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Reboot Pros and Cons ( no rants or pointless arguments)

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Enma Katana no Kami
there have been a million threads to complain about DmC and a million more to complain about the complaints it. there have been threads making theories based on the microscopic amount of information we have been provided. there was even a thread to complain about how immature everyone was being when complaing about DmC. what there has not been is a thread to try to figure out just what about it there is to complain about and what in the trailer seems to be good.

so lets all try to figure this out

STORY: all we know so far is that it is a retelling of dantes origins.( meaning it is in a different universe and tells dantes origins within that universe)
  • the original Dante's story has gotten a little stale this new Dante does not have that problem because we have never seen him before.
  • at the moment there are no plotholes in the DmC universe because there is no plot yet
  • those who want Virgil back don't have to worry about things like Virgil being dead because Virgil/Nelo Angelo's death in Devil May Cry1 doesn't apply to this universe
  • Ninja Theory has a reputation for making good, well thought out stories. ( something the Devil May Cry series has had trouble with)
  • the events in this game cannot fill in the plotholes in Devil May Cry1-4 because any explanations only apply to this game
  • Sparda, Virgil and Nero might not even exist in this universe
  • this story doesn't make the original Dante any less stale.
Subject 64432B " Dante" ( aka DINO, aka Nega-Dante, aka Nante ( are there anyother nicknames i missed?) : all we know is what he looks like and that he can be beat up and put in jail

  • Capcom and Ninja Theory claim he is the same as the other Dante
  • he is not compleatly invulnerable so it will be easier to sympthise with him.
  • difficulties with personal hygene
  • very few people like his new look
  • he smokes. ( possibly a sign of past trama but its more likely that Ninja Theory thinks it's cool ( is smoking still considered cool in the U.K? it hasn't been considered cool in the U.S since before i was born.)
Limbo City

  • looks cool
  • Limbo City is not a very good name.
so does anyone else have anything to add. remember this thread is not about if the game is a good idea. its about what parts of the idea are good or bad. please avoid off topic arguments/debates/ ranting.


Don't trust people
No arguments nor debates? :huh: Wut?
Yeah yeah. I'll go on and post mine:

1. It's a game with a new story?

1. It kills the Devil May Cry story, leaving it in the dust
2. It will not be Devil May Cry, just a game with it's name and genre

Smoking kid who think he is something
1. None

1. Smokes
2. Got that ****y teenage kid attitude
3. Dress awful
4. Look like he has taken drugs
5. Is a derail from any sign of the original Dante
6. Reminds me of Edward Cullen in Twilight

Limbo City
Looks really awesome
Has a befitting name, since Limbo is one of the layers of hell, etc

None? It's just a city.


I am Nero's Mom & Obsessed fan girl
Really, they haven't kicked Dante's ****y attitude which pee'd ALOT of ppl off in DMC4.
And for me leaving Vergil out will not actually bother me, I'd be very glad.

1. its a new game

1. dante smokes
2. reboot... if it is a genuine prequel to the series, the timeline may be thrown out even more.
3. This game could be in existence to make fans have a *ooh shiney* moment while they sort out the canoninty (whatever) of other stuff

That's all i can think of.


Don't trust people
darkslayer13;282107 said:
debates about the individual pros and cons are on topic but general debates about if the game is good or not are off topic.

I thought so. Would've been confusing otherwise. :wacko:


Dante enthusiast!

Pros -
* I'm sorta glad they're exploring Dante's origins - dunno if I'll like it, but I'm glad the game is heading in that direction

* If that dude with the cigarette didn't say 'my name is Dante' it's pretty much unrecognisable as a DMC game :(
*Dante smoking is a huge mistake.
*I liked the gothic design of the other games, that seems to have gone out the window.

Thats all I can think of at the minute, I'll edit if I think of anything else.

Dante's Stalker

"Outrun this!"
Supporter 2014
  • We'll get to understand Dante's character better (and those who don't like him might become fans of him after this game)
  • Possible jackpot moments, depending on whether Vergil is in or out
  • It's new and different: the look, the feel, the vibe. Nothing about it is stale, and yeah it might have been done before in other games but it's never been done DMC style.
  • Ninja Theory has a reputation for making good, well thought out stories. ( something the Devil May Cry series has had trouble with)
  • the events in this game cannot fill in the plotholes in Devil May Cry1-4 because any explanations only apply to this game
Subject 64432B: DANTE
  • It's Dante
  • He's chained down and tortured! XD
  • We'll be made to sympathise with him, knowing who he is and what he's capable of and him NOT knowing that - which means his arrogance about his appearance is going to be stripped down.
  • New fight styles and weapons!!!!
  • No showing off - this will be cutthroat Dante in all his glory.
  • We'll get to see Dante's raw power before it's fine tuned into what we know.
  • His pizza addiction will replace his smoking addiction (cos I said so!)
  • ............:huh:
Limbo City

