that right DT?
If Nero was given a proper backstory before this pathetic attempt to make the story look like MGS,he would be accepted by the majority...I guess.Should Capcom continue using him though,without any proper backstory or origins,he is doomed to fail,unfortunately.
PS : Kobacross,you just gained an enemy.Ain't that right DT?