Seeing as roleplaying has becoming a bigger thing than we ever really expected here, (Not that I'm complaining, mind you.) I figure it's about time that we get some basic ground rules and regulations set up for those that want to get involved in other people's RPs, or want to start one of their own, as well as some basic terminology for those who are a little confused about acronyms that they see.
So here are the current rules as they stand.
1: No god modding/Power playing.
This is perhaps the most important rule to be considered, god modding refers to the practice of creating an insanely overpowered character who cannot be touched or harmed by anything, it is often seen as a very rude thing to do. Avoid it as it ruins the fun for others and will not be tolerated.
Power-playing is when someone RPs as another person's character to give the themselves an unfair advantage. Example: someone says "I win because -insert character name here- ran off a cliff!"
Again, just as bad as god modding, don't do it, it won't be tolerated.
2: Refrain from auto-hitting.
Automatically hitting, if you're in combat with someone in a roleplay and that person always attacks you and never allows you to defend, they are seen as auto-hitting. Much like God Modding, this practice is frowned upon, considered rude and will not be tolerated.
3: Respect the RP/GM.
Respect is of importance here, if you want to join an RP, you should respect the people who have taken their own time out to set it up, as it is for your entertainment, as well as theirs. As a result, you should also respect the roleplay itself, if it isn't for you, then kindly leave and find another roleplay that is more suited to your tastes.
4: The GM/Thread Owner/Referee has the final call.
If an out of character argument breaks out during the course of a roleplay, then the GM/thread owner/referee always has the final say, you should respect this decision and simply move on.
5: Don't abuse your power.
Whilst GMs and the thread owner hold the most power over what goes on in the thread, do not abuse your power. Be fair to the people in your roleplay and they will be fair to you.
6: Do your best with spelling and grammar.
Try your best with your spelling, grammar and punctuation, roleplays and posts within them can become quite difficult to read and understand if your grammar isn't fluent. Misused grammar, capitalisation and spelling can also be extremely flow/immersion breaking for the people involved, so please, do try your hardest.
That's it for the rules, if there's anything I've missed or that you feel should be added, let me know.
So here are the current rules as they stand.
1: No god modding/Power playing.
This is perhaps the most important rule to be considered, god modding refers to the practice of creating an insanely overpowered character who cannot be touched or harmed by anything, it is often seen as a very rude thing to do. Avoid it as it ruins the fun for others and will not be tolerated.
Power-playing is when someone RPs as another person's character to give the themselves an unfair advantage. Example: someone says "I win because -insert character name here- ran off a cliff!"
Again, just as bad as god modding, don't do it, it won't be tolerated.
2: Refrain from auto-hitting.
Automatically hitting, if you're in combat with someone in a roleplay and that person always attacks you and never allows you to defend, they are seen as auto-hitting. Much like God Modding, this practice is frowned upon, considered rude and will not be tolerated.
3: Respect the RP/GM.
Respect is of importance here, if you want to join an RP, you should respect the people who have taken their own time out to set it up, as it is for your entertainment, as well as theirs. As a result, you should also respect the roleplay itself, if it isn't for you, then kindly leave and find another roleplay that is more suited to your tastes.
4: The GM/Thread Owner/Referee has the final call.
If an out of character argument breaks out during the course of a roleplay, then the GM/thread owner/referee always has the final say, you should respect this decision and simply move on.
5: Don't abuse your power.
Whilst GMs and the thread owner hold the most power over what goes on in the thread, do not abuse your power. Be fair to the people in your roleplay and they will be fair to you.
6: Do your best with spelling and grammar.
Try your best with your spelling, grammar and punctuation, roleplays and posts within them can become quite difficult to read and understand if your grammar isn't fluent. Misused grammar, capitalisation and spelling can also be extremely flow/immersion breaking for the people involved, so please, do try your hardest.
That's it for the rules, if there's anything I've missed or that you feel should be added, let me know.