  • It looks like every other city, and fits the dark, gritty, modern look they're going for
  • It's a perfect setting for juveniles to run amok
  • I have no concerns that Nero will come charging in on his white horse to save the damsel in distress, because knights and horses don't FIT here
  • More realistic; can relate to a city like that
  • bliss.gif


Well-known Member
Nice thread. ^^ +Rep for that.
My personal pros and cons won't be exposed yet though, as I see it to be too early to actually make such a list. There's not much to base it off other than the trailer and the many fan-theories out there. However, I can tell that I somewhat agree with the top post. ^^


Crazy Chick
^same with me. Not much to say about one trailer (they should do what Capcom's doing right now with the cinematic MvC3 trailers. Show something cool while fleshing out the story a little).
I like OP's and Master Vergil's posts though.


Don't trust people
Asmodaius;282157 said:
Nice thread. ^^ +Rep for that.
My personal pros and cons won't be exposed yet though, as I see it to be too early to actually make such a list. There's not much to base it off other than the trailer and the many fan-theories out there. However, I can tell that I somewhat agree with the top post. ^^

fon;282163 said:
^same with me. Not much to say about one trailer (they should do what Capcom's doing right now with the cinematic MvC3 trailers. Show something cool while fleshing out the story a little).
I like OP's and Master Vergil's posts though.

But it was opinions on the trailer it was asked for, not the full game. :p


Entertain me.
-fresh main character design
-new extremely capable engine
-another hack 'n' slasher of the triforce (dmc ninja gaiden and god of war) on store shelves

-alienated fan base
-inexperience with new engine


Well-known Member
aka958;282197 said:
But it was opinions on the trailer it was asked for, not the full game. :p

True, but I don't see it as enough to start making such a list for. I need more informations before I can start making such a list, or else it will just be a repeatation of everyone else's lists and not personal at all.

And as I said, I somewhat agree with darkslayer13's list from the top post. ^^


Forever For Dante
well...I won't be able to tell the pros and cons now coz its too early...I better wait for more fresh images and news from Reboot before sorting things out...


Well-known Member
I might be dubble posting some stuff now, hope that's not a problem.

-I actually think it's awesome the dude is smoking. It completes the whole I dont give a f**k idea around Dante. And comeone, one of the highest streaks you can achieve in the game is callen "Smokin'" (sorry, pun intended)
-It appears asif Dante can finally be beaten by regualar creatures in a cutscene. In the other games he doesn't even seem to be bothered by their presence.
-He has an AWESOME new sword. Will probably be very simular to the Death scythe in Dante's inferno (which I think is the greatest game after the DMC series.).
-Very simple: It's another DMC game. I hope all people claiming it wont have anything to do with the other DMC games or characters are wrong.
-The new city looks great. I hope there will be more "humans" like in DMC 4, and it looks like that's gonna happen.

-I would have prefered a sequal, not a prequel. A little disappointing, tho not a complete failure.
-I have always loved Dante's white hair.


Not listening.
-I love the new Dante. I think the design blends the flamboyance of the earlier games with some realism. Let's face it, if you're fighting demons and throwing yourself around, you're gonna get dirty! Your hair might not be perfect! And that's ok. Also, he's smoking hot, no pun intended.
-The cityscape looked great. I'm hoping there are more NPCs in this game as well as some good variety to backgrounds.
-Hopefully god-mode Dante is no more and we can get some real character development. Call me corny, but I like my games with some dynamism.
-I love industrial music with female vocals. The fight music for the trailer was great.
-This Dante appears to be 18-21, about the same age as he was supposed to be in DMC3. This could mean the events of DMC3 are null and void. I really like that idea.
-Given Ninja Theory's reputation, the story will probably be more coherent and have greater depth than the previous games' stories.
-I like that this game will (clearly, to me) have themes such as disenfranchised youth and a dystopian world. I think it fits well with the times.

-The new game will almost certainly do nothing to fill in plot holes from the previous games. What was Nero's deal? What about DMC3's Vergil? What happened to Lucia? The world may never know.
-They might take Dante down a few too many notches. I'm optimistic about this as NT has repeatedly said they want to keep much of the base material from DMC intact, but it could happen.

