*Hard for me to accept? Do you even know the point of the argument in which you chose to participate in?
*Contradicting myself? Do you even know what was stated?
*I don't know that they're going back to their roots for their next RE game?
*Angry about people getting the chance to play Resident Evil? You really DON'T know why you engaged me in this. Ah, I see, this is you surrendering and saying you're wrong for even approaching me in such a manner.
* You've already proven that you don't understand anything that's going on.
*Hey guys, let's go on strike over a remaster! No, you've once again missed the reason I stated that as a probability. It's the fact that they are thinning their team to make this REmaster possible. Again, all hands on deck.
*Faulty logic? This entire discussion with you has proven that you're biased and can't think of anything wrong with the Remastering of a remastered game and are oblivious to the fact that Capcom's stock is up for grabs.
*It's not a cash in because it hasn't already been remastered and it released just a little bit before the PS4. It became a hit and those who didn't have a ps3 and are going ps4 wanna play it. The RE1 remaster is a cash in (IMO) because it's already been remastered, it's remastering missed last gen, and all of a sudden it's remastered for this gen after Capcom said that they're going back to their roots because their last two games were bad as well as those online and handheld games. Gotta make that money back.
*I know why you used it. You thought that it would be effective because he's a fan that you can see and that you agree with. But the derp's on you!
*I already gave my demands that would initialize my support of the game. You have nothing to really say to me, but "Well ok. I'm exciting and I don't want anything more...I mean it's Resident Evil REMASTERED for the new consoles! Squee."
*Just don't reply to me. It's annoying when I have to justify my reasons because someone can't think outside of their fan-box.
- I don't see any answers to my questions here.
- ^
- I don't know what you mean here. Your original point was different. What does the RE1 remaster have to do with RE7 POSSIBLY going back to its roots?
- You could just explain what you mean and prove whatever I say wrong. Guess not.
- See point 1.
- Stated what as a probability? I was the one who said the employees could go on strike, not you. Again, you don't know that they are ''thinning their team''. You're making assumptions about what Capcom will do, then getting angry about those assumptions.
- Biased about what? Liking Resident Evil 1? Are you scared about Capcom's future? No, I don't see the problem with remastering an old game so that new generations of gamers can play it. If you do, that's your problem. ''you are oblivious to the fact that Capcom's stock is up for grabs.'' What does that have to do with this remaster? Do you think Capcom is digging its grave? They are going to make money off of this remaster, that much is clear.
''*It's not a cash in because it hasn't already been remastered''. I wanted to know when you consider something to become a cash-in. I would consider the RE1 remaster a cash-in if it were developed every few years. This remaster is now coming out after *thirteen* years.
It became a hit
and those who didn't have a ps3 and are going ps4 wanna play it. That is exactly what's happening with the RE1 remake on the PS4/One. The people who bought a PS4/One might never have had a GameCube, an Xbox 360, or even a PS3. I feel like I'm repeating myself.
- That doesn't even make sense. I could quote anyone on this forum who feels the same way as AlphaOmegaSin... it wouldn't change anything. A lot of people agree that RE1 deserves to be remastered now, and that it's a good idea. So you don't... big deal. Do you think you're more important than everyone else?
- I haven't played RE1 before, so I honestly have no opinion on it yet. I'm just glad I get to play it. I don't really care about your assumptions... your entire comment is filled with them. There's no point in getting angry over stuff that's not confirmed or has no evidence behind it. Capcom thinks the RE1 remaster is good for business. Makes them money. Fine, right?
Just calm down. This kind of thing is what starts 'flaming threads'. Anyway, I think the whole conversation is too jumbled up to keep going on.
Also, sorry for this weird conversation, Drakan.