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Rules again:

Double-posting or reviving 'dead' topics is only allowed under very specific conditions. Use common sense to determine whether or not you have a legitimate reason to engage in either. Also posts that add nothing to a thread (constant meme pics, posts of only 'LOL' or a smiley etc) can be considered spam.

I suggest you both @SSSSwagmasterMLGDmCplaya & @Frostmourne add each other to your ignore lists to avoid further issues on the boards. Have we not made it clear about personal comments and insults?​
Forget it, Dragonmaster.

Him, mr. swagger or whatever, and burning shovels have launched an all-out assault in a desperate bid to make DmC look bad in comparison to DMC4.

Dear God, I can't stop laughing... XD

He's trying to say DmC sucks donkey ****. Same message, different words.
Oh, and welcome back. We could use more supporters now that haters have decided to storm the base...
Forget it, Dragonmaster.

Him, mr. swagger or whatever, and burning shovels have launched an all-out assault in a desperate bid to make DmC look bad in comparison to DMC4.

Dear God, I can't stop laughing... XD

He's trying to say DmC sucks donkey ****. Same message, different words.
Oh, and welcome back. We could use more supporters now that haters have decided to storm the base...
Hey I actually kinda liked DMC4, it definitely have it's share of flaws but it was an overall ok game. DMC2 is bad and DmC keeps reminding me of DMC2 every single fragglerocking step. Though truth be told some problems that DMC2 had DmC seems to have an an exact opposite problem.
Rules again:

Double-posting or reviving 'dead' topics is only allowed under very specific conditions. Use common sense to determine whether or not you have a legitimate reason to engage in either. Also posts that add nothing to a thread (constant meme pics, posts of only 'LOL' or a smiley etc) can be considered spam.

I suggest you both @SSSSwagmasterMLGDmCplaya & @Frostmourne add each other to your ignore lists to avoid further issues on the boards. Have we not made it clear about personal comments and insults?​

He's been ignored, however, I shouldn't have to do that when someone, out of nowhere, decides to call me out name call me a "hater". He's done it several times, and he's broken the rules more than once, but again, he gets a free pass, such as:

Yup. Terrible.
And I'm done here.

... For now. :sneaky:

In the DMC General section discussing about gameplay, which adds nothing towards the discussion.
But if I didn't pick him out in this topic, it would've gone unoticed.

How is he being a troll??
Because randomly calling someone a hater and laughing because I somehow launched and "all-out attack" isnt trolling. But hey, Im just baiting for pointing these things that break the rules out, right? Like in that other post.
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Hey I actually kinda liked DMC4, it definitely have it's share of flaws but it was an overall ok game. DMC2 is bad and DmC keeps reminding me of DMC2 every single fragglerocking step. Though truth be told some problems that DMC2 had DmC seems to have an an exact opposite problem.
We get it. You hate DmC. No one cares buddy. Get over yourself and stop whining. DmC is over a year old and is there really a point to complaining about it anymore? Man, you are making yourself a prime example of what I call the fandumb. You need to just chill.

There's a lot of things I hate. Like DMC 4. But I'm not going over in the DMC 4 sections talking about how poop that game is every 5 seconds.
We get it. You hate DmC. No one cares buddy. Get over yourself and stop whining. DmC is over a year old and is there really a point to complaining about it anymore? Man, you are making yourself a prime example of what I call the fandumb. You need to just chill.

There's a lot of things I hate. Like DMC 4. But I'm not going over in the DMC 4 sections talking about how poop that game is every 5 seconds.


Tyrant please stop making flamebait/troll threads. It's not helping anyone and it's really making you look bad.
He's been ignored, however, I shouldn't have to do that when someone, out of nowhere, decides to call me out name call me a "hater". He's done it several times, and he's broken the rules more than once, but again, he gets a free pass, such as:
You don't "have to", no ones making you ignore him.
And get a "free pass", like you seem to think. Either the mods just don't see him(Because, surprise surprise, mods are not omnipresent.) or no one minds those kind of posts.

