Rules, we have them. Learn them, abide them, love them.
The Staff
- All posts must be made in English or include an English translation.
- No trolling, harassing or insulting others, or otherwise behaving like a self-absorbed idiot.
- Double-posting or reviving 'dead' topics is only allowed under very specific conditions. Use common sense to determine whether or not you have a legitimate reason to engage in either. Also posts that add nothing to a thread (constant meme pics, posts of only 'LOL' or a smiley etc) can be considered spam.
- Refrain from excessive cursing and don't try and get around the swear filter.
- Discussion of illegal activities such as file sharing, software and media piracy and intellectual property violations are a big no-no. This includes the sharing and exchanging of 'CD keys', 'cracks' and the like.
- Do not post links to questionable websites - use common sense as to determine what we might consider inappropriate. Hint: If it contains anything to do with warez, pr0n, or anything offensive to our delicate senses, keep it to yourself.
- The staff reserve the right to ban members who fail to abide by the rules and/or live to troll others - WITH OR WITHOUT PRIOR WARNING.
- We reserve the rights to remove or modify any Content submitted for any reason without explanation (as part of the terms of service).
- You are permitted ONE account and multiple accounts will be banned.
- Please do NOT request thread closures as it is a staff members decision if a thread should be closed. Only thread creators can request the closure of their threads.
The Staff