CodeBreaker_Kiwi You Think You Know Me May 30, 2010 279 1 625 30 Saru-003 Nov 22, 2010 #1 Hey! Its me Kiwi! Yes Watashi wa Kiwi kun! Its been a while but I have returned! So whats up hows everybuddy been
Hey! Its me Kiwi! Yes Watashi wa Kiwi kun! Its been a while but I have returned! So whats up hows everybuddy been
Ebony Dante enthusiast! Premium Feb 6, 2009 2,063 536 3,170 Nov 22, 2010 #2 Hey, welcome back. What have you been up to?
CodeBreaker_Kiwi You Think You Know Me May 30, 2010 279 1 625 30 Saru-003 Nov 22, 2010 #3 Soccer practice and deviantart
cheezMcNASTY Entertain me. Premium Jul 11, 2010 1,101 595 2,625 Underground Nov 22, 2010 #4 hey bbrooooooo
aka958 Don't trust people Feb 9, 2008 4,686 216 150 30 Nov 23, 2010 #5 Heya brudda! How ya doin'? Slept well and everything? I hope the seabiscuits didn't get to ya. Their toxin do crazy things to your brain. :\
Heya brudda! How ya doin'? Slept well and everything? I hope the seabiscuits didn't get to ya. Their toxin do crazy things to your brain. :\
Dark Drakan Well-known Member Admin Moderator Mar 4, 2007 9,682 6,821 22,475 39 Staffordshire England Twitter DarkDrakan Nov 23, 2010 #6 Welcome back Kiwi. ^_^
Vergil's Waifu Voidwalker - Infernal Match Premium Aug 2, 2009 10,861 6,479 19,365 The Void Nov 23, 2010 #8 Welcome back Kiwi