Because randomly calling someone a hater and laughing because I somehow launched and "all-out attack" isnt trolling. But hey, Im just baiting for pointing these things that break the rules out, right? Like in that other post.
I don't know, he seems pretty consistent in terms of he does and doesn't like. And who he calls a "hater".
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not the highlight of this guy
That username, that GLORIOUS ****ing username
All it's missing is 420Xx
As for the topic, since the thread has been sane enough so far.
I have to admit, the lack of the style system is part of the reason I consider this a different game. It completely changes the gameplay in one hell of a variety of ways.
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We get it. You hate DmC. No one cares buddy. Get over yourself and stop whining. DmC is over a year old and is there really a point to complaining about it anymore? Man, you are making yourself a prime example of what I call the fandumb. You need to just chill.

There's a lot of things I hate. Like DMC 4. But I'm not going over in the DMC 4 sections talking about how poop that game is every 5 seconds.
There are dumbshickles that haven't gotten over Other M (a game I thought was overall OK) so no I won't leave it alone and I won't leave Cacpcom alone until they make another Darkstalkers game.
and I won't leave Cacpcom alone until they make another Darkstalkers game.
*picks up phone*
Hey, GabeN, GabeN, it's me, Red Pyro.
Yeah, I was just wondering if we could buy the rights to Darkstalkers.
Because I want this guy to feel the pain of our fans.
I'm hoping this is the last time somebody bump this thread yet again, so let me get this straight.

For all the other rational people who can respond, please don't respond to this kind of thread ever again, it's pretty clear that this guy's having fun doing this, might as well stop all the fun for him once and for all. Or simply let the mods discuss how fun is it to troll on the internet with him.

For certain someone who's having fun doing this again and again, we got this, you loathe on this game, but guess what? I don't care if you like it or not. Even the guys who're being more critical to this game are ignoring your posts, ever wonder why?

It's your brain, you can do whatever the hell you want with it on the internet. But when doing this, please remember that other people have a brain too. Have a little respect for other people who have a brain just like you.
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You don't "have to", no ones making you ignore him.
And get a "free pass", like you seem to think. Either the mods just don't see him(Because, surprise surprise, mods are not omnipresent.) or no one minds those kind of posts.
Which is his job. His post is one of the first replies too, don't know someone can miss that.

I don't know, he seems pretty consistent in terms of he does and doesn't like. And who he calls a "hater".
Because involving me in a post that I didn't even respond to is not random.

That username, that GLORIOUS ****ing username
All it's missing is 420Xx
Too bad there's a character limit.
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I'm hoping this is the last time somebody bump this thread yet again, so let me get this straight.

For all the other rational people who can respond, please don't respond to this kind of thread ever again, it's pretty clear that this guy's having fun doing this, might as well stop all the fun for him once and for all. Or simply let the mods discuss how fun is it to troll on the internet with him.

For certain someone who's having fun doing this again and again, we got this, you loathe on this game, but guess what? I don't care if you like it or not. Even the guys who're being more critical to this game are ignoring your posts, ever wonder why?

It's your brain, you can do whatever the hell you want with it on the internet. But when doing this, please remember that other people have a brain too. Have a little respect for other people who have a brain just like you.
I don't get any kind of enjoyment having to hate a game in a series I like. I don't like to have to say that Other is mediocre. I don't like to hate FFXII and XIII, but unfortunately their fizzwhistling terrible. I didn't even want to hate GoW:A, cuz let's be honest it is possible to have a fun multiplayer HnS game but Ascension is not the way to do it. What I'm trying to say is I don't want to hate a videogame but when something sucks, it flapperwackling sucks.
Which is his job. His post is one of the first replies too, don't know someone can miss that.
Like I said mods are not omnipresent they can't keep track of every single post or thread someone makes.

Because involving me in a post that I didn't even respond to is not random.
It was pretty easy to see that he was talking about newcomers that have a negative opinion of DmC, which you are, so it's not random.

Random would've been posting: "SSSSwagmaster is a hater."
In response to the thread.
I don't get any kind of enjoyment having to hate a game in a series I like. I don't like to have to say that Other is mediocre. I don't like to hate FFXII and XIII, but unfortunately their fizzwhistling terrible. I didn't even want to hate GoW:A, cuz let's be honest it is possible to have a fun multiplayer HnS game but Ascension is not the way to do it. What I'm trying to say is I don't want to hate a videogame but when something sucks, it flapperwackling sucks.
Fine, but don't expect any kind of positive response or support for making ridiculous threads like this one.
Or one that's sole purpose is to express hatred for the game.
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