It's insane how good DMC1 is for its time. It's better than it had any right or obligation to be. Graphics wise,
the way the castle and cameras twist, the vistas in the game, and the way the lighting of the game create atmosphere,
it's hard to imagine this is only a little ahead of the dreamcast era. In all honesty, I don't think even DMC 3 looks as good.
The horror theme of the game is much stronger than the later sequels, and Dante's remarkable abilities and
general coolness are the only thing that stops the sombre atmosphere from setting in. It's weird in the sense of it has
all the isolation of Resident Evil remake, but it's not oppressive because the hero is so capable.
The game keeps dealing you out new combat options and guns to take down bosses with, and I forgot how weighty some of the
weapons are. Taking out skulls with the shot-gun is satisfying.
The combat is not as varied as later games, but in a way this makes the game feel more grounded. When DMC1 came out, there
was a ranking system to your attacks, and you could do combos, but at the same time it wasn't like Tony Hawks or something
where the systems intricacies were apparent. A lot of the experience for players would have actually been survival horror-esque
as in rationing vital stars and other helpful items.
Virgil looks like MR freeze. I forgot how epic the later boss fight is, and it would be pretty weird to play this game in order, as in after DMC3.
Dante is probably the best incarnation of his own character in this game. Yeah he says cheesy lines. Kind of. But a lot of it is actually restrained.
His character is as cool because of the aforementioned walking round horrific places, saying little, then not fearing the formidable bosses.
It makes me think it's all a bit over the top in later games. But anyway.
DMC1, was actually better than I remembered. I had thought 3 or 4 was the best but returning to 1 after not doing a full playthrough for a long
time, makes me appreciate just how game changing it was. There's nothing else like it on PS2, even in it's own series arguably.
the way the castle and cameras twist, the vistas in the game, and the way the lighting of the game create atmosphere,
it's hard to imagine this is only a little ahead of the dreamcast era. In all honesty, I don't think even DMC 3 looks as good.
The horror theme of the game is much stronger than the later sequels, and Dante's remarkable abilities and
general coolness are the only thing that stops the sombre atmosphere from setting in. It's weird in the sense of it has
all the isolation of Resident Evil remake, but it's not oppressive because the hero is so capable.
The game keeps dealing you out new combat options and guns to take down bosses with, and I forgot how weighty some of the
weapons are. Taking out skulls with the shot-gun is satisfying.
The combat is not as varied as later games, but in a way this makes the game feel more grounded. When DMC1 came out, there
was a ranking system to your attacks, and you could do combos, but at the same time it wasn't like Tony Hawks or something
where the systems intricacies were apparent. A lot of the experience for players would have actually been survival horror-esque
as in rationing vital stars and other helpful items.
Virgil looks like MR freeze. I forgot how epic the later boss fight is, and it would be pretty weird to play this game in order, as in after DMC3.
Dante is probably the best incarnation of his own character in this game. Yeah he says cheesy lines. Kind of. But a lot of it is actually restrained.
His character is as cool because of the aforementioned walking round horrific places, saying little, then not fearing the formidable bosses.
It makes me think it's all a bit over the top in later games. But anyway.
DMC1, was actually better than I remembered. I had thought 3 or 4 was the best but returning to 1 after not doing a full playthrough for a long
time, makes me appreciate just how game changing it was. There's nothing else like it on PS2, even in it's own series arguably.