Edited since I'm half-asleep anyway...


Well-known Member

Dante is too different for my tastes

Cut scene of fighting style seems slow and lacks the same style as previous games
No sign of Rebellion

I liked the old story, to replace it seems a shame

Ninja Theory


Well-known Member
cheezMcNASTY;282268 said:
-fresh main character design
-new extremely capable engine
-another hack 'n' slasher of the triforce (dmc ninja gaiden and god of war) on store shelves

-alienated fan base
-inexperience with new engine

I'm sorry but I have an extreme desire to SLAP YOUR SH*T.

-Their character design is a blatant self insert and is completely out of place, if this is Dante before DMC3, what is this kid, 15?

-They're using UE3 for the engine, it is not new, it is terrible for anything other than FPS and TPS and even then it's choppy.

-Ninja Theory are terrible developers and everything they have made has been a sales flop.

-They have made up a concept for an entirely different game and are doing nothing but whoring the DMC name.

I'll be banned for this but F*CK THIS MAKES ME ANGRY.


Nein, not ze puppies!
WTFISTHIS;285072 said:
I'm sorry but I have an extreme desire to SLAP YOUR SH*T.

-Their character design is a blatant self insert and is completely out of place, if this is Dante before DMC3, what is this kid, 15?

-They're using UE3 for the engine, it is not new, it is terrible for anything other than FPS and TPS and even then it's choppy.

-Ninja Theory are terrible developers and everything they have made has been a sales flop.

-They have made up a concept for an entirely different game and are doing nothing but whoring the DMC name.

I'll be banned for this but F*CK THIS MAKES ME ANGRY.

This thread is for discussing pros/cons. The Thread header clearly states no rants or pointless arguments. There is no need to come read this thread and say how much it makes you angry or have some overwhelming desire to say how much you hate everyones optamistic outcome of the game, it hurts other peoples feelings and is unnessecary. There is specifically a thread called "Let it all out!" That you *could've* posted in.

- New city setting looks excellent and offers quite a bit of potential.
- Seeing that Ninja Theory is helping out with this, the plot and character development has a high chance of being top-notch.
- We'll finally get to see a Dante with some actual, dynamic character development. That, and the fact that he's been captured and tortured signifies that he won't an arrogant prankster all the time; we'll be able to really sympathize with him.
- The weapon looks awesome (transformation weapons ftw!)
- The new, dark, brutal, gritty, modern "realistic" look seems great, imo.
- I'm lovin' the music.
- The city overworld offers up a ton sidequest/sandbox/ open-world gameplay concepts.


- Being made with Unreal engine on 30 FPS.
- Combat mechanics/gameplay may change dramatically.
- Has alienated and/or split up the fan base.
- Some important characters from the original games may be cut out.
- This Dante could end up becoming another angsty, emo teen cliche if they make the story and character development too mello-dramatic.
- Dante smokes... :( (I'm sorry, but whenever I see a developer create a character who smokes, I get the impression that they're trying too hard.)


Dino's Meth supplier

- The moves in the trailer were cool. If the moves are nearly that realistic in gameplay, the game will be fun. Even with a bad plot/story. (F*ckin' loved the jump-crash landing-jump and hit combo.)
- The dark, grunge, modern style of the game is Smokin'!
- New chance to develop a more realistic (less manga-style) story.
- The "trailer part" of the characters' story:

I guess they intended to create some drama with the interrogated, kicked-in-the-face character. So the character has a story, big problems which he needs to solve. But the designers did a bad job with: (followed in "cons section")


- The head/face (he/it looks like a metrosexual hobo???) They could come up with a better character than this. So the cool interrogated character becomes a raped/abused character.

Good char examples: Deus Ex, Metal Gear Solid (old ones), Splinter Cell. Give us a Western Ryu with less muscle and smaller feet and a lot of people would be happy. (Come on... Even Obama's face would do a better job.)

- Hair style/color: Looks like the same haircut Russian prostitute-stereotypes have. And the color... It's black with a white stroke in the middle. Puppy dog-Dante?
It's just weird.

- A reboot could mean that good things are coming, but replacing a "manga story" with a realistic one could also mean that if the developers can't/couldn't handle the new story well, this could be the end of the Devil May Cry series or a period of a few years for a fresh/good story. (Remember Dragonball Evolution?)

I really hope this character is a cloned "Dante" and the real one is hiding somewhere.
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