The kick had broken through the air shield and hurt it broke a rib one at the least but then pain wasn't foreign to justin he landed in a way that took a lot of momentum out of the fall deciding the best course of action. while waiting for Dyzzaz to show up.
Just brought up the sword hilt which was obvious used air to deflect the blow away from his shattered rib to his leg then dropping the sword hilts did a spinnig backfist aimed at Dyzzaz's torso.
" I can't keep up anymore. Ulquiorra! ", Dyzzaz slided to the portal.
???: Round 2: Final.
Ulquiorra vs Justin.
Aerial stage.
Ulquiorra busted through the portal, then suddenly, the arena turned into an set of plataforms, high above ground, with strong hurricanes blowing, and a very strong air wave.
"WHAT! I don't get a break" I said outraged as I recovered from my wounds by resting. I had max power but in my state I would last five minutes at most before It left me And using meant my stamina and strength were extremely depleted after I lost max power.
"Mother F***ing B*stard" said jumping only to have the energy burn my leg as it nicked it I used air to power up my fire balls as I started throwing them at him.
Justin cursed under his breath as he yelled "MAX POWER!!" using his speed to dodge the cero easily but he knew if he didn't finish the fight he didn't have the endurance to face ulquiorra.
Using fire and lightning he countered the blow to an extent that rendered it harmless to him well most of him his broked rib was completely shattered and his lung was punctured but he would ignore those until max power ended.
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