@The Final Offer
You collect comics right ?
If you do then tell which feels more rewarding.
A. Holding that very 1st appearance of DeadPool in your hands
B. Downloading that 1st appearance of DeadPool.
Oh & i think signed copies of physical issues are worth more than the digital download.
I don't collect comics.
But what feels most rewarding...
Downloading it is much more safer and posting the entire comic onto a HDTV for me and my friends to read is much more rewarding.
Signatures are different...and if you somehow got it signed, then you're going to have to find someone who's going to want to buy that signed copy for the price you're asking. That's what makes that signed product argument interesting and yet very much like gambling.
Now let's say that you upped the price of the signed producted. When they go online they have two options, get the signed copy that may or may not be valuable or get the downloadable copy for that same entertainment. This all depends on WHY you're shopping. To try to make a profit or for the content inside of the product.